Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 7.djvu/446

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(See ante, pp. 141, 184, 225, 287, 327.) CHAMBERLAIN'S ACCOUNT-BOOKS,


'TriACOOMPTES of Thorns Baker and Thorns Knighte Chamberleyns for one whole yeare Begynninge at the feaste of Seincte michaell Tharchngell 1581 and endinge at the same feaste 1582 made and gyven uppe the xxiii' 1 Daye of marche 1582. before m 1 Squier one of the Bayliffs & Henrye peryman depute for Thorns Johnson thother Baylie and before y j reste of y e Tcunshippe theare beirige.

(Be of cappes the butcher for y- discharge of his candell . . . . . . . . ii v i d

ditto Henrye gyrlinge xii' 1 and several others).

p' 1 to 1 horns Lovenes for a pottell of muska- dell xviii d

p' 1 for exchange of an Anngell iii frenche Crownes and a doler at London . . iiii s

,p (l for a pottell of muskadell when m ; ' booking was at John Coupers . . . . xviii' 1

more for a quarte of sacke . . . . . . viii' 1

more for iii qtes of Clarette . . . . xviii (1

p ;l to Thorns bonara for iii nights watchinge at the Sluse . . . . . . xviii' 1

p (l to palmer for watchinge at y" sluco . . vi (1

p (l to the Smithe for naylos for trimigeof the Olocke and the chancell doore . . . . v-

p l1 for kepinge of the mother th c Haddo her Legge cutt of . . . . . . ; . ^[^

p (l to John Browne for ii dayes woorke of him- self & his man in y u chancell wheare y e Baylies sett and for di a bushell of heare

iii* vii' 1

P' 1 for the whippinge of Forgas . . . . . . iiii'i

p d to m r Foxe for delivynge uppe of y- Ctificat for eatinge of Fleshe . . . . . . ijs

p d to Benedicke for mendingo of the churche booke and makynge y j choyne . . . . ii*

p l1 to John Cobbe for willm pagis maydes passage to newcastell . . . . \ti* v iii l1

p d to gates for mesurage of wheat e . . . . xvi' 1

,p' 1 to Swaynes wifo for washinge of y~ wid- dowo gooddales clothes . . . . . . viii' 1

p (1 to Smithe for a yeeres skoolinge of the said Boye (Son of Peter Lambercl) . . . . vi s

p' 1 to Blowers for a monethos bourde of the gyrle wi th one Legge . . . . . . vi K

p cl to Robte Bence senr for chargs he was at

in Biding & goyng when ho & others weare chosen to enquire for matters of Piracie xiii* iiii' 1

p (1 to m r Baylie Squier for y e like . . xiii* iiii' 1

p' 1 to Robto Arnouldefor his qnonthe woorde out of John bee his Last will . . . . x >

p d for towage of the Cade of heringe xviii' 1

p d to Robte marshall senr for ii 11 & iii qtera of waxe iis iij,!


In this year many payments occur for the church, bells, and church house. It is curious to noto that during the period of

Elizabeth's reign no mention occurs of "organs " or any other musical instrument.

p d for papre & y e coppio of the priestes booke . . . . . . . . . . . . vii d

p d at y e receipte of John Baymas tenne pounde vi d p d to y e Lords Baylie for y e halfe yeres rent of y e northe marshe . . . . . . . . X B

p' 1 to oulde goodma for mendinge the churche

waye xii d

p d to blinde Besse xii d

for blacke cotten thridde & buttons . . xi d

p d for ii c & iii qters of bricke . . iiii 8 i d

p d to Robte bred lie for carienge y e certificat to


London against eatinge of fleshe p d to Thorns fisher for his paines for sekinge for

a bull & for his drinke when he came home vi d p d to y 6 quenes players . . . . . . xx 8

p d to y e belfounder . . . . . . iii 11 xviii s

for beer then . . . . . . . . . . vii d

p d for iii mennes woorko to hango y e bell ii s iiii' 1 p d for y c administracon & y e chargis of the

fetching for Elizabethe coups goods xv 8 iii' 1 pi for y e buryall of hir . . . . xyiii d

p d for makinge of y" third e bell kneple iii s iiii d carienge of the bell to Framlinghm vii s iv d

p d to the players y e iii' 1 daye of Auguste at m r Baylifi's' comandement . . . . vi s viii d

p' 1 to Francis bloome for a churche booko . . V p' 1 to w r brimble for carienge of tile . . . . iiii d

p d to Skrutton for setting uppe of the church

house & making the toune house dores . . ix B p* to m r nicheson for y e hire of a horse to Lon- don on y u tounes busines . . . . . . viii"

p d to y tiler for tilinge of y churche house & the toune haule . . . . . . . . xi s

P d for a loade of Tiles for y towne house xiiii* p d to gryfdyn for y e dinners of S r Robte winge- ffleld & other knights & gentlemen & their waitinge menne . . . . . xlv"

p rt to Thorns hooker for y c Toune bull . . XXX B p' 1 to y Joyner for a wooden Legge . . xviii l

p d for the dovills Coato . . . . ii" ix d

p d to m r Foxe y same daye for his chargis at London when m r Squier & m r periman were fetched uppe by a pursivant . . xxx fi

p' 1 to Richard Johnson y e 23 of October 83 of the gyft of John bee his kinsman in his Last will y e some of . . . - . . . . i: 11

p (1 to Lionell manclarke for makinge of the Devills Coate . . . . . . . . x d

p d to Forman for caryenge of S r nicholas ba- cons prisoners to ipswiche.. .. vii s iii d

p (1 to m r Freeman for a locke & a Fyrkyn for the prison . . . . . . . xiii (l

p d for the cookestoole . . . . xxxiiii 8

p d for mendinge of the prison & cryerige of the Toune bull . . . . . . . . viii' 1

p (I to m r Foxe for y e quenes taker of fishe . . xx p d to gates in pte of his wgs in things he hadclo

at Elizabethe Coupers cant . . iiii s viii' 1

p' 1 for payntinge of y e Devills coate . . . . xii d

p (1 to Eves for ringinge of y e iiii or a clocke bell viii 8 p d for whippinge of forgas . . . . . . iiii 11

p d for mendinge of the Fire trees .. .. iiii' 1

p' 1 to Benedicke for Druminge at y e muster . . vi d for clastper for y e toune booko . . . . ii '

p d for a paire of shoes for mother graves mother viii' 1 p d to mother graye for iii wekes kepinge of hir mother . . . . . . xii