Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 7.djvu/276

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 s. vn. SEPT. is, 1020.

of his age at his house on the Tnn's Quay, Dublin, and was bur. in St. James's church- yard Dublin. Will dated June 20, 1766. 'Proved July 28, 1766 in the Prerogative Court, Dublin. His wife, whose Christian and maiden names I have not been able to dis- cover, evidently died ante 1766, as she is not mentioned in his Will. By her he had yissue :

1. Rose Lacy, bom 1728, died Nov. 19, 1762 at Kilmead, aged 34, and was bur. in Xilmead Churchyard, Parish of Narraghmore co. Kildare. She married at St. Michan's <Church, Dublin, marriage licence dated Feb. 20, 1747, Thomas Fitzgerald of Kilmead, co. Kilda,re, he died Sept. 17, 1801, aged 81 years and was bur. with his -wife in Kilmead Churchyard. His Will dated Nov. 8, 1799, was proved July 9, 1802 in the Prerogative Court, Dublin.

2. Mary Lacy, who died 1 803 in the King Street Nunnery, Dublin, married, by Licence ^dated July 24,^1749, Daniel Molloy'of Gorta- ,cur, King's Co, but they left no issue.

3. Anne Lacy. Her father in his Will says: "She has a great obstruction in hearing and speech, and T do not intend she should marry." Mentioned in Will of her nephew Thomas Fitzgerald in 1808, as then living at Drogheda.

4. Bridget Lacy, living in 1766, married Richard Strange of Belleview, co. Kildare, and Rochewell Castle co. Kilkenny, and had issue, a dau. :

Mary Anne Strange, died May 14, 1837, having married Aug. 13, 1786, Sir Edward Bellew, 6th Bart, of Barmeath co. Louth, he died March 15, 1827 (see Baronetage).

II. Bridget Lacy. Marriage Articles dated in the year 1691. In her Will dated March 19, 1744, described as of Brendrim co. Leitrim, widow. To be bur. in Church of Kiltoghork near her husband. She married Myles Keon of Brendrum and Moreagh, co. Leitrim. In his Will dated Jan. 3, 1737/8, to be bur. in the Church of Kiltoghork, co. Leitrim.

III. Mark Lacy. Died ante 1772, and -bur. in Kiltraster Churchyard. He married his cousin Bridget 2nd" dau. of W T alter "Delamar of the City of Dublin, by his wife

Barbara Her Will dated Jan. 23, 1772,

was proved Aug. 13, 1773. Bur. in Kil- traster Churchyard. They had issue, a son :

Thomas Lacy, who died between 1766 and 1772, leaving the Farm of Westpanstown, be- queathed to him by hisjjUncle Francis Lacy in 1766, to his mother/J^ aijtj

IV. A son, who married and had a dau., who married Laughlin Kelly of Knockhall, living in 1793, and had a son Francis Kelly.

V. A dau. who married Joseph (?) Hicks of Creta, co. Roscommon, and had a son George (?) Hicks, living in 1793.

The Will of Francis Lacy of Dublin who died in 1766, is filed in the Public Record Office Four Courts, Dublin and is as follows :

" In the Name of God, Amen, I, Francis Lacy of the City of Dublin, gentleman, doe make this My last Will and Testament touching all my worldly substance, Lord God have mercy on my Soul. And for the better understanding thereof, I think proper to mention that the prin- cipal objects of my regard are four daughters of my son-in-law Thomas Fitzgerald by my eldest dau r Rose who is dead, namely Rose, Anstace, Ann and Hester, and my second daughter married to Daniel Molloy, and my third daughter Ann not married nor do I mean she should marry in regard she has a Great obstruction in Speech and Hearing. And my fourth and youngest daughter Bridget Married to Richard Strange, and to whom I gave Double the portion I gave to either of her said two married sisters. First I devise to my said Dau r Ann the sum of 55 sters every year during her life to be paid to her by four quarterly payments from my death and the sum of 10 to find her in necessarys in the meantime besides paying for what she may owe for boarding or for cloathes. And I order what I leave to her shall be paid before any other legacy and I earnestly recommend her to the care and affection of her sisters.

" Item I devise to the said four Dau rs of my Dau r Rose the sum of 100 sters or securitys for money due to me given or applied for that pur- pose and to be paid and distributed amongst them and the survivors of them at such times and in such shares as the said Thomas Fitzgerald their father or My said dau rs Mary and Bridget or any two of them shall think fit and May give more or less to one than another.

" Item I devise to my said dau r Mary the sum of 1000 sters with this restriction that during the jointures of her and her said Husband she is only to receive 60 a year as interest for the same which is to be paid her on her own recist and for her own sole use and Benefit independent of her said Husband. But in case she survives her said Husband she is to receive said 1000 to do therewith as she pleases. And in case she should dye before her said Husband leaving issue by him, the said 1000 is to be paid to such issue. But in case of no issue the same is to be paid to my said Dau r Bridget and to my said four Grand- daughters in such shares and manners as I shall hereafter devise the residue of my substance to them.

" Item, I devise to the said Thomas Fitzgerald and to his children 25, and the 100 he owes me by Bond I leave to his son Thomas. To my said Dau 1 ' Mary and her Husband 7 to each of them. To my said Dau r Bridget and her Husband 7 to each of them. And to the said Bridget's Hus- band My Books and Bookcase. I devise my plate, linen and Household Goods and furniture