Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 5.djvu/258

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NOTES AND QUERIES. 1 12 s.v. SEPT., 1919.

Mr. Verity has added a judicious Life of Milton, in which he justly refers to the "barren" contro- versy with Salmasius. A poet such as Milton was wasting his time in a slanging match. It seems rather odd at this time of day to refer to "Mr. Mark Pattison." Perhaps the little Life was written when he was not generally known as a scholar of great repute.


MESSRS. D. W. EDWARDS, 11 Queen Street, Hull, has issued No. 18 Bough Catalogue of Secondhand Books on Art, Autograph Letters, Illustrated Books of the Sixties, and various subjects.

No. 312, a Series of Autograph Letters addressed to the Duke of Leeds, Lord Lieutenant of the East Biding, re the formation of the Volunteers to defend the East Coast against the threatened invasion by Napoleon, 1792, from Bight Hon. Henry Dundas, John Wray (Mayor of Hull), Sir Tatton Sykes, Portland, B. H. Crew, Sec. Ordnance, Frederick F. M. (son of George III.), &c. In all 65 letters, documents with MSS. of a Paper on the subject written for the purpose of a lecture. Price 20Z. Another unusual item is a Collection of Tracts, printed in Hull or written by Hull authors on matters appertaining to Hull, 1200 (50Z.). There are 449 titles, some priced as low as Is. 6ci, and list of Desiderata, Books Wanted.

THE September Catalogue of Bemainder books just issued by William Glaisher, Ltd., of 265 High Holborn, London, contains among other items many volumes of ' The Biblical Illustrator,' at 3s. 9cZ. each ; Dawbarn's ' Makers of New France,' 10s. 6d. for 3s. 9d. ; four books by Christopher Hare on the ' Italian Benaissance,' 6s. for 2s. 6d. each ; Martin Hume's ' Court of Philip IV.,' 18s. for 5s. Qd. ; Bannie's ' Adventures among the South Sea Cannibals,' 16s. for 7s. ; ' St. Clare and Her Order,' 7s. Qd. for 3s. 3d., and many other books at reduced prices.

WE conclude our comments on Messrs. Maggs Bros.' Catalogue No. 380, Part I. of which was dealt with in pur last issue.

Part II. of the Catalogue, which is wholly devoted to Incunabula, including woodcut books of the fifteenth century, is of great interest; arid contains examples of nearly every country.

Part III. comprises illustrated books of the sixteenth century only, and contains no less than 230 books. We notice that the great works of Diirer, ' The Apocalypse,' ' The Life of the^ Virgin,' and ' The Passion ' are all included. It is interest- ing to note how all the countries Spain, Belgium, France, Holland and Italy, all contribute their quota to this section.

Part IV. contains 75 books printed by Aldus and his successors in Venice. The other divisions in this Part are America, Astrology, Curiosa, French Books, Greece and Greek Books, Herbals, Italian Books, Law, and Liturgy. Many interesting edi- tions of Luther's tracts are to be found under

  • Luther and the Reformation.' Further headings

are Magic and Witchcraft, Mathematics, Medical Books, Music, Roman Catholic, including an inte- resting ' Papal Indulgence,' imprinted in London by Richard Faques in 1520, and is a form of indul- gence granted to such as should become members

of the confraternity of the Hospital of the Holy Spirit at Rome. It was issued by Philip Mulart r the Papal Commissary in England aud Ireland, and granted to all benefactors certain specified privileges. Richard Faques issued about 24 dif- ferent books, but for some reason almost everything he printed is of the greatest rarity, quite one half of his productions being known only from single copies or fragments. Another item of interest is the Papal Bull against the Russians granted by Pope Julius II. in 1506, being a Bull of indulgence to all those who should assist in person or in purse in resisting the heretical and schismatic Russians. The Indulgence was made in favour of the King of Poland, who in the following year defeated the Russians, under Czar Basilius, and slew thirty thousand of them.

The Catalogue concludes with a number of interesting Spanish books, the first Aldine edition of ^Esop, and some additional manuscripts with miniatures.

MESSRS. C. J. SAWYER, LTD., of 23 New Oxford Street, London, have recently issued another of their excellently produced Illustrated Catalogues (No. 55).

This interesting list contains a fine selection of Illustrated Works, Picture Galleries, and rare- Colour-Plate Books in choice condition, a larg and finely executed Original Oil Painting of Charles Dickens, by W. P. Frith, B.A., and a magnificent large Oil Painting of Greenwich from. Observatory Hill by Thomas Shotter Boys,; deserve attention. Attractive reproductions of] those are shewn in the list. Amongst the n>is-i cellaneous items we note fine bound sets of Modern Authors, British Poets, British EssayistsJ &c., beautiful bindings, and a first rate copy oli Le win's ' Birds of Great Britain,' illustrated witbi the original water colour drawings. Also Auto- graph Letters from Samuel Johnson to Mrs- Piozzi on the death of her husband, and a number of other autograph letters from the Townshend Collection.

We also notice what is possibly one of the greatest extra-illustrated works ever attempted,. ' Life of George Cruikshank,' by BlanchardL Jerrold, the two crown octavo volumes extended to four folio volumes by the insertion of over; 1,700 rare colour plates, caricatures, autograph. letters, drawings, playbills, &c., sumptuously bound in polished levant morocco, at the price oC 400Z.

WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately,, but we will forward advance proofs of answers- received if a shilling is sent with the query;, nor can we advise correspondents as to the value of old books and other objects or as to the means of disposing of them.



CORRIGENDA. Ante, p. 190, col. 1, 1. 16, for "Falkland" and "Fally" read Falkland, Folly -- P. 201, col. 2, 1. 21, for " Marchaumort " read Marchaumont.P. 211, col. 1, 1. 19 from foot, for "Permissa" read Permissu. P. 214, col. 1,3 1. M| for " urning" read mourning.