Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 7.djvu/329

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12 s. vii. OCT. 2, i92o.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


CLAUDIUS SHAW, ROYAL ARTILLERY (wh served in Malta in 1810-12, and in th Peninsular War, commanded ( Lieut. -Col. ) th Artillery of the British Legion of Spain, 1835-7

He served, as major, in the Hampshir Artillery Militia from May 30, ; '. 1853, unti 1861. In 1862 his name is omitted fror the Army List. *

In 1875 he published a book entitle ' Malta Sixty Years Ago. '

He was born in January or February 1790. When and where did he die ?


Gunnersholme, Melbourne Avenue, Sheffield.

FRANCIS GASTRELL, VICAR OF STRATFORD ON-AvoN. I shall feel greatly obliged i any of your numerous correspondents woulc kindly refer me to any books or magazine articles that could furnish some biographica details regarding this gentleman, who ir 1759 demolished New Place, Stratford-on Avon, and at an earlier period cut down the famous mulberry tree in the garden, which according to tradition was planted by Shakespeare. JAMES SINTON.

Eastfield, Joppa.

ROMNEY MARSH. I am desirous of making a collection of books of antiquarian interest on the country known as Romney Marsh (i.e., between Dungeness, Ashford and Hythe), and should be glad if corre- spondents could send me a list of such books.


SIR BENJAMIN KEENE. It is stated (Richards, 'Lynn,' 1069-74) that a bio- graphical account of Sir Benjamin was written by Bailey Wallis D.D., who married his niece, dau. of the Rev. Venn Eyre, formerly Lecturer at Lynn. Can any reader of * N. & Q. ' inform me of the where- abouts of this account ? Keene died as Ambassador to Spain in 1757, and was brother to Edmund Keene, Bishop of Ely. Both brothers were grandsons of Edmund Rolfe, Mayor of King's Lynn in 1713 and 1720, whose friendship with Robert Walpole was doubtless of service to the Keenes.

R. T. GUNTHER. Magdalen College, Oxford.

BURNABY, Baronets of Broughton Hall, Oxon, creation 1761 ; extinct 1916. I should be grateful for information about the following members of this family : John Burnaby of Kensington, Middlesex, Esq., married Clara, daughter of Sir Edward Wood, Kt., by whom he had six sons and three daughters.

I. John, who was many years Minister to the Swiss Cantons and secretary to the Earl of Waldegrave, Ambassador Extraordinary at the Court of France. Did he marry and have issue ; if so, what was his wife's name, and what the names of his children ?

II. Edward of Cleveland Row, St. James's, and one of the Clerks of the Treasury ; he married Mary, daughter and heiress of Thomas Green of Norlands, Middlesex, by whom he had with other issue : ( 1 ) Edward Burnaby Green, who married : what was his wife's name and the names of his issue, if any ? (2) William Pitt Burnaby, Captain in the Navy ; married at Wantage, Berkshire, Nov. 15, 1770, Sarah, only daughter and heiress of John Price, Esq., of The Ham, Wantage, Berks, by whom he had two sons, Edward Pitt Burnaby, born Deoerrber, 1771, died June 9, 1799 ; and William Henry Burnaby, born 1774, died December, 1798. What were the names o* the ether issue of Edward Burnaby of Cleveland Row, St. James's and Mary Green, his wife V

LEONARD C. PRICE. Esse-x Lodge, Ewell.

COLUMBARIA. I am desirous of informa- tion with regard to ancient "Columbaria," and can find very little. Any references on the subject would be gratefully received.

J.* VAUGHAN. The Close, Winchester.

A CHRISMATORY AT CAISTER, NORFOLK. In the south wall of the aisle of Caister Jhurch, Norfolk, is what the writer thinks may have been a chrismatory. The size of the recess is 21 inches high, 11 inches wide ind 10 inches deep. It has a freestone slab, orming the base which projects beyond the iurface of the wall.

Its position is exactly where one would ook for the cupboard which contained the loly oil, the font no doubt standing opposite, ust to the right of the south doorway.

W T ill ecclesiologists favour with their >pinions. WILLIAM DE CASTRE.

DODINGTON'S 'DIARIES.' The original autograph manuscript of the 'Diaries ' of George Bubb Dodington (1691-1762), after- wards Lord Melcombe, in eight note-books, was sold at Messrs. Hodgson & Co.'s, of Chancery Lane, on Apr. 14, 1910. The mr chaser was the late Mr. E. Almack. )an any reader oi 'N. & Q.' kindly inform ae who has the present custody of these


93-94 Chancery Lane, W.C.2.