Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 4.djvu/361

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Notes anil Queries, March, 1919.



Hansel, Mansell, or Maunsell family, its Roll of

Honour, 101

Mansfield (Richard), American actor, his resi- dence at Wey bridge, 238 Map (Walter), quotation in ' De Nugis Curialium '

identified, 99

Maps published in the 16th century, 117 Markshall, Essex, history of the house, 234, 26b Maryborough (James Ley, 1st Earl of), portrait

by Van Somer, 45 Mamix (Philip van), his ' Beehive of the Holy

Roman Church,' 158 Marriages, tax on, 48 Marriott family, 61

Masonic heraldry, crescent for difference, 46, 89 Masonic portrait, Brother Jack Archer, 1861, 77 Marryat (Capt. Frederick), his ' Diary of a BlaseV

change in title, 336

Mars and Saturn, their conjunction in 1473, 103 Marten (Walder), inscription on gravestone

wanted, 14

Marten family of Marshall's Wick, Berts, 78 " Master " in old playbill, title for boy, 176 Mathews (Col. Robert), military secretary to Lord

Dorchester, 270 Maunsell, Mansel, or Mansell family, its Roll of

Honour, 101

Maw, piquet pack at, 116, 171 May, boys born in, cruel to animals, 133, 172, 257 Mazes in Yorkshire, 160 Meadows (Miss), in poems by Pope, her identity,

liilj, 198

" Mebus," war slang, explained, 11, 86, 268, 308 Medals : Innocent X., 1647, 216 ; George II., 1736,

217, 253 ; Peace of Amiens, 1801, 243 Medical men assassinated, instances, 217, 257,

339 Medical profession, licences from the Church, 11,

58 Medop (Mr.), Fellow of Trinity, 1581, his identity,

132, 202

Memorials in the British Isles, 69, 207, 294 " Men of Kent," history of the phrase, 29 " Menshevik," Russian political party, origin of

name, 71

Merchant marks on old finger-rings, 301 Meredith (George), " poor princess " in his ' Essay on Comedy,' 44 ; on John Stuart Mill and French comedy, 44 Merignan or Meryon family, 187, 254 Mermaid Tavern, Cheapside, illustration of,

belonging to William Upcott, 131 Merrington family, arms wanted, 130 Meryon or Merignan family, 187, 254 Metaphysical Society, its history, 170 Metropolitan Club c. 1869, its members, 130, 170 Mews or Mewys family, its history, 166 Mickle (William Julius), authorship of ' Cumnor

Hall,' 300

Midwives, ecclesiastical control of, 69 Miers (John), profilist, 45, 141 Mildmay and Pell families, 87 Milestones, Roman, in Cornwall, 246, 341 Milk, new, a cure for swollen legs, 146 Mill (John Stuart) on French comedy, 44 Millington and Franklin families, 246 Milner (William), tower to, at Port Erin, 207 Milton (John), on Athens, echoed by Newman,

181 ; and an oak on Hampstead Hill, 299 Miners' memorials at Durham, 207 Misquotations by Macaulay, 76, 107 Mistletoe on oaks, list of examples, 105 ' Modern Society,' who was " Keirkenny " ? 12

Mohammed and the mountain, history of the

proverb, 325 Monck (Elizabeth), centenarian, " adopted an

infant boy," inscription, 16, 84 Monsey (Dr. Messenger), epitaph by Peter Pindar,


Moore (Abraham), translator of Pindar, informa- tion wanted, 270 Moore (Sir John), Hibemicisrr in Wolfe's ' Burial,*

43 ; additional verses to Wolfe's ' Burial,' 76 Moore or More (John), member of the Long

Parliament, his history, 52, 112 More (Sir Thomas) on " Neither rime nor reason,"

105, 229

Moseleys at Westminster School, 330 Mossop family, information wanted, 158


Alis nutrior, 10*

Non rapit imperium vis tua, sed recipit,


Qui s'estime Petyt deviendra Grand, 172J Tria juncto in uno, 82, 92 Tria numina juncta in uno, 82 Una custodia probitas, 104 " Vitta Latta. Libro Pace," in Napoleon C & ' Moliere,' 102, 167

Mottoes on love tokens, books containing, 137 Mouser (Amelia), pseudonym, inquired after, 49 " Mow," its varying pronunciation, 74, 196 Miiller (Max), his definition of religion, 186, 260 Murray (Sir David), 4th Bart., and the '45, 220 Murray (Sir Robert), 9th Bart., his history-, 225 Musgrave (Philip), memorial clock-tower at Penrith, 208


Name changed at confirmation, 43 Napoleon, did he ever meet Wellington ( V, " Vitta Latta. Libro Pace," in his Moliere, 102, 167 ; on bad colonels, 219 National Gallery, its first home, 128 Naturalization by Act of Parliament, 127, UU,

172, 268, 266

Neale and Dutton lamilies of Cheam, 159 Neele (Henry), poet, 1798-1828, information

wanted, 161 . T .

Nelson (Horatio, Viscount), fragment of Last

Diary, 72 ; Collenbach's description of him and

Lady Hamilton, 129 ; the font at Buraham

Thorpe Church, 327 . ,,

Neptune, origin of ceremonies when crossing uie

Line," 77, 139

' New English Dictionary,' additions and correc- tions, 155, 218, 271, 283 New Shakspere Society, full list of ita publications,

77, 143, 170, 338 .. m

Newman (John Henry) on Athens, echoes Ii

Milton, 181 . ,000

Newport (I. of W.) and the Revolution of 1 ,

289, 338 , ,.

Nibelungen Lied, English poetical translatio

wanted, 216 . .

Nicholson and Craggs families, their relationship,

220, 310 <

Nirvana, its definition, 64 Noel (Rev. Thomas), Rector of Kirkby Mallory

his parentage, 242, 315