Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 5.djvu/354

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Notes and Queries, Jan., 1920.

Panton Street Puppet Show and Goldsmith, 83 Parish Registers, entries of foundlings in, 40, 71 Parish registers of Philleigh missing information

wanted, 292

Parishes, a 1705 return of English, 122 Parker (T.), etchings by, 1838, 183, 241 Parkinson family, information wanted, 97 Parry (Lieut.), referred to by Borrow, 96, 333 Peace : London celebrations, literature, &c., 175,

213, 315; Thames pageant, 1919, 197; 1856

rejoicing, 234 Peer (William), alleged actor of that name.

263, 331 Pegs of wood in furniture displaced by screws,

date wanted, 236

" Penniles Bench," meaning of, 126, 163, 194 Penrhyn Devil in form of a knocker, 10 Percy (J.), artist, information wanted, 150 " Perksilver " in fifteenth century, 313 " Peterloo," earliest use of word wanted, 291 Philadelphia, link with London, 168, 188 Phillips (Sir Richard), his tour through the United

Kingdom, 232 Philleigh, Cornwall, query about its missing parish

register, 292

Piano legs in trousers, 261, 301 Pidgeon (H. C.), supposed author of " Memorials

of Shrewsbury," 130 " Pipchinesque," use of word, 11 Pipes, source of some old tobacco, 210, 303 Pirkheimer (Wilibald), Diirer's joke about him,

4 Piso's Conspiracy,' and ' The Tragedy of Nero,'

254, 299, 323 Pitt (William) and Dundas, drinking at New Cross,

151, 195 Place (Francis), political economist, 233

Place-Names :

Earth, 238, 279

Birth, 238, 279

Elsinore, 8

Gavelacre, 295, 332

Goldsworthy, 39, 79

" gram," meaning of, 26C

Grim or Grime, 95, 137, 160, 245, 328

Gunnersbury, 231

Havering, 229

lona, 40

Marazion, 292, 328

Romeland, 294

Ruislip, 231

Seven Kings, 210, 249, 272

Plane trees in London, 205, 272

Pleasure Fairs on Good Friday, facts about,

Pope (Alexander), supposed ancestor of Whistler.


Pope, the crosier of the, 24 Popes, statements about two popes discussed,

Portraits on gravestones, 250, 306, 330 " Poultice wallahs," term for R.A.M.C., 79 Powell (David), priest, at Brussels, c. 1575, his

identity wanted, 295

Powell (George), dramatist, handwriting of, 11 Pragell family, origin of name, 42, 139 Pre-Raphaelite stained glass examples, 74, 105 Price (Cromwell), cornet, 1728, his history.

292, 331 Price (John) of Deptford, watchmaker, 237, 305

Priests executed, Cornish and Devonian, 154i

96, 131, 183, 243, 332 Prize Compositions at School, origin of custoi

connected with, 70 Proclamation stones, their origin and significant

178, 221, 275

Proctor family of Dublin, 98 Prosser (Richard) of Birmingham, informatio

about his parentage wanted, 319

Proverbs and Phrases:

Anglo-Saxon contagion, 38

As dead as a door-nail, 266, 303'

As jolly as sandboys, 180, 279

Cake : Why don't they eat cake ? 53, 162

Dans la politique .... prendre rien au tr<

gique, 69 rink

Drink by word of mouth, 98, 136, 330 Fire out, 121 Get the needle, 151, 194 Hell for leather, 25 Lambendo effingere, 69, 129 Let the weakest go to the wall, 177, 222 Lick into shape, 69, 129 " Man proposes, God disposes," 232 Never prophesy unless you know, 315 Now then ! 295

Old Lady of Threadneedle Street, 238, 302 Perversity of inanimate objects, 126 Pro pelle cutem, 93, 132 Querelle d'Allemand, 9 Rain cats and dogs, 108, 166, 326 Scum of democracy, 210 Sheer hulk, 65 Spanish main, 65 Wash an Aethiop, 193

When you die of old age I shall quake f( fear, 235, 278, 325

4 Proving a negative,' Matthew Arnold on, 3

83 Parks (or Perks) family, information wantei


Parliamentary papers, preservation of, 41 Parry (Lieut.) mentioned in George Borrow, 95 Paschollen, lake near Thusis, its position, 1!


Paten, use and example of, 13, 50, 134 Patristic writings, translations wanted, 295 Patrons and incumbents of Bredwardine an

Brobury, 200 Peace celebrations in London, their literature an

iconography, 175, 213, 315 Peace pageant on the Thames, 1919, 197 Peace rejoicing, official, 234 Peat (Rev. Sir Robert), his history and identity


Peer (William), alleged to be an actor, 173, 263 Prudentius, " Psychomachia,' English translation

14, 75 Pseudonyms list of, identity of writers, 293, 328

Burton (Richard), 95 ; Robertson (John), 49 4 Psychomachia ' of Prudentius, translations o

14, 75

Puleston family of Gresford and Hants, 124 Punning catalogue of painting and sculpture mad

by Rev. Chas. Boutell, 173 Punt, land of, origin of the name, 149 Puppet Show in Panton Street, and Goldsmit]


Puritan hanging his cat, rime about, 232 Pyrgo Park, near Romford, Essex, 229