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i2s.iv.APKiL.i9i8.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


Your 18 rs. I received this Evening, butt the Sudden returne of the Cossid denyed me the power of Serving you att present, in what you desired, For, in so Short A time as halfe A day, I Could neither Get them [sic] pa. of Sartnoes you desired so good Or So Cheap As in A longer time, which shall be betwixt this and the next Opportunity dedicated to procure them. Your ps. of Curtain Stuffe yet remains unsold, though I have Endeavoured My Selfe and have imploy'd Others to Attempt the Same. Att the Arrivall of the Europe Ships I may perhaps Effect it.

I am reduced [nojxv to A necessity of being Abrupt in not An[swe]ring yours So full as I would, for besides the Quick [dispajtch of the Peon, Mr Hall this day [torn away] send to Hugly. And what buisine [torn away]ers {Of which he is inclined you know) to [torn away] it is imposed upon me to be the ftorn]ly person that must perform it.

I am forced [torn] now to be tamely Abused, not that I am in the lest inclined to furious Wayes, Either for Defence Or revenge. Butt reason is not now permitted to be Argued Since Mr Hall has been endued with power to Command,* that together with his Age, Authorizing Affronts, Of whose nature by the next lie acquaint you, and att present Excuse my Shortness by declareing my Selfo

Your reall friend


Present my respects to Mr Vincent.

What you desired as to Mr Reade I have performed.

Mr Bradfordf by great misfortune, as he was Coming from Hugly with a pergoj laden with Oyle, was cast away about Ingerlee. but not much hurt to his person or goods. Of this I had newes to day.

[Endorsed] To Mr Richard Edwards

Merchant In Cassambazar.

  • Joseph Hall, who had resented the appoint-

ment of Matthias Vincent as Chief at Kasimbazar on the death of John March, was at this time at variance with all his superiors, and made the life of his subordinates a misery.

t I have found no other mention of this individual, who was probably the captain of a coasting vessel.

J A cargo boat. The word is probably a corruption of the Port, barcct. See Bowrey ' Countries round the Bay of Bengal,' ed. Temple p. 228.

Hijili, an island at the mouth of the Hugl river.


John Vickers to Richard Edwardt. (O.C. 3638.)

Decca May the 14th 1672 Dear Brother

The 18th past month I reacht this ilace but can g[ive] you little Account of it is yet, having been out of i[t] ever since my eaving Cassumbazar.

I have got ready 1 ps. mulmul* and 1 do. [.'anjeeb, bu[t] cannot send them as yet, the Diwanf not permitting to send A Cosset. The rest of the things in your remem [torn] shall get ready ; your Seal is Cutting, the arm things [sic'] [and] Rinocerots home are very Dear, above 10 rup[ees] as they tell me, soe have bought none as yet.

Before my leaving Cassumbazar I paid the Chefif] gualleej 1 rupee (to provide men to oe to Merdad[pur]) which I thinke was aot Deducted out of their h[ire].

my Boy [?]ooroejj has I thinke stole my S'ew buttons, but saith they were left in [line torn away] Send me word if it soe that I may g [torn] a Despatch, for I snow that he (and hear th[at his] father allsoe) is a theif : if Bekunn^f b[e not] Come a\vay pray hasten him :

Our goodes are not yet come from Hugly, hut in a letter received 2 dayes since from Mr Clave[ll] he advises they will suddenly ; I hope now they bee in the way hither.

I hope now wee are past making any excuses [for] any trouble which wee give one another and therefore shall onel;/ reckon up my wants, wh[ich] desire you to Supply if you Can, imprimis, [?] peeces of Mumsamma** Course as soon as Conve[nient]ly you Can Per any Merchants Boat ; if you Cann[ot] Supply me with these ft the Companies

oodes, [I am] like to goe withoxit them.

tern : 1 ps. of ord[inary]coulouredTaffaty$J

  • Hind, malmal, muslin.

f Diwdn, chief native officer (properly " cow- herd ").

$ Gwala, palanquin bearer.

Mirdaudpur. This place, which was situated north-east of Kasimbazar, is traced by Yule (see ' Hedges' Diary,' vol. iii. pp. 219-20) up to 1770. It does not appear in any modern map, and has probably been swallowed up by the Jelinghl river, which hereabouts frequently cuts its banks.

|| ? Bhurl. The first letter is missing. 11 Bhlkhan.

    • Hind, mom jama, wax-cloth.

tf " From " seems to be omitted. JJ See Letter XIII.