Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 5.djvu/298

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[12 s. v. NOV., 1919.

'ADESTE FIBELES.' In Julian's 'Dic- tionary of Hymnology,' the date of this hymn is given as " probably seventeenth or eighteenth century." In Rabelais' s ' Gar- gantua ' I. xli. (c. 1540), the monk is made to finish off a conversation with " Venite apotemus," which seems more than an accidental allusion to the refrain " Venite adoremus." Can any of your readers throw light on this ? JOHN MURRAY.

50 Albemarle Street, W.I.

MISSING PARISH REGISTER WANTED. I should be very glad if any of your readers can tell me whether the earlier registers of the parish of Philleigh in Cornwall are still in existence, and if so where. They have none at Philleigh earlier than 1733. A seventeenth-century register seems to have .been in existence only fifty years ago.

E. W. H. F.

HENRY NEPEAN OF LAUNCESTON. This man married at St. Stephen's, Launceston. Frances Dodge, in 1683. His will is dated 1739, and he died the following year. Tradition says that he was born in 1660.

Can any of your readers help me to verify the place and date of his birth and to trace his parentage ?

The name is variously spelt Napean, Nampean, Nanspian, &c., and has been found in Cornwall in 1641, but only at St. Keverne, St. Just in Penwith, Stythians Gerrans and Philleigh. E. W. H. F.

MELKART'S STATUE. Larousse Diction* ary says, a statue of Melkart (the Tyrian- Hercules) was transported from Carthage to Rome in 146 to adorn the temple of nations. Can any reader of classics give me historic reference or evidence of this ?


MARAZION. What is the origin of this place-name ? I have heard that it is connected with the Jewish slaves employed by the Romans in the neighbouring tin- mines. J. LANDFEAR LUCAS.

Glendora, Hindhead, Surrey.

ENSIGN OLIVER CROMWELL. Can any one genealogically find a place for Oliver Cromwell, gent., who was made " Ensign of that Company whereof William Drum- mond, Esq., is captain in the room of Charles Streeke in the Regiment of Foot commanded by Lord John Kerr, Aug. 1, 1727 (Irish Com. Regs.)." This was the old 31st Foot stationed in Ireland for many years at that period. This Oliver either died, or retired soon, for Charles Whitefoord was made

" Ensn. to Capt. Willm. Drummond in room of Oliver Cromwel, Jan. 29, 1728 " (sic, rightly 1728/9). Who, again, was Cromwell Price who was cornet in Bowles's 12th Dragoons, May 12, 1728, till succeeded by Nicholas Price, Jan. 1, 1730/1 ?

W. R. WILLIAMS. Talybont, Brecon.

THREE CRIPPLES, FIELD LANE. Was this an actual sign ( ' Oliver Twist ' ) ? There is a Three Crutches near Gad's Hill.


ALEXANDER. Any particulars of

Alexander, merchant in Athlone, circa 1750, or his descendants, are required. He is said to have been connected with the Pirns.


49 Nansen Road, Lavender Hill, S.W.ll.

STEPHEN HOPKINS : DAVY MICHELL : THOMAS COTESMORE. In the course of 1569, during the vacancy of the see of Chichester, Archbishop Parker made a metropolitical visitation of the diocese by a commissary, of which an account is to be found in P.R.O., S.P. Dom.,Eliz. Ix. 71. In the course of this account it is stated that these three priests " are fostered in gentle- men's houses, and run between Sussex and Hampshire, and are hinderers of true religion, and do not minister."

Stephen Hopkins was educated at Eton, and at King's College, Cambridge, of which latter College he was at one time Vice- Provost. He took the degree of M.A. in 1539, and subsequently that of B.D. He became Rector of West W r rotham, Kent, in 1551, and of East Wrotham in 1556, but was deprived of these livings early in Queen Elizabeth's reign and committed to the Fleet. In S.P. Dom. Add. Eliz., xi. 45, he is referred to thus :

" Stephen Hopkyns, clerk, confessor (as he saith) to the bishop of Aquila [i.e. Alvaro de Quadra, Spanish Ambassador], and a daily resorter unto him. He was delivered out of the Fleet by the Queen's Majesty's express commandment to the Lord of Canterbury." Is it known when he died ?

Is anything known about Davy Michell ?

Thomas Cotesmore was born in Sussex, and was ordained acolyte at Oxford in December, 1553. He was probably already a priest when he became rector of Poynings, Sussex, in 1554, where he was succeeded after de- privation in 1560. He took the degree of B.A. at Oxford in 1556, and was at one time chaplain to Thomas, 9th Earl De la Warr. Some time after 1569 he fled abroad, but returned to England in 1580 and was