Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 7.djvu/645

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is'otes and Queries, January 29, 1921.


A. on " Arschine," derivation of word, 315. 492 " Sajene," derivation of word, 315, 492

A. (C. B.) on Bromelow family of Cheshire, 192 Coddington : English dictionary, 490 Holder (Anthony) of Gloucester, 510 Hop wood family, 88

A. (B. A.) on State trials, 359

A.-L. (B. A.) on American war, 1776, 331 Preparatory schools in the eighteenth century, 331

^-Ababrelton (Bobert) on Levard, or Leuard, or Leoard as Christian name, 30

Abrahams (Aleck) on Chudleigh (Elizabeth), Duchess of Kingston, 358 Crystal Palace bazaar, 309 Cumberland (George), his project for a Museum of Arts, 106 Gastrell (Francis), vicar of Stratford-on-Avon, 297 Highest ground in City of London, 330 -Law Courts, Strand, 497 London in the Fifties and Sixties. 475 London insurance companies, 388 Magazines, local London, 5 Mapesbury House, Brondes- bury, 205 " New Exchange," London, 398 Nicholson (Benton), 235 Bailway travelling, early, 512 Bomney Marsh, 298 St. Paul's Cathedral, 506 Savoy Palace, 46 Scrolls of the law, burial of remains, 288 Tegg (Thomas and William), 92 War Office, original building, 355 Westminster Abbey restora- tions, 267

Ackermann (Alfred S. E.) on Churches, orientation of, 169 Folk-lore of field mice, 191 Lowes- toft china, 49 Marks of fate, 6 Motoring novels, 278 North American Indians, 149 Bibes Sanguineum, 49 Sea-water and mad- ness, 392 " Second wind," 211 Vernon (Dorothy), 409 Violins, tone of old and new, 430

Ajax on Herbert (John Bichardson), Governor of

Nevis, 129

Allen (E. H.) on Militia Acts, 50 Anderson (G. A.) on Badams (Dr.), 350 London

postmarks, 290 St. Anthony of Padua, 31 Anderson (J. L.) on Columbaria, 317 Dinwiddie family, 54 Finkle Street, 151 Lowestoft china, 116 Prisoners who have survived hang- ing, 115 Bomney Marsh, 317 Taillear dubh na Tuaighe, 192 Anderson (P. J.) on Hundredth Psalm : Gaelic

versions, 408

Anscombe (Alfred) on Aldgate, earliest form of the name, 294 " Ancaster " and " Annhun rex Grecorum," 227 " Bug " in place-names, 77 "Shrewsbury" and " Epistrophius Bex Graecorum," 45

Anstey (L. M.) on china : willow pattern, 236 " Heighten!, Tightem and Scrub," 249, 295 London coffee-houses of the eighteenth century, 255 Royal Sovereign, 417 Seventeenth- century chaplain's library, 86 Stratton garlic, 168 Temple (B.), musician in H.M.'s 65th Begt., 275 Tewkesbury mustard, 168 Weather of 1639-40, 190 Anthony (Harold E.) on author of quotation

wanted, 450

Arbuthnot (A. J.) on indexing, 231 Archer (H. G.) on Archer (Patrick), merchant of

London and Waterford, 293

Ardagh (J.) on alphabetical initials : Miss Pepper, 467 Ardagh family, 190 Confessor to H.M.'s household, 370 Crimean war in fiction, 213 Hell Fire clubs, 258 Hood (Bobin), biblio- graphy, 309 Lights of London, 315 Local London magazines, 237 ' Munster Farmer's Magazine, The,' 250 St. Botolph's, Aldgate, plague relic from, 409 Snowball throwing, 406 Statues and memorials in the British Isles, 84_< Wandsworth in 1790,' 110 Armstrong (E. A.) on stones in wood pavement, 351