Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 5.djvu/77

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(12 S. v. 40.)

SUCH entries as MB. SPARKE inquires about abound. I give below some specimens from the registers of a few London parishes, where the surname given to the unfortunate abandoned children was generally the name of the parish in which they were found, and the Christian name from some circumstance of the discovery, such as the situation or the day of the finding. This is illustrated and exemplified by the following :

St. Dionis Backchurch. 1667, Dec. 14. " A chylde that was fownd at the strangers dore in lymstrete whych chylde was fownde on Saynt petters day in An , d'ni 1567 And fonde of the p'ishe coste, Wherefore they named the chylde by the day that he was fownd & syrname by the p'ishe, so the chyldes name ys Fetter Dennis."

St. Antholin, Budge Bow. 1588, Feb. 2. " Vincent Antholins so named because he was fond in the church porch upon St. Vincents Day."

1671, Dec. 17. " Antholing Stone a found- ling bapt."

1672, July 27. " Sary Antholing a foundling buried."

Many similar.

St. Mary Woolnoth. 1597, Nov. 2. " Gyles Woolnoth a man child, found layde at the gate of the Lady Bamsay."

Many others named Woolnoth.

1620/1, Feb. 14. " John Sherborne a foundling being found in Sherborne Lane."

1677, June 18. " Thomas Davis was taken up in Lombard Streete in my Lord Mayor's entry & baptized Thomas Davis my Lord Mayor's name."

St. Mary Woolchurch Haw. 1616, Sept. 4. " Sara Woolchurch a childe left in our parish, not borne here."

1689, Nov. 15. " William Haw a foundling."

Others baptized either Woolchurch or Haw.

1637, Feb. 28. " Jefrey Underbench, a child that was left at Mr. Hovels dore in our parish."

1642, Sept. 8. " James Monday a child found one Monday night 5th of Sep. one Mr. Thompsons stall."

1646, April 23. " A child found at Mr. Sawyers in the street one a place to whet knives and was named Edward Sharp."

1649, April 14. " John Wallstone a male child found in the ally by the church door laid on a stone in the wall."

1649, Aug. 28. ." Henry Penny, a male child about the age of 3 years, was found in our parish with a penny in his hand."

1649, Dec. 27. " There was a male child found att Mr. Paschalls stall before day and

was named John Beforeday being St. Johns day."

1650, April 7. " John Bynight, a male

child left in our Parish att Mr. Garretts doore."

1650, Nov. 9. " Mary Evening a female

child found att Mr. Morris doore in


St. Helen's, Bishopsgate. 1612, Sept. 1. " Job rakt out of the Asshes, being borne the last of August in the lane going to S r John Spencers back gate and there laide in a heape of Seacole Asshes was baptised the First daye of September following and dyed the next day after." The burial entry runs : Sept. 2, " Job Bakt-out-of- the-Ashes, as is mentioned in the Begister of Christenings, Crisome."

St. John Baptist on Wallbrook. 1688, Mar. 22. " John Cloakelane a foundling."

1689 /90, Feb. 20. " Jone Dowgate, a foundling."

Christ Church, Newgate. 1669, Oct. 18. " Jane Bents found in the New Bents in the Shambles the 14th day."

1671, June 4." Mary Warwick found in Warwick Lane at 11 o'clock at night."

1671, July 23. " Susannah Charity found in Panyer Alley at 11 o'clock at night."

1699, Oct. 6." Elizabeth Christchurch, a foundling."

1702 /3, Jan. 4. " Amen Corner a foundling." 1705/6, Mar. 22. "Christian Passage a foundling."

1706, May 16. " George Amen Corner a foundling."

1740/1, Mar. 16." Giles Blewcoat a found- ling."

Many others named either Church or Fryer. St. Mildred, Bread Street. 1684, April 3. " Mary Mildred a foundling bapt."

Many others. St. Margaret Moses, Friday Street. 1657, Nor. 10. " Jeames Moses a fondlinge."

1678, Sept. 10." Margaret Moses a found- ling."

St. Mary Aldermary. 1598/9, Mar. 21. "A childe founde in the p'ishe named Abda Aldermary e."

1600, April 16. " A child found on Mr. Colmer's staule named Mary Aldrmary." St. Michael le Querne. 1669, Aug. 25." Sarah


St. Vedast, Foster Lane. 1673, Dec. 16. " Christiane Vedast left in the Nags head entry Dec. 10th."

St. Martin Outwich. 1699/1700, Jan. 1. " Bichard Martin Outwich a child found in the parish."

Dozens of others might be quoted, and I should think that a register of any size without some such entry is a rarity.


Entries relating to foundlings are of frequent occurrence in parish registers.

In the registers of St. Dunstan West, Fleet Street, are to be found :

1618. Mary Porch, a foundling, bapt. Jan. 18.

1629. Subpoena, a child found, bur. Jan. 16.

1631. Eliz. Middlesex, found in Chancery Lane.