Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 3.djvu/52

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 B. IIL JAS. ao. 1917.


John Smith to Richard Edwards. (O.C. 3277.)

Hatchora Hattee,* 14th May /69 Mr Richard Edwards

The 12th in the morning wee arived here, at which time found that I had Left my Little Carpet at Cassimbuzar, which was your mans Rougrie it was, for when my servant was putting Up my things your man tooke away the Carpet. I have sent you a Polompoaref which pray accept of.

  • Hajrahati, a few miles north of Mirdaudpur',

t Polompoare, palempore, properly palangposh, a quilt.

The Companys goods with Mr Marches and mine have received much damage, but your Sword Blades are soe well acquainted with the water that they are not the Worse for wetting.

Yours till you and I meet


My Sends to Mr Powell* and Love to Mr Jones J. S.

[Endorsed] To Mr Richard Edwards Merchant

Present in Cassumbuzar [In Richard Edwards' s writing] from Mr Smith 14 May 69. R c TEMPL ^

(To be continued.)

  • Henry Powell, then chief at Kasimbazar, will

be noticed later.

AN ENGLISH ARMY LIST OF 1740. (See 12 S. ii. 3, 43, 84, 122, 163, 204, 243, 282, 324, 364, 402, 443, 482, 524.)

THE next regiment (p. 42) was formed in 1702, one wing having its headquarters at Colchester and the other at Norwich, the men belonging chiefly to Norfolk, Essex, &c. In due course it became "The 34th Regiment of Foot," and in 1782 received the territorial title "Cumberland." Since 1881 it has been designated "The Border Regiment" :

Lord James Cavendish's Regiment of Foot.

' Colonel

lieutenant Colonel Major


Captain Lieutenant


Lord James Cavendish (1)

John Heley (2)

Mau. Powell (3) I John Sellioke

Robert Browne 1 Thomas Spedy (4) I Michael Studholm (5). . I John Lovel . . | John Brushfield \ Edward Webster

Henry Stirke . .

/ Michael Phillips I John Berkeley ! Henry Hart (7) | Robert Chamier J William Foden I Charles Terrot (8) ! Sir Thomas Chudleigh (9) I Charles Urquhart James Hamilton . John Dundass (10)


Dates of their present commissions. 1 Nov. 1738

15 Dec. ditto 25 Dec. 25 June 20 May 15 Dec. 19 Dec. 28 Aug. 1 June


1726 1731 1731 1731 1735 1737 1739

15 Dec. 1738

9 July 1726

22 ditto 1731

19 Nov. 1731

20 ditto

1 May 1733


Dates of their first

commissions. Captain, 6 June 1727. Lieutenant, May 1709. Ensign, 6 Mar. 1718. Captain, 12 July 1711. Ensign, 3 May 1702. 1 Dec. 1709. 27 Aug. 1708. 4 June 1717. 10 Oct. 1711. 1 May 1720.

Ensign, 25 Mar. 1711.

Ensign (6) 9 July 1726. Ensign, 9 June 1722. Ensign, 1 Mar. 1724. Ensign, 30 Mar. 1725. Ensign, 1704.

Ensign, Ensign, Ensign, Ensign, Cornet,

28 Aug. 1737 8 Nov. 1737

15 Dec. 1738 2 Mar. 1738

Ensign, 18 July 1719.

Ensign, 20 May 1731.

Ensign, 12 May 1731.

Ensign, 29 July 1731.

(1) Second son of William, 2nd Duke of Devonshire. Prior to his appointment as Colonel, he had served in the 3rd Foot Guards. Was M.P. for Malton, Yorks. Died Nov. 5, 1741.

(2) Died in 1741.

(3) Lieutenant-Colonel in the regiment, Aug. 12, 1741. Killed at the battle of Falkirk, 1746,

(4) Lieutenant, July 18, 1718.

(5) Lieutenant, June 9, 1722 ; Major, April 21, 1743 ; retired Oct. 25, 1744.

(6) Should be "Lieutenant."

(7) Major in the regiment, March 3, 1751 ; resigned Feb. 2, 1757. Lieut. -Governor, Sheer- s-mess, 1757-82.

(8) Captain, March 28, 1751. Still serving in 1755.

(9) Fifth Bart., of Ashton, Devon, nephew of George, 4th Bart. Died June, 1741, at Aix-la- x-Chapelle. Baronetcy extinct in 1745.

(10) Captain, Feb. 5, 1746 ; Major, Feb. 2, 1757 ; retired Feb. 28, 1759.