Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 5.djvu/34

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[12 S. V. JAN., 1919.

almost all the titles have been copied from the books themselves ; and we hope that, as the general outlook is now so much brighter, Col. Leslie and his colleague may have the satisfaction of being able to complete their labour of love.


MESSRS. HIGHAM & SON'S New Year Catalogue (No. 563) contains over 1,500 entries, including sections devoted to Archaeology ; Architecture ; Art ; Church History, Early and General ; Eastern Travel, Life, and Exploration ; English Local History ; Liturgiology, Roman and Angli- can ; Occult Sciences ; Pastoral Theology ; and Scotland, with six pages of Addenda. Hennessy's ' Novum Repertorium Ecclesiasticum Parochiale Londinense,' 1898, is offered for 17s. Qd.

MB. JAMES MILES of Leeds opens his Christmas Catalogue (No. 210) with two collections of etchings 50 Invitation Cards, mounted in a quarto volume, morocco extra (18Z. 18s.), and 75 Etchings, including trial and unfinished proofs, half morocco (121. 12s.). He has also a fine copy of the Breeches Bible, bound by Samuel Mearnc in dark-blue morocco, black-letter (121. 12s.). ' Costumes of British Ladies,' from William the Conqueror to Queen Victoria, is a sumptuous folio volume in crimson morocco, with 48 coloured plates, SI. 15s. Sections are devoted to York- shire and to Yorkshire Topography. The former includes a complete set of the Yorkshire Parish Register Society, 57 vols., 1899-1918, 111. 11s. Mr. Miles also offers parts 1-21 of the Bronte Society publications, 1895-1911, for a guinea. Two useful works are Sims's ' Manual for the Genealogist,' improved ed., 1888 (12s. Qd.), and Foster's ' London Marriage Licences, 1521-1869,' 1887 (15s.).

MR. JOHN MORTON of Brighton issues with his Catalogue 39, ' Divers Bookcs, Rare, Occult, Masonic, and Miscellaneous,' a humorous apology for being obliged to charge sixpence for the list,' which contains 850 entries. A question was recently asked in ' N. & Q.' about the method of embalming mummies, and here we have Petti- grew's ' History of Egyptian Mummies,' 1st ed., with plates by Cruikshank, 1834, 1Z. 15s. The long list under Freemasonry includes vols. 11-27 of the Transactions of the Ars Quatuor Corona- torum Lodge (12Z. 10s.) and vols. 9-16 (81. 10s.). Under Genealogy are family histories and reprints of parish registers ; under Lancashire, volumes of folk-lore, ballads, and legends ; and under London works by Hilton Price and Mr. P. Norman, besides a set of 10 vols. of Dr. Sharpe's ' Calendar of Letter-Books,' 1899-1912 (31. 5s.). The Addenda include a large number of steel plates and lithographic views of places in America, mostly at Is. Qd. each.

MR. J. A. NEUHUYS of Willesden Green in his Catalogue 13 makes a feature of books in French, his list beginning with Edmond About, and finishing with Zola. The early entries afford scope for curious reflections. Thus we have copies of the ' Almanach de Gotha ' ranging from 1823 to 1872, and in price from 8s. Qd. to 3s. Qd., followed immediately by various issues of the ' Almanach des Gourmands ' (6s. each). If we wish to see ourselves as others see us, we can

turn to M. Charles Bemont's masterly study of ' Simon de Montfort, Comte de Leicester,' 1884 (20s.), or Emile Boutmy's 'Le D6veloppement de la Constitution et de la Socie'te' politique en Angleteyre,' 1887 (10s.). Cambrai figures in the present issue of ' N. &Q.,' and Mr. Neuhuys offers ' Chants et Chansons Populaires du Cambresis,' with the airs, 2 vols., 1864-8, for 10s. Brunet and Barbier's ' Dictionnaire des Ouvrages Ano- nymes,' 5 vols., is 21. 15s. There are also works on tarot and playing cards, the origin of the gipsies, and the Elzeviers, including a paper on ' Elzevier Bibliography ' by our old contributor Chancellor Christie (2s. Qd.).

MESSRS. SIMMONS & WATERS of Leamington Spa begin their Catalogue 307 with several extra- illustrated books, including Angelo's ' Reminis- cences,' 177 additional plates, 2 vols., three- quarter morocco, 1904, 10Z. 10s., and ' Angelo'ff Picnic,' 72 additional portraits and views, half crimson morocco, 1904, 61. 6s. ; Rogers's ' Table Talk,' 166 additional portraits and views. 2 vols., three-quarter morocco, 1856, 61. 5s. ; and Chambers's ' Book of Days,' 110 portraits, 2 vols., half calf, 1860, 51. 5s. A complete set of the works of William Hutton, the Birmingham antiquary, with his Life by his daughter, 11 vols., is 131. 13s. Under Coinage are W. J. Davis's 1 Nineteenth-Century Token Coinage,' 14 plates besides wood engravings, 21., and Pye's ' Pro- vincial Copper Tokens and Cards of Address,' 3rd ed., 55 copperplates, 1916, 21. 10*.



ALL readers interested in the history of music will regret to hear of the death of* Mr. John South Shedlock, who, under his surname or his initials J. S. S., was always ready to place his stores of knowledge at the service of ' N. & Q.' He was for a time the musical critic of The Academy, and filled the same position on The Athcnceum from 1901 to 1916. A genial, kind- hearted man, he was a recognized authority on Beethoven and the eonata, and would take an infinite amount of trouble in trying to settle a difficult point for a friend. He was bcrn at Reading on Sept. 29, 1843, and died in hospital on the 9th inst. from the result of an accident.


WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately, but we will forward advance proofs of answers received if a shilling is sent with the query; nor can we advise correspondents as to the value of old books and other objects or as to the means of disposing of them.

G. J. (Cyprus) and G. W. H. Forwarded.

J. WILLCOCK (' Magnet Stories '). Anticipated at 12 S. iv. 230.

ANEURIN WILLIAMS, Carnarvon (Canon David Lloyd, author of ' State Worthies '). The ' Diet. Nat. Biog.' devotes nearly two columns to him and his works.