Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 5.djvu/14

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[12 8. V. JAN., 1919,

if we prefer the second meaning, " Rutter " would postulate *rotarius, a Low Latin form which would signify a player upon the rote ; cp. Chaucer " Wei coude he singe and plaien on a rote " (' C. T.,' Prol., 1. 237).

The correption of the stem vowel of

  • rotarius can be easily paralleled : cp. O.F.

moton, F. mouton, Engl. "mutton"; O.F. boton, F. bouton, Engl. " button." Similarly the Lat. butyrum became O.E. butere, Engl. " butter."

Now the ancient Cheshire family of Rutter derives its origin from Peter le Roter de Thornton, lord of Kingsley and Norley, and a descendant of Ranulf de Meschines, Earl of Chester temp. Henry I. This phrase " le Roter " is undoubtedly the forerunner of " Rutter," and it supports my hypothesis inasmuch as it points to rotarius > roter, and signifies an official player on the rote or violin in this case, at the court of the Earl Palatine of Chester. ALFBED ANSCOMBE.

MABKSHALL AND THE FULLER FAMILY. (See 10 S. ix. 144 ; 12 S. iii. 53 ; iv. 234, 263). The following facts may be of additional interest. In Misc. Gen. et Her., Fourth Series, vol. iv. pp. 30-5, 1 published a frulwer or ffuller pedigree ; and at p. 66 I added notes from which it appears beyond doubt that, at a very remote date, the Fullers were lords of the manor of Markeshall. To save space I confine my extracts to a summary from the notes only, in which the generations are numbered :

(14) Bic'us de fulwer de Markeshall in com' Essex = Magdalene filse Ric'i Danbye.

(16) Thomas fulwer de Markeshall = Anne une file et here Wilhelmi Bersett, miles.

(16) Thomas fulwer de Markshall = Agnes file et here Henrici Ashewell in Com' Cantabrigii.

(17) Thomas fulwer de Nettes[hall] in Shepey = Erminelde une file et heredu' Benet de Kent.

Members of this branch were at this time also lords of the manor of Neatshall and of the manor of Tempsford, co. Bedford, as proved by the following extracts from the Heralds' College.

Grant of crest to Ralph ffulwar of London, gent., son of Thomas ffulwar, Esq., lord of Netes (who was son of Thomas fTulwar, Esq.,

lord of Netes, by dau. and heir of. Benet

of Kent, Esq.), and great -grandsoii of Thomas ffulwar of Markeshall, co. Essex, Esq., Dec. 20, 3 Elizabeth.

Grant of crest to John Fullwer, lord of the manor of Tempsford, co. Bedford, Esq., and judge in the Guildhall of the Court of one of the Sheriffs of London, son of Thomas ffulwer, lord of Netes in the Isle of Sheppey,

co. Kent, Esq. (by Margaret his wife, daughter and heir of Nicholas Clarell of Edgecott, co. Northampton, Esq.), and grandson of Thomas ffulwar, lord of Markes Hall in the county of Essex, Esq., Dec. 20, 3 Elizabeth.

Grant of crest to James ffulwarr of London, Merchant of the Staple and Merchant Adventurer (brother of John Fulwer, lord of the manor of Tempsford), Dec. 20, 3 Eliza- beth.

There is an earlier grant of arms, July 7, 1551, to William ffulwar of Holewell, co. Hertford, brother of John ffulwer, lord of Tempsford. But I am travelling beyond Markshall, and will conclude.



ELSINOBE. This euphonious place-name enshrined in the thrilling lines of Camp- bell's ' Battle of the Baltic ' :

Let us think of them that sleep,

Full many a fathom deep,

By thy wild and stormy steep,

Elsinore I

and in ' Hamlet ' does not betray its true origin in its English guise, which approaches closely to the French form, Elseneur. The town, a seaport of some importance, called in Danish Helsingoer, stands at the entrance to the Sound, separated by a few miles from the Swedish port of Helsingborg on the mainland opposite. Helsingland is another Swedish place in the same category of nomenclature, to which also belongs Hel- singfors in Finland, the ancient sept of the Helsings having given their tribal name to the series. The different suffixes signify respectively : oer, isles ; borg, castle or burg ; land, country, and fors, force, current, or rushing stream. As Elsinore is situated on the shore of the island of Zealand, it may have received its name from having been built on land that has since been filled in or reclaimed, as in the case of Burnt- island, Fifeshire. ' N. W. HILL.

EMPSON E. MIDDLETON. The Times on Nov. 21, 1917, gave extracts from the will and codicils of Mr. Empson Edward Middle- ton, author of ' Ah, Happy England ! * mentioned at 12 S. iii. 30. From these it appeared that the testator claimed large sums from the British Government and other quarters for inventions he had put forward. Mr. Middleton's published works included metrical translations from Virgil, books on yachting and seamanship, and others directed against received views on. natural philosophy, &c. W. B. H.