Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 8.djvu/14

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 S.VIII.JAX. 1,1021. first printed issue of such ' Rules and Or- dinances' is the 1552 edition : 1. * The Order of the Hospital of S. Bartholo- mews in Westsmythfielde in London.' The colophon reads : " Imprinted at London by Rycharde Graf ton _ rinter to the Kyng vimprimendum solim " (The B.M. copy is K 697 Printer to the Kynges maistie cum privilegio ad a 16, 2). This was followed by a MS. volume of which apparently several copies were pre- pared : (2) "A true and Shorte Declaration of the -state and charge of the newe erectide hospitalles." (The B. M. copy is Harl. MS., No. 604,176, there are also copies at Cambridge, Arch- -bishop Parker's Library, Corpus Christi, and in a private library. ) The next work is apparently a re -issue -by Graf ton (3). Its title indicates its wider scope : "The Order of the Hospitalls of K. Henry the VHIth and K. Edward the Vlth, viz., St. Bartholomew's, Christ's, Bridewell, St. Thomas's. By the Maior, Cominalitie and Citizens of .London, Governours of the Possessions, Revenues and Goods of the sayd Hospitalls, 1557." "There is no colophon or other indication of printer, but Mr. J. A. Kingdon, in his "monograph 'Richard Grafton,' says of -fchis and the 1552 volume : " The two are so similar in design and con~ formation, their production so similarly on each -occasion at the end of Grafton's term of office, that identity of authorship can hardly be doubted. Grafton must have had much to do with it even if merely one of a number appointed to draw it up." There is not the similarity of conforma- tion that Mr. Kingdon claims. The later work is 12mo, whereas its prototype is 8vo ; the metter also has been enlarged, and while agreeing as to the identity of authorship I would suggest that the larger purpose of these Rules for the Order was the intention of this re-issue. It is this work (3) that is said to have been reprinted at a much later date. R. Rawlinson ('JEnglish Topographer,' 1720, p. 144) says : " This Book has been since reprinted in the old characters and in the same size." Yet neither this bibliographer nor others consulted identify this reprint that is pre- sumably the so-called Pepys reprint. The late Mr. Wheatley informed me that Pepys had the 1557 edition reproduced so exactly that all copies bearing that date would be suspect. The occasion for the Pepys re- print would be the seme for all subsequent Governors of the hospitals, knowledge of the rules and orders. It was this that probably led to the provision of other re-issues, notably that of 1652 (4) which was reprinted by Dr. Morant Baker, 1885 (5). In his prefatory note it is stated that the issue of 1652 is a reprint of the original pamphlet of 1552 which " was again printed in 1580." (6). I have not seen a copy of the 1652 edition, but if Dr. Baker's facsimile is accurate it is pn entirely different work from the original pamphlet 'of 1552. The J580 issue is also otherwise unknown to me and I take leave to question the attribution of date. The succession of these re-issues would be cor- rectly identified and not subject to confusion if the so-called Pepys reprint was 'definitely known and described. ALECK ABRAHAMS. AN ENGLISH ARMY LIST OF 1740. (See 12 S. ii. passim : iii. 46, 103, 267, 354, 408, 438 : vi. 184. 233, 242, 290, 329 ; vii. 83, 125, 146, 165, 187, 204, 265, 308, 327, 365, 423.) The next regiment (p. 71) is one of four which were raised in Holland in 1674 for -service under the Dutch Government. It was brought on to the establishment of the British Army (ranking as the Fifth Regiment of Foot) in 1689, having been one of the regiments which came over to England -on 1688 with the Prince of Orange to join in the rebellion against James I. In 1782 the territorial designation "Northumberland" was added to its title, and in 1833 it was equipped as Fusiliers and designated the Fifth Regiment of Foot, Northumberland Fusiliers : it is now (1920) "The Northumberland Fusiliers." Dates of their Dates of their first present commissions. commissions. Colonel Irwin's Regiment of Foot. Colonel . . . . Alexander Irwin (1) Charles William Pearce ^Lieutenant- Colonel Major James Paterson (2) 27 June 1737 Ensign 1689. 1 Jan. 1735/6 ditto, 14 June 1703. 1 Jan. 1735/6 Lieutenant, May, 1709. (1) Major-General, Feb. 24, 1744 ; Lieut.-General, 1748. Died in 1762. (2) Appointed Lieut.-Colonel in the 7th Regiment of Marines on Jan. 24, 1741 ; Major-General . June 25, 1759 ; Lieut.-General, Jan. 19, 1761. Died at Richmond, 1771.