Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 7.djvu/636

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 29, 1921.

Eckstein (John), Birmingham artist, 198

Edersheim (Rev. Dr.), 7, 56

Edwards (Rev. Edward), b. 1812, originator of

Diocesan Calendars, 453

Edwards (Samuel Bedford), b. 1799, 208, 273 Eighty-fourth Regiment in India, c. 1760 :

officers serving with, 29 Elder, folk-lore of the, 27, 37, 59 Elwell (Richard), Winchester scholar, 1793, 350,

397 Emerson (Ralph Waldo), elucidation of passages

in his ' English Traits,' 19, 31, 57, 114, 130,

428, 472 Episcopal churches, nineteenth century, 310

Epitaphs :

Albery (James), 416

Alexander's (Cardinal), 131, 195

At Carnarvon : Con way church, 207 Church

Stretton, Salop, 447 Tobago, 148 Day of week on which death took place

mentioned, 447, 487 " Desirable bachelor," 389 "Elect," 448

" He lived a life of going to do, "^338 " He played beneath the moon ; . . . .And

died with nothing done," 416 " Out of the strain of the doing ; Into the

peace of the done," 338 Vanbrugh's (Sir John), 511

Estates, Royalist Delinquent, 46

Estlin (John Prior), 1747-1817, Unitarian minister

81 Eu (Count William de), and William Eu (or Owe),

47, 156 Eugenie (Empress), at Boulogne, 1854, 389 ; and

Elizabeth Patterson Bonaparte, 466 Evans (J. E.), publisher of Smithfield, 191 Everett (Sir William), his family, 289 Exeter Exchange, Strand, site of, 371, 398 Exted ( ), eighteenth- century artist, 149, 19 Eyre (Francis), M.P., 1780, 69

Fair family of Great Brington, 31

Fairs, English, authorities on, 429, 475

Faithorn family, 169

Falun, the miner of, 270, 338

Fanning (John), writer of acrostics, 30

Fanning family of Dublin, 306

Farley (Edward), eighteenth -century printer. 166

' Farley's Exeter Journal,' 166

Fate, marks of, 6, 58

Fearney (William), Nelson's barge-man, 368

Feckenham Forest records, 310

Fife (Countess of). Mile. Mercandotte as, 448, 493

Finkle Street; derivation of name, 151

Fishes, heraldry of, 29

Fletcher (Joseph), of Tullamore, 429

Flixton, Lancashire, church bells, 418

" Flock " and " herds," definitions of, 15

Flood (Jocelyn), Westminster scholar, 1764, 409,

456, 518 Floor coverings of the Tudor epoch, 311, 357,

394, 475


Amber, 58, 318 Derbyshire superstitions, 168 Dock leaves as remedy for nettle-stings, 14 Elder, 27, 37, 59 Field mice, 191

Peacock's feathers, 137, 277, 477 Three knocks a sign of death, 168 Warwickshire, 245, 488 Font inscriptions, 250 Forbes (James), of the I.C.S., d. 181P, 392 Ford (John), his posthumous play, ' The Queen,*"

462, 483 Foreign languages, influence of, on style, 89, 152,


Fostersmith family, 408 Foulkes (John), Canon of Christ Church, Oxon,

249, 275 Foulkes (Peter), Canon of Christ Church, Oxon,.

249, 275 Foulkes (William), Canon of Christ Church, Oxon,.

249, 275 Francis II., the poisoned King of France, 311,

358, 412 Franklin (Benjamin), Sir Alexander Wedderburn's

attack on, 210

French (Marcella), 29, 157, 474 French prisoners of war in England, models made

by, 469, 617 French Songs : ' O Richard, O mon roi,' 270,.

297, 352, 416 French titles, practice of omitting, 110, 153, 154,.


Friday Street, origin of name, 490 Frinton, Essex, Manor of, 38 Frogs in heraldry, 10 Fuller (Thomas), 450, 518 Funeral parlour, use of the term, 37, 118, 178

Gabion, meaning of the word, 92

Gaillard (Pierre Francois) = " Lacenaire ": his=

execution, 489 Gainsborough, his picture of The Mall, 330 ; his

letter to Reynolds, 510


Ducks and Drakes, 229, 257 Huddlings, 311

Wake game : " Jenny Jo," 405 Gastrell (Francis), vicar of Stratford-on-Avon,.

17, 269 296, 333 Geld acre of Cornwall, 392, 439 Genealogy as " The science of fools with long

memories," 311, 359, 397, 495 Gentleman Ushers of the Black Rod to the House

of Lords, 1591-1877, 429, 494 Geoffrey of Monmouth's ' Historia,' 44 George I., gift of gold cup to Mr. Lambe, 450, 514 George III., Brigg's painting of, 369 George V., macaronic Greek verse on marriage

of, 207

George (David), 1501-56, his portrait, 37 German, origin of the name, 109 German customs, 311, 353 ' German Review, The,' 490 German titles relinquished, 33 Gervase de Cornhill, 490