Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 7.djvu/490

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 s. vn. NOV. 20, 192*.

Wight and in the Windsor Forest district agrees with this re-arrangement, which makes Faerpinga follow the hidage of Wight. But if the suggestion be rejected, the previous one must be revived, viz., that there are 900 hides unrecorded in the Mercian part of the Hidage, of which 600 were in "Wight " (the Meon-dwellers) and 300 in some district unknown, but possibly round Wallingford, where a church of St. Rumbold reveals early Mercian influence. In this case " Aro " will almost inevitably denote the central part of Berkshire and the following perfect topographical sequence results : Wantage (Unecung), Aro " (? Ora, now Oare), Son- ning (Fserpinga) in Berks, Billingdon (Bil- miga) and Wing (Witehung : Wider igga) in Bucks. The circle will be completed if Aylesbury and Headington represent the capi- tals of the East and West Willa respectively. In either case the hypothesis may be stated thus : the Fserpingas or Fserwingas were an advance party, possibly of the Jutes of Wight, who established themselves in the woodlands of East Berks, and were first overrun and perhaps annexed by Wulfric of Mercia, but afterwards conquered by Ceadwalla of Wessex. The Mercians coming to the rescue, Sonning was agreed upon as a boundary manor and given to the local bishop, while Ceadwalla retained the western fringe of the triba.1 land, of which three fragments continued to be in Wiltshire till lately and give testimony, as the" Channel Islands give testimony to the lost Normandy. Afterwards, of course, the whole area became West Saxon. J. BKOWNBILL.


(See ante, pp. 141, 184, 225, 287, 327, 366.) CHAMBERLAIN'S ACCOUNT-BOOKS.


The reference to "sallet oyle " is in- teresting, from which our misnomer of "salad " oil is derived.

p d to Bobte Lambe for whitinge of y churche

xxii s iii d p a to Roger morrys the Curate y xxx th daye of

Aprill 85 : Due to m 1 ' Doctor for Lactage

xxyi s viii d p d for y charges of y Findinge of certeine

bookes besouthe . . . . . . . . iiii s

p d for a shete & sope at y buriall of Ales

cottinghm iii 8 iiii d

p (1 to m r Freman for ii pints of sallet Oyle . . ii 8 oaore to him for ii bowestrings . . . . ii d

more for sallet oyle liftd

mone for pf ume Frankinsens a perser bitt &

white paper fetched by Eves . . x d ob

p d to m r Foxe for ii pursivants th* came w th

the Counsells Letters . . . . . . x s

p d for iii bagges to putt in y Courte Roules iii 8 iiii d p d to Harry Lambe for tryminge of y e Chann

cell . . . . V i e

p d to Thorns Lovenes for ii destresss for y

Toune & y e actions . . x <i

p d to M r hunt for powder th* he shotte of when

S r Charles Framingh'oa was in toune xxvi 8 vi d p d to m r periman for the players . . . . x s

p d for whippinge of the Roges' . . . . viii (L p d to Robte nelson for a Comunion clothe ix s ix d p d for y u bringinge of m r Doctors stuff e to

Toune xxxiii 8 iv d


Poplar is still called "pople " hereabouts. The "queathe worde " (or bequest word of John Bee) is worthy of notice, and the word, "queathe " has not been long extinct.

(Good list of townesmens names under " Her

bage "). p (l for iiii or menne for watchinge in y e m s he

for f eare of the cattell dryvinge . . . . xvi' 1 '

p d to Hille for xix Lodes cariedge of watermill

gravell into the marshe . . . . xii s viii' 1

(more entries of " watermill " gravel). p d to wilm skansbye for whippinge of forgas v' ! p d for a seve to sifte pouder in & for pece of

heare . . . . . . . . . . X 'i

p d to Robte bredshame & marret for rowinge

m r Bayliffs to Orffourde . . . . . . x ii d

p d to Smithe the Clarke for his di yeres wagis

dewe at Christines .. .. .. s sxv x

p d for whipping of Laniisons maide & pagies

mayde . . . . . . . . . . jijjfi

p d to Thorns Hooker for meat th* m r baylies

hadde whe thei went to London by water

iiii s Tiiii 1 '

p d to m r Frema for a pople' bourde & nayles xii l ~ p d to Francis Forma y e iiii th of Februarie 86

for certeyne lynings for a doblet for gates

Taffita for Facinge of his Coate silke & silke

buttons & for pchement & paper Fette

for the tounes use at christmes was Twel-

month last past . . . . . . x jjs [,i

p d for whipping of michells wiff & ii more . . viii' 1 p d to Gryffin for the dyet of the Judge of y

admiraltie when he came to take a note of

mcnnes names . . . . . . JJJK v ^d.

p d to gates his wiff o y vii th of maye 86 for a

Coyfe & other things for Febres gyrle xii (! p d to John Tedboll for his queathe woorde of

John Bee . . . . . . iiiii v i s viii d

p d tothe viceadmiralls menne, W m Depwell &

Timothie garratte y xxiii th of marche for

the moytie ol iiii or porpases & their shil-

linge i d . . . . . . . . vi 8 x fl

p d to m r Bayiie bence for a firkin of butter for

thuse of the Toune . . . . xiiii 8 vi d

p d to w m skrutton for cuttinge downe of

Tymber in Snape Woode . . . . vi 8 viii d p d to y e Joyner for tryminge of m r Doctors

stoole . . . . . . . . . . vi 8 ix d

p d for whippinge of a cupple . . . . y*