Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 8.djvu/224

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [i2s.vni.pBB.26,io2i. .23I QMA 23" SUBSCRIBERS AND OTHERS t X5OMI 3HT ITbe tTimes HAS now finished the great task which it set itself in 1911 of compiling a full and authentic record of the Great War ; and The Times Illustrated History and Encyclopaedia of the War stands complete in 21 volumes. A general index volume- is now in course of pre- paration, and will be published shortly. Nov is the time to look through o your back numbers, replace those that are missing, and have each volume of this great vork bound in The Times Special Binding Cases. Jill back numbers and binding cases can he obtained from . the 'Publisher, Printing House Square, London, E.C.4. j Write to-day Printed by THE ATHRNJ?UM PRESS, Bream's Buildings, E.C.4, and Published by THE TIMES PUBLISHING COMPANY (Limited), Printing House Square, London, E.C.4. February 26, 1921. MIMMMMIIMMMIMVMVMMMBMMMlBMVMMMOTBM^^^M