Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 7.djvu/420

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 s. vn. OCT. so, 1020

government of this Town you shall to your power observe and keep, and shall not disclose the speeches used by any man in the Council Chamber concerning the affairs of the -said Borough at any time to any other but such as shall be of the Council of this Borough. So help you God [and all His Saints]."

Francis Harbage was Bailiff and John Jeffreys was Head Alderman, and Lewis ap Williams and Roger Sadler were Chamber- lains. During the autumn John Shakespeare was active in the Court of Record prosecut- ing three townsmen with success. He also acted as bail for William Wingfield in a suit brought against him by Alderman Cawdrey.

EDGAR I. FRIPP. (To be continued.)


(See ante, p. 304, 324.) 1655.

Feb. 1, Thursday. I received a sub poena by one Sutton from T. and my sister to appeare in Chancery.

Feb. 3, Saterday. I went to see my Lady Ruthin, where I found my Lord Mandeville.

j.^eb. 5, Munday was the Christninge.

Feb. 16, Friday. I receiued my sisters bill in Chancery by Mr. R. Skinner.

Feb. 28. Wednesday. I putt in my Answer, which Mr. Peeke drew vp. and S r O. Biidgeman, and Mr. Chute corrected it.

Mar. 18, Sunday. Temple sounded [swooned] at Church.

Mar. 5, Munday. I heard at Kensington that [? Algernon] Sidney writ to my Lady Diana that I was a diligent opposer of his match with nay C. A. Dauers. When I came home Temples man stayed for nice with a note from him and my sister to desire mee to send the Counterpart of the Deede shee made to mee, I told the man I had it not here, but I would take order it should be sent some time to-morrow.

Mar. 0, Tuesday night. Temple sent his man againe, I said I had now brought it home, and was hist sending it, so gaue it him., and my Lady Dianas picture to returne it to my sister.

Mar. 7, Wednesday morninge. My sister sent mee againe my Lady Dianas picture, and said she did not vriderstand my sending it to her, and knew not whither it was the same, and that one of the eyes was out, so I said onely that Mr. Lilly should mend it.

I heard by Euans that he had sent vp the Table Linnen for my sister and the other Linnen all in one trunke. 12, Munday. I sent my sister the trunke with Linnen, and nay Lady Osborne told mee shee was there when my letter came, and that my sister seemed extreamely pleased with it, and said the Letter was very kinde and that it was more then shee expected from mee. Yet that night she writ to mee againe a Letter where she was vnsatisfied, and very vnkinde.

Mar. 15, Thursday. She writ againe and two or three Letters went betweene vs.

Mar. 16, Friday. Shee went out of Towne to Battersey to the ministers house there, intending to goe from thence into Barkeshire by Redding.

This day T. came to M,r. Ward to bid him if any money were returned vp for him he should keepe it in his hands, and my man told mee Mr. Ward not well vnderstanding what order I gaue to R. Compton, mistooke and said I denied I had giuen. him order not to pay any money to my sister, when I denied that I had giuen him order not to pay any money till our Lady day ; for I had ordered him and he had promised to send it vp ten dayes before. So I went that night to him and made him vnderstand the businesse right, and he said if any money came to him for my sister he would send mee worde, and if T. sent to know whether any was returned vp for him he would say no.

The 14 of this moneth T. sent his man ouer the way with a Coachman to beate Owen.

Mar. 21, Wednesday. T was with S r T. Hatton who told mee Temple and my sister had beene with him, and that he had offered him a bill, which he refused to take.

Mar. 22, Thursday morninge. S r T. Peyton came to mee and told mee Temple had been with him and giuen him a bill against the Trustees desiring vp [sic] to send it to S. Browne, and desire him to draw vp an answer, which he told mee he had done, therevpon I writ this day a letter to S. Browne to desire him not to doe it.

I writ to R. Compton that he should returne vp the 120 U to mee, and not to my sister, of both these last letters I haue Copies.

Mar. 26, Munday. I tooke Post at White Chappell with Mr. Beuerly and went to Chelmes- forde.

Mar. 27, Tuesday. My cause was heard in the afternoone and I had a verdict for mee. My Councell was Sergeant Twisden, Turner. Atwood and [? Herrys], Theirs was Wilde and Greene. They brought Mrs. Hobson to proue a Will who vpon her oath said shee was to haue had 50" a yeare by that Will. The other woman swore she never saw the Will, nor knew not what was in it. My Attorney was Jekyll, theirs Brickewood.

Mar. 28, Wednesday. I came home in a hack- ney coach with Mr. Beverly [the " James B." of Dorothy's letters] and my Cousin Tom Osborne. I received a letter from my C. Thorold where I was inuited to Cornebury.

Mar. 30, Friday. Owen receiued of Mr. Ward 120 1 ' that R. Compton had returned to mee for my sister. Owen went to Stacys, &c., to enquire how I might send to nay sister but shee knew not.

I retained Attorney Prideaux against my brother [? Temple]. I bargained with one in Perpoole Lane for a table for my Lady Diana.

Apr. 2, Munday. I retained Mr. Chute against my brother.

Apr. 3, Tuesday. I retained Sergeant Maynard against my brother.

Apr. 5, Thursday. I sent a Letter by Owen to Mrs. Grizells to be sent to my sister to acquaint her I had 120 U for her, shee they say is at Battersey.

Apr. 7, Saterday. My sister writ mee a Letter by one Cornwall to pay the 120 11 to him, I told