Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 5.djvu/318

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[12 S. V. DEC., 19191

likely to capture the interest of a contem- porary audience, but noticeable to us nowadays solely for their antiquarian value, such as that to the "quondam Masks" referring to the edict issued against the use of those " Restoration " articles of feminine attire, devised at first to conceal the blushes which the ladies displayed at the comedies of Dryden and of Etheredge, and then employed to suggest that there were blushes beneath where, in reality, were none.

None of this appears, or could appear, in

  • The Amorous Miser,' which, all through,

is the better play. Where it was produced we do not know, but in any case its author- ship is exceedingly doubtful, and any further ascription to Motteux must rest on new facts, hitherto unforthcoming, and not on the probably confused and hearsay evidence of eighteenth century chroniclers of dramatic productions, fallible as these too often, have proved themselves, and un- critical in their methods and in their style.



(See 10 S. xi., xii. ; 11 S. i.-xii. ; 12 S. i.-iv. passim ; v. 89, 145, 259.)

THE following information about Statues and Memorials was compiled for MB. PAGE shortly before his death, and is hitherto unrecorded.


Memorial Cross. This memorial is . in the form of a huge monolith, 20 ft. high, erected on a circular base 10 ft. in diameter, and surmounted by a bronze cross ; is similar in design to the old cross, which in a sense it perpetuates, and records the various events of importance in the town's annals.

The following is a list of historic events inscribed on four bronze panels round the base :

1253. Bolton a free borough by Charter. 1256. Charter for market by Henry III. to Bodelton. 1337. Flemish clothiers settled. 1513. " Lusty lads from Bolton o' th' Moors "

(Ballad of * Battle of Flodden Field '). 1540. " Bolton-upon-Moor standeth most by cottons

and coarse yarns." (Leland).

1623. Lectureship founded for Sermons at Cross. 1631. Population 500. 164'. Grammar School founded. 1643-4. Daring Civil War Bolton besieged thrice

and taken once with much slaughter. 1651. James, Seventh Earl of Derby, beheaded

near this spot.

1661. "Bowlton hath a market on Mondays which*

is very good for clothing and provisions^.

and is a place of great trade for fustians." (Blome's ' Britannia '). 1753. Crompton, Inventor of the Spinning Mule,.

the foundation of modern Cotton Industry,.

born in Bolton. 1760. Arkwright, Founder of the Cotton Factory

system, kept a barber's shop in Bolton. 1763. Cotton quiltings and muslins first made in>


1791. Bplion Canal opened. 1828. First railway to Bolton opened. 1832. First Parliamentary election.

Population 41,195. 1838. Charter of Incorporation. 1842. Parliamentary enquiry about extreme distress*

in town.

1852. Adoption of Free Libraries Act. 1861. Population 70,396. 1872. First extension of Bolton. 1877. Further extension. Population 105,214. 1898. Bolton again extended. 1901. Population 168,215.

This cross, similar to one which stood on this-- spot 1486 to 1786. was presented to his native towrv by Mr. George Harwood, M.P,, 1909.

The memorial was designed by Messrs. Bradshaw & Gass, architects, Bolton, and erected in 1909.

Samuel Taylor Chadwick (1809-1876). The bronze statue erected on the Town. Hall Square is 10 ft. high on a Cornish granite pedestal, 12 ft. high, represents Dr. Chadwick in an ordinary frock coat,, buttoned over, his right hand resting in the lower part of the collar, and his left hand on a book supported by a pillar, over which the gown of a M.D. is thrown. A panel in bas relief represents Mrs. Chadwick pointing out to four children the orphanage erected by her husband, which forms the background. The statue was unveiled during the doctor's lifetime on Aug. 1, 1873, the cost being 950Z ; the sculptor, C. B. Birch, of London, and 17,000 townsmen contributed sub- scriptions. The inscription is simply the name, Chadwick.

Beaconsfield. Erected in Queen's Park. Statue by T. Rawcliffe, sculptor, of Chorley, 7 ft. 10 in. high, of grey freestone from the Dalton pond quarry, weight 1 ton 10 cwt. The inscription on the pedestal is :

Benjamin Disraeli. Earl of Beaconsfield, K.G.

On the base is the following : " Presented to- the town of Bolton by the Bolton and District Working Men's Conservative Asso- ciation, April, 1887." Unveiled by the Earl of Onslow, Under Secretary for the Colonies, on April 30, 1887.

Lieut. -Col. Sir Benjamin A. Dobson. Bronze statue stands on a granite pedestals