Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 7.djvu/650

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 29, 1921.

Church, Carnarvon, 207 London coffee-houses, seventeenth century, 153 -London postmarks, 355 Mahogany = rum, 198 Moore (Thomas), quotation from his ' Lalla Bookh,' 399 " New Exchange," London, 435 " Nor did fly for it," 178 ; Puttick, surname, 376 Surnames, curious, 137

'Giles (C. Wilfrid) on heraldry : " Service Heral- dry," 149 .-Giles (Haydn T.) on Gray family, 332 Lheron-

dell (Francis), 289 Thurlow family, 310 'Giagell (W. H.) on ' Birds in the High Hall- Garden, 248

Gladstone (Hugh S.) on Gnaton, place-name, 108, 337 Snipe in Belgrave Square, 390

Gladstone (Robert) on Hertfordshire, the hermit of, 516 " Liverpool," etymology of word, 68, 188, 314 " Noise," etymology of word, 246

Glenconner on Fox and ' The Lay of the Last Minstrel,' 270

Glenny (W. W.) on Lowestoft China, 115

Graham (Ethel S.) on Westminster chimes, 258

Greenwell (Bessie) on Askell family, 513 Thurlow family, 357

Greenhill (G.) on George V. (King), macaronic Greek verse on marriage of, 207

Grenfell (A. G.) on Mostyn House School, 34

Grimshaw (W. H. Murphy) on cryptography : bibliography, 76

Grundy (C. Reginald) on Grundy family, 14 Service heraldry, 192

Grundy-Newman*(S. A.) on Bell (Sir Robert) of Beaupre, 178 Culcheth, 235 Deal as place of call, 199 Dixons of Beeston, 399 Heathton, 354 Mayall, surname, 374 Roe armorials, 334 Sovereign, official title, 172 Stafford- shire, Rolls of Lords Lieutenants of, 312 Surnames, curious, 213 Wine cisterns, 295

Guniiell (Doris) on ' German Review, The,' 490

Gunther (R. T.) on Keene (Sir Benjamin), 269 Pyle (Edmund), 289


H. on Crimean war in fiction, 135

H. (C. P.) on reading, the art of, 170

H. (E. C.) on Disraeli, his style of entertaining 470

H. (H. P.) on Edersheim (Rev. Dr.), 53

H. (J. R.) on authors of quotations wanted, 211 Davidson (John), his ' Fleet Street Eclogues,' 110 " Humble," pronunciation, 195 Kipling: poem attributed to, 4 ; reference wanted, 49 ; his ' Stalky & Co.,' 57, 298 ; and G. W. Steevens, 78 ; queries, 217 ; and Col. Lowther, 389 ' Revenue," pronunciation, 195

H. (N.) on master gunner, status of, 397

H. (R. A.) on author of quotation wanted, 371

H. (S. H. A.) on Harvey de Leon, 316 Hodnell co. Warwick, 397 Sheriff's posts, 508

H. (S. M.) on Innsbruck, statues in the Franzis kaner-Kirche, 251

H. (W.) on Rivers family, 130

H. (W. B.) on afternoon tea, introduction of, 257 Anglesey House, Drury Lane, 457 " Associa- tion books," 408 Black mass : Albert Pike 1809-1891, 197 Buxton (Jedediah), d. 1778 117 'Curfew must not ring to-night,' 208 1 Grubbian Expostulantiuncula,' 251 Hats

" wideawake," 315 " Huddlings," 311 In- dexers, vagaries of, 255 Johnson (Dr.) : G. A. Sala, 332 Kelly (Sir Fitzroy), 27 Lacy (Lieut.-Col. W.), 277 Lepers in England, bib- liography of, 339 Local London magazines, 93 London insurance companies, 475 Macau- lay's (Catharine) statue at St. Stephen's, Walbrook, 30 Mercandotti (Mile.), 493 Nicholson (Renton), 216 " Nor did fly for it," 59 " Oxford Blues," 16 Prisoners who have survived hanging, 216 Railways, early days of, 348 Strand Law Courts, 447 Sussex, Duke of, 1773-1843, 350 Westminster Abbey, restorations, 353

H. (W. S. B.) on " Craspesiorum," 430 Crypto- graphy, book wanted, 30 Gnaton Hall, 137 " Lavinia " : pseudonym, 410 Pannier market, 258 Ricraft's ' Survey of England's Cham- pions,' 469 ' Teachings from the Church's Year,' 48

Hale (C. P.) on " airworthy," 172 " Calkers " : " clogs," 15 Dock-leaves and nettle-stings, 14 Domestic history of the nineteenth century, 295 ' Don Juan,' continuation of, 49 Hats, " wideawake," 158 London street " grottoes," 317 Mahogany, 199 Marriage of cousins, 16 " Marrowskying " = " Spoonerism," 117 North American Indians, 215 Novels of the North Woods, 295 " Saturdav to Monday," 410 Semaphore towers, 258 Worcester china : Sparks, 250

Hamilton (C.) on Cranstoun (Capt. Wm. Hy.), 251 Thorpe (Thos.), clockmaker of Colchester, 232

Hamilton (C. J.) on Somersetshire dialect, 421 Hampden-Cook (E.) on Anderson (Rev. John),

47 Cullen (Robert), 47 Hamson (J.) on " John Bull," origin, 69 St.

John (" Biack " Oliver), 89 Hanford (A. E.) on Clive (Kitty), actress, her

husband, 297

Harcourt-Dixon (Lieut.-Com. H.) on Dixon (Edward), 349 Dixon family of Beeston, co. York, 331 Harding (W. G.) on Fanning (John), 30

" Right Honble," use of prefix, 159 Harmatopegos on Everett (Sir William), 289 Harris (H. A.) on China : Lowestoft, 197 Harris (M. Dormer) on Ardcn family of Warwick- shire, 67

Harris (S. T.) on Jamaica, horoscope of, 337 Harrison (Hy.) on Liverpool, 254 Harrison (H. G.) on Barham (R. D.), 398 Brown (Admiral William), 355 Chartularics, 414 Confessor to Royal Household, 434 Diocesan Calendars, 453 Elwell (Richard), 397 Parliamentary petitions, 41S Wight- wick (William), 15

Harrison (Sydney S.) on clocks, grandfather, 58 Hart (H. P.) on 'Black Mass : Albert Pike, 138 France, poisoned King of, 358 Jamaica, horoscope of, 190 Quarr Abbey, 377, 496 Sailors' chanties, 138

Harting (J. E.) on China: " Biscuit" china, 130; willow pattern, 356 Darrell's (" Wild "), trial, 98 " Every bullet has its billet," 109 Gnaton, 137 Heraldry of fishes, 118 Index- making, 335 'Poor Uncle Ned,' 373 Sign painting, 16

Hautenville-Cope (J.) on Quarr Abbey, 456 Hayler (W.) on House of Commons, Fathers of, 1901-20, 192