Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 6.djvu/333

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12 S. VI. JUNES, 1920.]



proceeding to the Church of England Cemetery, West Street. Friends are kindly invited to attend." This notice is signed by one who describes himself as " Under- taker and Prof. Embalmer." Another ad- vertisement emanates from the secretary of a Trade Union Order, calling upon the " brethern of the Order to attend the funeral

of their late Brother leaving 's

Funeral Parlour at 10.30 o'clock."

Is the provision of this accommodation with the term " funeral parlour " used any- where else ; or is it purely confined to this colonv ? G. YARROW BALDOCK, Major,

South Hackney.

CORRESPONDING RANK IN NAVY AND ARMY. Will some reader tell me whether there is an official scale of comparative ranks in the Navy and Army ? If not, roughly how do the ranks compare ?


[When tho titles for the commissioned ranks of the Royal Air Force were settled last summer, The Times (Aug. 4, 1919) published the following table, which answers this query :

Air Force. Xavy. Army.

Marshal of the Air {^St 1 f the } Reid-Marshal Air Chief Marshal Admiral General

Air Marshal Vice Admiral Lieut.-General

Air Vice-Marshal Rear- Admiral Major- General

-Air Commodore 'Commodore Brig.-General

CJroup Captain "Captain Colonel

Whig Commander Commander Lieut. -Colonel

Squadron Leader Lieut.-Coinmander Major Flight lieutenant Lieutenant Captain

^"oos^ell <OT j Sub-Lieutenant Lieutenant

Pilot Officer Midshipman Sec.-Lieutenant]

TRENT. Any information about the fol- lowing members of this family would be useful :

(1) John, son of John Trent of West- minster, who was educated at Westminster and Qxieen's College, Oxford, and became a D.C.L. of that University in 1793.

(2) and (3) Two Trents, who were ad- mitted to Westminster at Christmas, 1807, one of whom left the same year, and the other in 1808.

(4) F. Trent, who was admitted to West- minster, Jan. 6, 1807, and left in 1816.

G. F. R. B.

OTWAY. 1 should be glad to obtain any information about the following Otways who were educated at Westminster School :

(1) Charles, admitted 1731, aged 14.

(2) Eaton, admitted 1731, aged 10.

(3) Francis, admitted 1740, aged 9. (4 John, admitted 1743, aged 12.

G. F. R. B.

SEVENTEENTH-CENTURY TOKENS : MS. LIST. I have owned for some years a copious and useful MS. volume describing seventeenth-century tokens : (a) in alpha- betical order ; (b) in geographical classifica- tion, with additional lists of those named, with (c) initials only ; (d) in partnerships and finally (e) " tokens which cannot be

regularly classed." This really important

compilation extends to nearly 500 pages 4to and may be attributed to the late eighteenth

' century. There is no title-page or means of identifying the writer with the exception of

i the following slight clue. It was formerly

1 ia the Beaufoy Library, and has the book-

' plate, shelf and catalogue indication of

i Henry B. H. Beaufoy, F.R.S. J. H. Burns in his Catalogue of the Beaufoy Tokens (1855) says (p. 83):

I " but Snelling referred to that of Mark Cephas

i Tutet as the most copious with which he was

! acquainted.

The Tutet collection was dispersed in 1768

i and compassed about 1,800 pieces. His MSS.

! descriptive of those tokens and of his other extensive series of coins frequently quoted by

j Gough in his archaeological publications are in the

! writer's possession."

The inference is that the volume before

me is that indicated by Burn, and any-

thing that was his speedily became Beau-

, foy's, as he was that merchant's collector,

! hunter, librarian, and collector guide. Will some reader informed on such matters help

I to identifying my MS. volume.


' NORTHANGER ABBEY,' by Jane Austen, chap. i. :

" [Catherine Morland's] father was a clergyman, without being neglected, or poor, and a very respectable man, though his name was Richard and he had never been handsome."

Why " though " ?


United University Club.

IRISH RECORD OFFICE. Can any one say if there are to be found in this office any Half Pay Lists of Military Officers, or any stray contemporary Lists of Regiments, temp. George II. ? INQUIRER.

MARQUIS DE VALADY. He twice made a stay in England in 1786 and in 1788-89. What is known of these two visits, and, in particular about the time he spent at Wapping, and about his relations with Thomas Taylor, the Platonist, whose guest he was during the winter of 1788-89 ?