Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 5.djvu/364

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Notes and Queries, Jan., 1920.

Oantwell (E. J.) on Cantwell family in Ireland, 68

Chambers (L. H.) on bibliography of epitaphs, 129, 192. Hampshire church bells, 304. Legh (Lady Margaret), 53

Oheetham (F. H.) on Tenner statue at Boulogne, 288. Louis XVIII. monument at Calais, 288

Ghew (Prof. Samuel C.) on Byron Apocrypha, 113, 143. Byron in fiction, 80

Ohope (R. Pearse) on Aragonise, a knight so-called, 26. Captor and his captive's arms, 26. Found- ling entries in parish registers, 72. Goldsworthy place-name, 79. Rain and mowing, 81

Ohurchill (William) on Tonga seal inscription, 64

Chute (W. M.) on back-magazine dealers, 104

Clarke (Cecil) on " camouflage," 79. " TrOuncer," 131

Clarke (G. H.) on Fleet Street statue, 40

Clay (Charles) on Sir Thomas Colby's family, 180

Clinton (W. Willis) on " Xit " 's identity, 295

Clippingdale (S. D.) M.D., on Cockle (James) of Cockle's Pills, 190

Cocks (Oswald) on ' Hamlet,' Act I., sc. iv., 36-8, 115

Collins (E.) on translation of La Cour on windmill power, 103

Compston (Rev. H. F. B.) Bredwardine and Bro- bury incumbents, 200. Aubrey (Rev. Thomas), 290

Cook (C. A.) on holly and mirth, 319

Cope (Mrs. E. E.) on Aldersons, glass-makers, 152. Berkshire tombstone inscriptions, 182. Cope (William), 294. Hampshire field-names, 328. Hore, artist, 208. " The Moat Island," 278. Morland family, 193. Nicholson (General John), 180. Oldfield (John), died 1762, 235. Puleston family of Gresford and Hants, 124. Robertson, miniaturist, 279

Cornford (Miss M. E.) on Earth and Birth place- names, 271. Dyer's (George) portrait, 275. Gavelacre as place-name, 332. " Get the needle," 194 Crafts (William Francis) on Thames tunnels, 297.

' The Village Blacksmith,' 299 Crawford (O. G. S.) on " Horseleperde," 320 Creswell (P. T.) on author of quotation wanted,


Cross-Crosslet on Tynte (Mary Waters, Lady), 76 Crosse (A. T.) on Capt. B. Grant, 238 Crosse'( Gordon) on William Peer, said to be an

actor, 263 Cunningham (R. A.) on Mr. Justice Maule on

bigamy and divorce, 129 Curator of Walden Museum on Hay ward's

' Survey of Walden,' 94

Currier (T. Franklin) on Knox's ' Spirit of Despot- ism,' 176

.Cyril on anecdote of Judges' level, 7

D. (C. V.) on author of quotation wanted

127. ' Three Black Crows,' 123 D. (H.) on Richard Snow, 125 D. (H. R.) on ' Hamlet,' Act I., sc. iv., 36-8, 5 B. (J. L.) on Daggle Mop, 293 .D. (T. F.) on Dessin's Hotel, Calais, 21

Davey (H.) Shakespeare emendations, 202 Davies (Charles Llewelyn) on " John Robertson,'*

pseudonym, 49. Napoleon and Lord John

Russell, 82

Davis (Henry T.) on old tobacco pipes, 210 Daymond (Miss Emily) on author of quotation

wanted 322 de Castro (J. Paul) on Fielding (Henry) as a

publicist, 284. Griffith (Ralph), 279. Swift and

Walpole, 262. Swift's description of Mrs. Old- field, 230

del Court (W.) on Amos Russel of Lincoln, 317 Denman (Arthur), F.S.A., on Tilly Kettle,

221 Denman (Edward) on ' The Village Blacksmith,'

299 Denton (George) on Jack Straw and Wat Tyler,


Dobson (Austin) on John Wilson's motto, 297 Dodds (M. H.) on St. Alkelda, 191 Dodson (Wm. M.) on authors of quotations wanted,

183. Books on old stained glass, 70 Doran (Alban) on ' Marlipins,' 123 Doyle (C. F.) on Penrhyn Devil as a knocker,

10. Drury (Charles) on Hoole (John), poet, 327.

Stewart (Hon. Lieut. George), 12 Duff (L.) on Gibbon's prophecy about * Tom

Jones,' 327

Dunlop (G. A.) on "Fish -yard," its meaning, 181

Eagle (R. L.) on the germ of Malvolis, 115 Eden (F. Sydney) on Charles Cooke, bookseller,

210 Edwards (Frederick A.) on the land of Punt,

149 Edwards (Howard) on a portrait of * Mr. Howard,'


Eldridge ( J. M.) on Blackwell Hall Factor, 266 Elias (W. P.) on Good Friday Pleasure Fairs,

124 Ellis (H. D.) on Latin version of " Oh, dear ! What

can the matter be ? " 133 Emeritus on a strange tale of a Coorg princess,


Elmes (E. H.) on Elmes family, 320 Esposito (M.) on an early Italian map of Ireland,


F. (E. W. H.) on missing Philleigh parish register, 292. Nepean (Henry) of Launceston, 292

F. (I.) on Lieut.-General Sharpe, 321

F. (J.) on Church briefs, 294

F. (J. S.) on " Jur de la vile " and borough courts, 39

F. (J. T.) on astertion flowers, 302. Christmas verses at Sheffield, 82. ' Deacon in love,' 159. " Finkle," street name, 69. Fish-yard,' its meaning, 216. Grim or Grime, place-name, 137. A persistent error, 315. " Pro pelle cutem," 132. " Rain cats and dogs," 108. St. Trun- nion's identity, 7. Vinegar on nitre, 205