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12: s. viz. JULY 3, i92o.] NOTES AND QUERIES. @xord i&niversity Stress HELLENISTIC SCULPTURE. By the late GUY DICKINS. With a Preface by PERCY GARDNER, and 32 Plates. 4to. 16. net. Contents .-The School of Pergamon ; The School of Alexandria ; The Rhodian School ; The Mainland Schools during the Hellenistic Age ; Greco-Roman Sculpture ; Appendix Index. "THE PORTRAIT OF A SCHOLAR and other Essays written in Macedonia 1916-18. By R. W. CHAPMAN. Crown 8vo. 5s. Qd. net. Contents .-The Portrait of a Scholar ; Proper Names in Poetry ; On Rhyme ; Reading Aloud ; Old Books and Modern Reprints ; The Textual Criticism of English Classics ; The Art of Quotation ; Thoughts on Spellings Reform : The Decay of Syntax ; Johnson in Scotland ; Silver Spoons. DEAD TOWNS AND LIVING MEN. Being Pages from an Antiquary's Notebook. By C. LEONARD WOOLLEY. With 24 Illustrations. Medium Svo. 12s Qd. net. Contents .-Egypt ; Italy ; Carchemish ; Haj Wahid, and others ; The Kaimmakam of Birijik ; A Chief of the Kurds Naboth's Vineyard ; Aleppo. 'SWIFT'S TALE OF A TUB. Battle of the Books and Mechanical Operation of the Spirit; edited with Appendixes containing the History of Martin, Wotton's Observations upon The Tale of a Tub, Curll's Complete Key, &c., and reproductions of the original drawings. By A. C. GUTHKELCH and D. NICOL SMITH. Svo. 24*. net. THE ART OF POETRY. Inaugural Lecture delivered before the University of Oxford, 5 June 1920, by WILLIAM PATON KER. Medium Svo. Is. net. ENGLISH MADRIGAL VERSE, 1588-1632. Edited from the Original Song Books by E. H. FELLOWES. Crown Svo. Cloth, 12s. 6d. net; on Oxford India Paper, 15. net. Athenaeum." an exquisite book It goes without saying that anyone who can afford 12s 6d. should buy it ; it is a possession for ever." ETHIOPIC GRAMMAR with Chrestomathy and Glossary. By SAMUEL A. B. MERCER. Crown Svo. 7s. 6d. net. ANNALS AND ANTIQUITIES OF RAJASTHAN, or the Central and Western Rajput States of India. By JAMES TOD. Edited with an Introduction and Notes by WILLIAM CROOKE. Svo. 3 Volumes. 52. 6ci. net ; on Oxford India Paper, 635. net. AN OUTLINE OF THE RELIGIOUS LITERATURE OF INDIA. By J. N. FARQUHAR. 8vo. [Religious Quest of India Series. ENGLISH INTO FRENCH. Five Thousand English Locutions rendered into Idiomatic French. By D. N. SAMSON. Medium Svo. 12s. 6d. net. AN ETHNO -GEOGRAPHICAL ANALYSIS OF THE MATERIAL CULTURE OF TWO INDIAN TRIBES IN THE GRAN CHACO. By ERLAND NORDENSKIOLD. Svo. 20*. net. [Comparative Ethnographical Studies 1. THE CHANGES IN THE MATERIAL CULTURE OF TWO INDIAN TRIBES UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF NEW SURROUNDINGS. By ERLAND NORDENSKIOLD. Svo. 20s. net. [Comparative Ethnographical Studies *. OTTOMAN LAND LAWS. Containing the Ottoman Land Code and Later Legislation Affecting Land. With Notes and an Appendix of Cyprus Laws and Rules Relating to Land. By STANLEY FISHER. Royal Svo. 12s. 6d. net. TRANSACTIONS OF THE BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. THE LIBRARY. Issued Quarterly. New Series. June, 1920. Vol. I. No. 1. Subscription rate 10s. Gd. net per annum. London: HUMPHREY MIL FORD Oxford University Press, Amen Corner, E.C.4.