Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 5.djvu/69

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THESE abstracts were made in August, 1916. A tablet in the south gallery was illegible.


1. Mary Jemima Shepard, sister of Mr. William M.erritt, churchwarden of this church for many years, chairman of the Board of Guardians, b. in St. Margaret's, Westminster, Nov. 7, 1803 ; d. May 2, 1891, a. 88.

2. Arthur Clifford Earp, sometime chorister of this church, eldest son of Thomas Earp, sculptor, d. July 11, 1886, a. 31.

3. Thomas Earp, sculptor, sometime church- warden of this p., b. Jan. 31, 1828, d. Sept. 12, 1893, and was bur. in Nunhead Cemetery.

4. Henry William Herbert, b. Nov. 17, 1857, d. Mar. 4, 1891, and was bur. in Norwood Ceme- tery. He did his duty bravely and truly to his home and neighbourhood.

6. Sarah Isherwood, b. Nov. 27, 1811, d. Nov. 2, 1887, who for 59 years worshipped in this church, and during the whole of her life tried to do her duty to her God, her church, and her parish.

6. George Thomas Baxter, Esq., d. Ap. 7, 1833, a. 37. Mary, his wid., afterwards mar. to James Anderton, Esq., d. May 8, 1854, a. 53. Bur. in Highgate Cemetery.

7. Mr. James Braby, d. Jan. 11, 1846, a. 72. Hannah, his wife, d. June 13, 1854, a. 79.

8. C.L.B. | St. John's Company. I B.I.P. I S. W. Gardner, b. Jan. 1, 1891, d. July 5, 1904. W. J. Hems, b. Dec. 25, 1890, d. Aug. 20, 1913.


9. A brass, now illegible.

10. Richard Maynard, gent., of St. Stephen's, Cornwall, late of Upper Stamford St., d. Sept. 10. 1834, a. 40.

11. Martin Jones, churchwarden, d. July 29, 1827, a. 47.


12. Mr. Richard Edwards, warden of this church, d. Nov. 25, 1853, a. 57. Erected by fellow-parishioners .

13. William George Trewby, husband of Charlotte Trewby, d. June 18, 1899, a. 65.

14. John Charles Stahlschmidt, Esq., of this p., and of Weybridge, Surrey, member of the Royal Hanoverian Guelphic Order, d. suddenly Ap. 20, 1842, a. 50. His dau. Edith Mary, d. Jan. 22, 1834, a. 2 y. 7 m. Sarah, his wid., dau. of the late Thomas Lett of this p., d. on the Feast of the Annunciation, 1890, a. 86.

15. The Rev. Donald Trewby, M.A., b. Ap. 13, 1861, d. Aug. 30, 1896, chaplain at Dum Dum, Calcutta, formerly curate of this parish.

16. Haud procul ab hoc loco sepultus est | Robertus Gulielmus Elliston | cujus memoriae sacrum liberi sui superstites | (amicis etiam quibusdam opem afferentibus) J hoc marmor non sine lachrymis ponendum curaverunt. Optimus ille parens ingenio capaci praeditus. Natus est septimo die Aprilis MDCCLXXIV, | et, spe melioris sevi, mortem obiit | octavo die Julii MDCCCXXXI.

Dum pia Melpomene, nato pereunte querelas Fundit, et ante alias orba Thalia gemit ; Non minus in fletus fldi solvuntur amici. Non minus egregii pignora chara tori : jSSquum, et propositi deplorant grande tenacem, Eximiee fldei justitiseque, virum.

17. Vivian Trewby, a. 25, trooper, 51 Company Imperial Yeomanry (Paget's Horse), youngest son of William George and Charlotte Trewby, killed in action at Kaalkraal, S. Africa, May 5, 1901, and bur. by the Boers.

18. John Charles Napleton, B.A., third incum- bent of this church, b. St. James's day, 1810, at Powderham Rectory, Devon, d. Ap. 13, 1867.

19. Of your charity pray for the soul of James Aitken Johnston, Vicar of St. John's, and patron of this church, who departed this life Aug. 29, 1871. Jesu Mercy.

20. [A window] Arthur James Davey, for 20 years Head Master of St. John's Boys' School, d. Oct. 30, 1901.

21. Richard Wicksteed, b. at Shifnal, Salop, 1767, d. in this p., 1828.

22. George, son of Alethea Desborough, d. Aug., 1841, and was bur. in this churchyard.

23. Harry Charles Thompson, b. Feb/10,"1866, d. Feb. 14, 1876. A member of the choir.


24. William Philip, only son of Jeremiah and Hester Dean, of Bishopsgate St., d. Nov. 19, 1831, a. 21. Hester, his mother, d. Nov. 22, 1834, a. 60.

25. Edward Vere, Esq., of this p. and Oxford Lodge, Croydon, d. Aug. 4, 1843, a. 73. Erected by his son and daughter.

26. Ann Kirk, d. Feb. 26, 1887, a. 54. Erected by her son.


27. Thomas Lett, Esq., d. Aug. 25, 1830, a. 60. He was for many years a magistrate of the county of Surrey, and High Sheriff in 1817.

28. [On the Lectern] This lectern and Bible were given to the church of St. John, Waterloo Road, by the Rev. N. E. Muggeridge in memory of his brother, John Frederick Muggeridge.

29. [On the processional cross] To the glory of God. In memory of M. W. Sheppard, d. July 27, 1896. R.I.P.


Anderton, 6 Hems, 8 Muggeridge, 28 !

Baxter, 6 Herbert, 4 Napleton, 18

Braby, 7 Isherwood, 5 Shepard, 1

Davey, 20 Johnston, 19 Sheppard, 29

Dean, 24 Jones, 11 Stahlschmidt, 14

Desborough, 22 Kirk, 26 Thompson, 23

Earp, 2, 3 Lett, 14, 27 Trewby,13,15,17

Edwards, 12 Maynard, 10 Vere, 25

Elliston, 16 Merritt, 1 Wicksteed, 21

Gardner, 8

INDEX OP PLACES. Bishopsgate St., 24 Powderham, Dev., 18 1

Croydon, 25 St. Margaret's, West-

Dum Dum, 15 minster, 1

Highgate Cemetery, 6 St. Stephen's, Cor~- Kaalkraal,South Africa, wall, 10

17 Shifnal, Salop, 21

Norwood Cemetery, 4 Stamford Street, 10 * Nunhead Cemetery, 3 Weybridge, Surrey, 14

G. S. PARRY, Lieut.-Col. 17 Ashley Mansions, S.W.I.