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NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 s. vii. JULY 2*. 1920 JOHN LANE'S NEW BOOKS JOHNZOFFANY,R.A,: HIS LIFE AND WORK By LADY VICTORIA MANNERS and Dr. G. C. WILLIAMSON. With numerous Illustrations in Colour, Photogravure, and Half-tone. Demy 4to. Limited to 500 copies. 7 7S. net. Connoisseur. " This book must rank as one of the most complete and best illustrated biographies of any English artist." Pall Mall Gazette. 11 The illustrations of this book would alone justify its production, for they are as tine as they are numerous The story of Zoffany's life is admirably told." MARY RUSSELL MITFORD AND HER SURROUNDINGS By CONSTANCE HILL. 1 Is. net. With numerous illustrations by ELLEN G. HILL, and reproductions from photographs. Country Life. " Miss Constance Hill has produced a finished and almost perfect book. It conveys iu every way the impression of being the work of an artist. . . The illustrations are cnosen with fine taste." Daily Chronicle." One of the most delightful books of the season." HUMOURS A F PARISH AND OTHER QUAINTNESSES By the Rev. W. B. MONEY. With an introduction by WALTER BERRIES POLLOCK. 6s. 6d. net. Morning Pout. "Reviewers, and readers in a long succession, will agree that this volume ' ranks with Latite of first growtn.'.. ..Mr. Money is one of the great good humorists ; his natural, spontaneous, discreet humour." JOHN LANE, THE BODLEY HEAD, VIGO ST., W.I. Cambridge University Press Douglas's AciXCld. By LAUCHLAN MACLEAN WATT, M.A., B.D., F.R.S.E., F.S.A. (Scot.). Author of Scottish Life and Poetry, <fec. Demy 8vo. 14s net. " A scholarly and searching elucidation of Douglas's translator? labours. . . . Douzlas, of course, appeals primarily to students of literature, to whom Mr Watt's volumn will be little short of a godsend, but its racy style, its interesting matter, and its variety of topics should secure for it a somewhat wider public with benefit to that public. "The Aberdeen Journal. From Ritual to Romance. s y JESSIE L. WESTON. Demy 8vo. 12s 6d net. " As the title implies, her aim is to trace the origin of the Grail Romance back to the Ritual connected with the Nature cults of prehistoric Aryanism. bhe does for Romance what Miss Jane Harrison has done for art in general and the Greek drama in particular. . . . Miss Western handles very sk'lt'ullv the data acquired in her thirty years of study." The Westminster Gazette. Small Talk at Wreyland. By CECIL TORR. With 8 plates. Second impres- sion. Demy 8vo. 8s net. " Mr Cecil Torr .... talks of everything and any- thing; of old diaries, of old journeys, of old wine, of old sermons, of old books, of Khei'ms and Rochester, of (irnada and Damascus, of reviewing Egyptian chronology. He gossips ; he is a babbling brook, a shining river. He has charm ; and the charm of his extraordinary book we despair of onveyirig by any quotation or any description ; we can only s*y it is there."- The Field. Verses from Fen and Fell. By THOMAS THORNELY, formerly Fellow of Trinity Hall. Second edition. Revised and enlarged. Large Crown 8vo. 5s bd net. " Mr Thornely can write serious verse with th digni- fied polish of the scholar ; but he is most himself in a rather lighter vein, and his book claims attention both by the interest and variety of the themes chosen for the exercise of his wit and for the extremely neat work- manship of the verse iu which his arch humour expresses itsef."-The Times on the first edition. What became of of St Thomas? the Bones A Contribution to his XV Jubilee. By A. J. MASON, D.D., Canon of Canterbury. Crown 8vo. With frontis- piece and plan. 8s net. " The object, of this book is to determine whether or not thu remains then found HJ-P rightly to be attributed to the Primate on whose death so much c'ontroversy has centred. . . Oanon Mason has written a most interesting volume, which will find many readers and will give rise to considerable discussion." The Church Family Newspaper. Cambridge Bulletin. NO. xxxvi, May 1920, giving particulars of recent publica- tions of the University Press, will be sent on application. FETTER LANE, LONDON, E.C.4 C. F. Clay, Manager Printed by THE ATHEN^UM PRESS, Bream's Buildings, E.C.4, and Published by THE TIMES PUBLISHING COMPANY (Limited*- Printing House Square. London, E.C.4. -July 24, T920