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Cambridge {University flbress

BeOWulf witn the Finnsburg Fragment Edited

Shakespeare's Fight with the

by A. J. WYATT. New edition, revised, with intro- duction and notes by R. W. CHAMBERS. Demy 8vo. With 2 facsimiles. Second impression.

)*<. 4v>c and the Problems of the Trans- ITiraiea mission of His Text. By A. W.

POLLARD, Sandars Reader in Bibliography, 1915. Second edition, revised, with an intro-

12s 6d net.

duction. Crown 8vo. 7s 6d ' net. Shakespeare

Old English Ballads, 1553 1625.

Chiefly from Manusciipts. Edited by HYDER E.

Problems Series. "The exciting, the 'romantic thing' in it all is that it brings us nearer than ever before to ' looking over Shakes- peare's shoulder while he wrote'... As Mr Pollard and

ROLLINS, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Knglish,

Mr Dover Wilson go step by step along these ways of

New York University. Demy 8vo. 18s 6d net. "Dr Rolling has here collected and printed seventy-five 'ballads' relating to English history from the accession of

investigation, we may expect something besides a restored text ot Shakespeare. We may expect a healthy breeze of reality blowing through rooms that had grown stuffy." The Times.

Mary Tudor to the death of James 1. He has transcribed them with meticulous care and edited them with a good deal of bibliographical skill A sound and careful piece of work." The Times.

Douglas's Aeneid. By LAUCHLAN


(Scot.), Author of 'Scottish Life and Poetry,' &e.

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1 lie JLrlaCr ILdda and AnCient ! " A scholarly and searching elucidation of Douglas's

_ .- , . f^. translatory labours ..Douglas, of course, appeals primarily v*r/\.r\fil1\J\Vfl5%.T\ OrS\T!>a By to students of literature, to whi.m Mr. Watt's volume wi.l VJl/ailUll&aVJiail V A UA J be Httle ghor( . of a god8endi but its racy style itg i ?lt ere8t-

BERTHA S. PHILLPOTTS, O.B.E., Litt.D., i ing matter, and its variety of topics should secure for it a

Principal of Westfield College (University of \ somewhat wider public with benefit to that public."

London). Demy 8vo. With a frontispiece. 21s net. m 1 he Abe in T the EdSc 8 co S Hection ^(Tne'cha^&eSs witKKfdT ' SpanishtS PortUgUCSC RomaRCC S

lights thrown by the evolution of this drama on the origin

.^JT r"*KJrkl*--r The Revival of the Romance

of Greek tragedy, and the last chapter urges the influence

UI V/lllvairy. of chivalry in the Spanish

of Teutonic ritual drama in certain branches of medieval

Peninsula, and its Extension and Influence Abroad.


By H. THOMAS, D.Lht., Norman Maccoll Lec-

turer in the University of Cambridge, 1916. Demy

Danish Ballads. Translated by E. M.

8vo. 25s net.

" This is a scholarly and interesting account of the

SMITH-DAMPIER. Crown 8vo. 6s 6d net.

romances of chivalry which fired Don Quixote's imagina-

"Miss Smith-Dampier has produced a little volume which can be warmly commended, tier introductions to the whole collection, and to each individual ballad are all

tion, and set him off in search of adventure. . . . The subject is a fascinating one, and Dr Thomas is to be congratulated on an excellent piece of Work." The Spectator.

that can be desired." The Times. "The translations are verbally and metrically close to

Four Plays of Gil Vicente.

the originals, and at the same time, full of spirit and charm a rare achievement." The Daily News.

Edited from the editio princeps (1562) with Transla- tion and Notes by A. F. G. BELL. Royal 8vo.

With facsimiles of the title-pages of the first two

From Ritual to Romance. By

editions of Vicente's works. 20s net. Gil Vicente, that sovereign genius, is too popular and

JESSIE L. WESTON. Demy 8vo. 12s 6d net.

indigenous for translation and this may account for the

" M iss Weston touches upon questions of universal interest

fact that he has not beeu presented to English readers. It is hoped, however, that a fairly accurate version, with

which render her work eminently readable to the un- initiated. . . .She does for Romance what Miss Jane Harrison has done for art in general and the Greek drama in particu- lar Miss Weston handles very skilfully the data acquired in her thirty years of study." The Westminster Gazette.

the text in view, may give some idea of his genius. The religious, the patriotic-imperial, the satirical and the pastoral sides of his drama are represented in {the four plays, as well s his lyrical vein.

The Household Account Book

The Lollard Bible and other Medieval

of Sarah Fell of Swarthmoor

Biblical Versions. By MARGARET DEANESLY,


M.A. Mary Bateson Fellow, Newnham College,

Hall. Edited by NORMAN PENNEY, F.S.A.

Cambridge. Demy 8vo. 31s 6d net. Cambridge

Royal 8vo. 42s net.

Studies in Medieval Life and Thought.

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matter and its method. Its method is scientific in the

friends. . . The book is a record of the kind that illumines

stricter sense of the term The history of the Lollard

the light of the day ; it is a page of English history we

Bible presents us with the Middle Ages in epitome

shall not turn again." The Daily Neivs.

Miss Deanesly's work is most highly praiseworthy She has put students of medieval history heavil y in her debt."

The History of the Title Impe-

The Cambridge Bulletin.

No. XXXVII, October, 1920, giving particulars of the recent and forthcoming publications of the Uni- versity Press, will be sent post free on application.

ra tor under the Roman Empire.

By D. McFAYDEN. Royal 8vo. 5s net. Uni- versity of Chicago Press. " 1 his careful and convincing study disposes of several oft-repeated mistakes upon a question of great interest." Notes and Queries.

ffetter SLane, SLonfcon, B.G,4 : C. ff* Clap, /Manager


ream's Buildings, E.C.4, and Published by THE TIMES Printing House Square. London, E.C.4. November 20, 1920