Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 7.djvu/652

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 29, 1921.

the ship on the arms of, 335 Parliament : duration, 45 Pronunciation, mistakes in, 312 Scott (John) of Amwell, 319 Shelley query, 331 Stourbead and Alexander Pope, 256 Thackeray : " rod of pickle," 191 " That " and " which," 416

L fleur (Paul T.) on Gozzi (Carlo), 490 Paris, English plays performed in, 497 Spoonerisms in French, 487

L: mbert (Uvedale) on "To Trash for over- topping," 174

Linden (E. P.) on Black Boy Inn, Chelmsford, 171

"Lxtt (Dr. A.) on Diets of the Swiss Confederation, 9

L cky (John) on authors of quotations wanted,

51 i

LrfUmann (Henry) on " Hun," use of the word, 492

L?ggatt (Ernest) on Clivc (Kitty), her husband, 250

Leslie (Lieut.-Col. J. H.) on Army List, English, of 1740, 83, 125, 146, 165, 187, 204, 265, 308, 327, 365, 423" Cashe," or " Couchee," 129 Crimean war, 135, 278 "Goose Club," 310, 396 Master gunner, the status of, 92 Shaw (Lieut.-Col. Claudius), b. 1790, 269, 396 Shrapnel (Major Henry), 290 Wharton (Sir Pollycarpus), 129

Lewis (John F.) on " Cano D. Gregor," 408

Lewis (Penry) on " airworthy," use of word, 70 Hood families : their connexion with Butleigh, 341 Naval history : Coventry and Bellone, 47

L?xicon on author of quotation wanted, 170

Librarian on " clink," origin of the word, 339

Lightfoot (Major E. W.) on Lightfoot (Col. John), d. 1707, 109

Lloyd (Alfred) on " apple " in place-names, 49

Loder (Gerald) on ' Birds ' of Aristophanes : translation by John Hookham Frere, 19 China : willow pattern, 219 House of Commons fathers of, 272

Lucas (J. Landfear) on Banbury, the; Earl of and the Ditke of Wellington, 332 Courtenay riots, 29 Floor coverings of the Tudor epoch, 311 Napoleon's death, news of, 409 Negro drummers, 169 Paris, arms of, 289 " Pussy- foot," origin, 90

Lupton (E. Basil) on Exted, eighteenth century artist, 149 Grammar of stage directors, 109 Simmons (Nevill) of Sheffield, 232

Lydenberg (A. M.) on ' The Times,' alleged reprints of, 56


M. on chartuiaries, 414 Edersheim (Rev. Dr.),

56 Epitaphs, 487 Keith (Dr. Alexander),


M. (A. T.) on Crealock (Lieut.-General H. H.), 74 M. (G. B.) on Bry's (de) ' Gunpowder Plot,' 469

Monteagle (Lord), 509 M. (H. A. St. J.) on Belgrave Square, snipe in,


M. (J. A.) on Grant (James Gregor), 407 M. (J. St. M.) on Peacock family of Durham, 210 M. (L.) on Gainsborough's picture of The Mall, 330 M. (L. M.) on author of quotation wanted, 50 M. (P.) on Cotes (I.) portrait painter, 174 M. (R.) on Barham (R. Dalton), 349 Oliphant

CSir Oscar), 349

. (W. J.) on ' Continuation of Don Juan,' 97 Courtenay riots, 53 Frinton, Manor of, 38 Romney Marsh, 376

Me. on Columbus (Christopher), 309

McGovern (J. B.) on Bedell (Bishop). 129 Crimean war : author wanted, 250; in fiction, 90, 274 Edersheim (Rev. Dr.) : biographical information wanted, 7 Latin as an inter- national language, 18 Shakespeare's " Shy- lock," 5, 96 Turrettinus (Franciscus), 150 Wisnack, miraculous host of, 190, 296

McGregor (G. D.) on " clink," 246 Grant (Mrs.) of Kyliemore, 249 Swynnerton (Thomas), 217

MacMahon (Ella) on " Crutches for Lame Ducks," 209

Macneill ( J. G. Swift) on " Premier " : " Prime Minister," 195

MacS. (J.) on Burke (Edmund), his ' Reflections on the French Revolution,' 267

MacSweeney (Joseph J.) on wake game : " Jennv Jo," 405'

Magister Elegantiarum on " Rt. Hon.," use of prefix, 30

Magrath (John R.) on author wanted, 437 Croydon Parish Church : Archbishop Herring's tomb, 114 Durell (Andrew) of Jersey, 133

Makeham (J.) on Payne ^Judge), 273

Manchester (G.) on Benson : celebrated gambler, 349

Manderson (J. R.) on Manderson (William), d. 1549 and St. Andrews University, 48

Manderson (S. R.) on Manderstoun, surname, 28

Maples (Ashley K.) on " Offoldfull," 48 " Stagnum," 48

Markland (Russell) on poetess, earliest English, 438 Selborne Church Bells, 371

Martin (M. E.) on Aikin's (Dr.) tour through Holland, 184, 203

Martin (Stapleton) on Apocrypha and Coronations, 408

Martinengo-Cesaresco (Evelyn) on Landrieux's (Jean) ' Memoir?,' 468

Maule (Francis F.) on author of quotations wanted, 351

Maxwell (Herbert) 011 Pope and Queen of Eng- land on china pot, 33 Theana, 291 Tombs, armorial bearings upon, 495

Mayall (Arthur) on Mayall, surname, 290

Maycock (Wiliovghby) on Benzoii (Henry Ernst S.), celebrated gambler, 411 Calve rley's (Charles Stuart) parodies, 58 Caiieton (Capt. J. W.), 435 Chamberlain's (Mr. Joseph) portrait, 356 Courtney Riots, 53 Darrell's (" Wild ") trial, 54 Goosetree's Club, 354 London in the Fifties and Sixties, 476 IVier- candotte (Mile.) (?) Countess of Fife, 448 " New Exchange," London, 398 Pepys (Samuel), the stature of, 155 Prisoners who have survived hanging, 135 " pussyfoot," 116 " Spoonerisms," 36 Theana, 354 Vernon (Dorothy), 454 W 7 ar Office, original building, 354

Mayne (S.) on " bosh " = violin, 189

Mazingarbe on 84th Regiment in India, c. 1760 : officers serving with, 29

Medinews on Alexius, the Protosebastos, 449 Alexius III., his wife, 468

Mee on Hainsselin (H.), 392

Menmuir (Charles) on Bowling, 86 Roads, steepest macadamised in Europe, 330 Spoonerisms, 6