Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 5.djvu/242

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 s. v. SEPT., 1919

DAVID M. MAIN AND THE ENGLISH SONNET. David M. Main in his preface to the ' Treasury of English Sonnets ' (ed. 1880) says that he determined " not to encumber his volume with the analytical Essay on the Sonnet out of which it originally grew." Can any reader say if that essay was ever printed, either separately or in any periodical ? ROLAND AUSTIN.

Public Library, Gloucester.

LUCIEN BONAPARTE : PRISONER IN ENG LAND. Madame Jtmot, Duchesse d' Abrantes, at p. 146, vol. iv., of her 'Memoirs (Bentley & Sons, 1893), relates that Lucien Bona- parte on being taken prisoner by the English was conducted to Ludlow Castle and placec under the charge of Lord Powis, Lore Lieutenant of the county. Is this accurate, and was any part of the Castle habitable so recently as 1810 ? GRAHAM MILWARD.

77 Colmore Row, Birmingham.

FEAST or THE ASSUMPTION : SIGN OF THE CROSS.- Can any of your readers tell me oi an instance in which they have heard Aug. 15, the Feast of the Assumption, spoken of as " Lady T)ay in harvest " ? I believe that it was so called by the peasan- try in past days and I am very anxious to know if the usage, or any definite record of it, still survives.

I should be grateful also for any informa- tion as to old Catholic practices, such as the use of the sign of the cross, which may still exist, to your readers' knowledge. I am trying to collect traces of such. I may add that I do not want to trouble any one for more than a postcard.


Thistledown, Bearton Avenue, Hitchin, Herts.

MARY CLARKE or NEW YORK. There is a tablet to her memory in the chancel of Millbrook Church, Bedfordshire, in, which she is described as wife of Richard Vassall of Jamaica who was born in 1730, died 1795. Any particulars regarding Mary Clarke, especially in regard to her connection with Millbrook, will be welcome.


MARYLEBONE BURIAL GROUNDS. On the south side of Paddington Street is the largest ground, consecrated temp. George I. The site having been converted into a public garden the headstones have been mostly set up against the boundary wall, others having been laid flat to form a walk. Very few of the inscriptions are now legible, owing to incrustations of dirt and the effect of the weather. Some stones have had

identification numbers painted on thei Is any list in existence ? The majority ht "Mr." but a few "Esq." Among tl latter I noticed Robert Auchmuty, Judj of the Admiralty in New England, who death is not given in Sabine's ' America Loyalists.' V. L. OLIVER, F.S.A.


WOODEN PEGS : SCREWS. I should 1 glad to know when wooden pegs in furnitu were displaced by pointless screws, and wh< the latter gave way to pointed screws.

J. W. SWITHINBANK. Sheffield.

RALPH GRIFFITH. A few particulars ar dates of birth and death of the founder < conductor of Monthly Review, 1749-178 will be esteemed ANEURIN WILLIAMS.

Menai View, North Road, Carnarvon.

MAULE. Information concerning the fc lowing Maules who were educated at Wes minster School is desired :

(1) John Maule, admitted in 1787.

(2) Robert Maule, admitted in 174' aged 10,

(3) Willaim Maule, admitted in 1786.

G. F. R. B.

MARTIN. Information is much wante about the following Martins, who wei educated at Westminster School :

(1) Charles Martin, admitted 1766.

(2) Charles Martin, son of Charles Marti of Charleston, South Carolina, who w r as ac initted a King's Scholar 1772, aged 13. .

(3) Edward Martin, who graduated M.^ at Camb. Univ. from Trin. Coll. 1606.

(4) George Martin, admitted 1772.

(5) George Martin, admitted 1783.

(6) John Martin, who graduated M.A. a Camb. Univ. from Trin. Coll. 1649.

(7) John Martin, admitted 1718, aged 15.

(8) Leonard 'Mar tin, admitted 1727, aged 1$

(9) Richard Martin, admitted!720, aged 1]

(10) Samuel Martin, admitted 1722, aged 7

(11) Thomas Martin, admitted 1720, aged 14

G. F. R, B.

NEWTON, R.A. : PORTRAITS WANTED. '. shall be glad of particulars of portrait Dainted by Gilbert Stuart Newton, R.A. E. ALFRED JONES. 6 Fig Tree Court, Temple, E.C.

CRUSADERS' NAMES. A list of the recruit; Burnished to the third Crusade exists in * VIS. penes Dean and Chapter of Canterbury Has this ever been printed, if so, where anc vhen ? J. H. R