Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 6.djvu/84

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 a. vi. MARCH, 1920.

Here are the first half-dozen unannotated marriage entries :

1. May 29, 1656. George Whale and Lucy Poulton.

2. Nov. 26, 1656. Matthew Gafford and Martha


3. April 25, 1668. John Lyon and Elizabeth Paul.

4. July 7, 1696. Mr. Joseph doling and Christ-

abel Middleton.

5. July 7, 1670. Mr. George Lane and Thomasin


6. Aug. 17, 1673. John Tiliard and Margaret


I hear that the London Genealogical Society and others have wonderful collec- tions of references to tho records. I appeal to them to see to what extent their indexes may be helpful in this matter of public interest. (Miss) G. FLEWKER.

Ambleside, Letchworth. .

UDNY. John Udny of Cultercullen and Newtyle, merchant and bailie of Kintore, M.P. for that burgh, 1681-2 and 1685-6, was third son of John Udny of that ilk, formerly of Belhelvie, by Isobel, dau. of Thomas Fraser, 2nd Laird of Strichen (October, 1612- March, 1645) and Christian, dau. of William Forbes, 8th Laird of Tolquhoun (1595-1602). John Udny had two daughters, Anne, married to John Sandilands of Countesswells, and Jean, married in 1714 to Charles Gordon of Buthlaw (April, 1712-December, 1751), who bought half of Newtyle from his wife's nephew John Sandilands. John Udny's wife was living when the Poll Book for Aberdeenshire was compiled 1695. Who was she ? H. PIBIE-GOBDON.

20 Warwick Gardens. Kensington W.14.

EDMUND DOZELL. In 1791 or thereabouts Edmund Dozell of London married Catherine Stevens Smith, of West Riding, Yorkshire, and Great Ormond Street, London. It is not known whether the marriage took place in Oxford or London. Should any of your readers come across such an entry in any register I should be glad to hear of it. or any items relating to the family of Dozell ?


91 Brown Street, Salisbury.

THE REV. JOHN STONES, M.A., vicar of Stoak and rector of Coddington (both in Cheshire) is generally spoken of as an anti- quary. There is in the church safe at Coddington a history of that parish in his handwriting. William Aldersey of Picton and Chester, merchant and alderman, sheriff of Chester, 1584, and mayor in 1595 and 1614, who died 1616, is described in Bridge- man's ' Family of Aldersey ' as "a cele- brated Chester antiquary," and Hugh Aldersey of Aldersey discovered some years

ago a manuscript giving some account of the mayors of Chester written by the said William Aldersey. But did either of these antiquaries publish any books or papers on Chester antiquities ?

W. F. JOHN TIMBRELL. Coddington Rectory, Chester.

ROBERT TROTMAN : EPITAPH. Thirty- five years ago I copied from a tombstone in the churchyard of Kinson, Dorset, the following curious epitaph :

To the Memory of

Robert Trotman,

Late of Rond in the County of Wilts.

who was barbarously murdered on the shore near Poole, the 25rh March, 1765. A little Tea, one leaf I did not steal, For guiltless bloodshed I to God appeal, Put Tea in one scale, human blood in tother, And think what tis to slay thy harmless brother. I wonder whether any reader of ' X. & Q.' knows anything of the facts of Robert Trotman' s death. ERNEST PAGE.

1 King's Bench Walk, Temple, E.C.4.

JACOBITE MEMORIAL, RING. I have a gold ring, which, according to a family tradition, was sent to John Campbell of Cawdor and was given by him to his son, my great-grandfather John Hooke Camp- bell (afterwards John Campbell-Hooke), Lyon King-of-Arms, 1754-95.

The ring has an oval bezel, in which under a glass appears on a black ground a white rose with green leaves in enamel. Round the hoop of the ring runs the in- scription " Jacobus III., Br. Fr. Hiber. Rex : Extd : ob. 30 Dec., 1765 : ae. 77."

Can any of your readers inform me whether other rings of this description exist, and, if so, what was their origin ?


10 King's Bench Walk, Temple.

JOHN GRIFFITHS : HIS MARRIAGE. John Griffiths, clerk of Middlesex, Chiswick, was second son of John Griffiths of Erryd and had issue: (1) John, born 1754; (2) Charles, born 1756; (3) William, born 1757; (4) Frederick : (5) a daughter. Wanted further particulars and dates concerning John Griffiths, and also the name of his wife and particulars of the marriage.

J. PERCIVAL ROGERS. 4, Leinster Gardens, W.2.

POLLARD FAMILY. Among the various pedigrees of the family of Pollard given by Vivian and others, I note that of the Pollards of Langley, a branch from those of Way. The Visitation ends their line with George, set. 14 in 1620, John " executor of Father's