Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 7.djvu/481

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12 s. vii. NOV. is, i92o.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


Who was D. B. Shaw ? I have the pub- lished lists of the British Auxiliary Legion of Spain, for 1835 to 1837, but his name does not appear therein.

J, H. LESLIE, Lieut. -Col.

BUDJEUS (12 S. vii. 332). Budaeus makes no such statement in his 'De Asse et parti- bus eius.' Chalmers's erroneous assertion is dished up again in H. J. Rose's 'New General Biographical Dictionary,' in which the greater part of the article on Budseus is taken* verbatim from Chalmers. What we have in this latter dictionary is apparently ^a distorted version of the story given by Ludovicus Regius (Louis Le Roy) on p. 16 of his Latin 'Life of Budseus,' published at Paris in 1540: " Nuptiarum etiam die, qui est laetitiae & hilaritati dicatus, minimum tres horas studuisse commemorant. "

Towards the end of book v. cf the ' De Asse,' ed. 1551, p. 793, and in a letter of his to Sir Thomas More ( ' Budaei Epistolae, ' 1531, pp.v. sqq.), part of which was entered by Southey in his 'Commonplace Book,' i. 165 sq., Bude informs us that he was not led by his wife and children to neglect his studies. In a letter to Cuthbert Tunstall, printed also in editions of Erasmus's 'Epistolae ' (coll. 148 sqq. in the London ed. of 1642, and No. 583 in Mr. P. S. Allen's second volume), he calls Philologia his

  • ' altera conjux " and says that the attrac-

tions of his wife and children had no power to separate his from this " Aegeria."


Much Hadham, Herts.

RICHARD ELWELL, WINCHESTER SCHOLAR (12 S. vii. 350). He matriculated, as son of John of Westminster, gent., at Wadham ollege, on May 15, 1793, aged 18 ; but apparently did not take a degree.


For some details of his life see ' Registers of Wadham Coll., Oxon.,' ed. by R. B. Gardiner, 2 vols., 1889-95.


INSCRIPTION ON BELL (12 S. vii. 332}. A rubbing of the inscription mentioned by H. C. may be seen at the Library of the Society of Antiquaries. It will be found to be :


I understand this as an invocation to mortals to listen to celestial sounds. This motto has not been found on any other bell,

so far as I am aware. I should conjecture- that the Warden of Winchester College directed it to be cast on the bell. I see that the words sonos and mortales are transposed in the book on the ' Bells of Hampshire ' lately published by the Rev. W. E. Colchester.

AMHERST D. TYSSEN. 59 Priory Road, N W.6.

ELIZABETH CHUDLEIGH, DUCHESS OF KINGSTON (12 S. vii. 290, 336, 358). In giving the date of the Duchess's death as 1785 I made a slip of the pen which I regret, as it has given some correspondents the trouble of correcting an error which was obvious, as I believe every authority is in agreement as to the year in which the Duchess died. I am greatly obliged for the several letters that have reached me direct, and for the others which have appeared in. ' N. & Q. ' The mystery at present remains unsolved. The evidence is in favour of the body having been buried in France, and possibly there I may find my answer.

W. COURTHOPS FORMAN. Cornpton Down, near Winchester.

MR. ALECK ABRAHAMS has omitted the date of The Pall Matt Magazine which contains Miss Louisa Parr's 'Elizabeth. Chudleigh.' It is July, 1900.


SPENCER (12 S. vii. 331). Hodnell is in Co. Warwick, not Worcester. It is now mere or less in the parish of Ladbroke, and some account of it, with a Spencer pedigree, will be found in my recent history of that parish. The pastures of Hodnell were the foundation of the wealth of Althorp.

S. H. A. H.

MASTER GUNNER (12 S. v. 153, 212, 277 ; vi. 22, 158, 197, 253 ; vii. 91). The impor- tance of this office in former days will be easily apprehended by a reference to 10 S. iv. 293, where the peculiar gun-carriages first used by Marlborough at Blenheim and Ramillies are discussed. It is probable that on those occasions the Duke was his own Master Gunner-in- Chief. N. H.

AUTHOR WANTED (12 S. vii. 311, 359). I do not believe any one described Genealogy as " the science of fools with long memories. ' ' Surely it was Heraldry which was so branded. Planche in his 'Pursuivant of Arms,' (my copy undated but about 1851, I think) refers in his ' Preliminary Observations *