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NOTES AND QUERIES: 31 Jfetrmm of Jftttm0mnwmrati0n FOR LITERARY MEN, GENERAL READERS, ETC. "When found, make a note of." CAPTAIN CUTTLE. ( PR NO. 152. PS] MARCH 12, 1921. I Regi PRICE SIXPENCE Post free 7d. Registered as a Newspaper. OXFORD BOOKS Times." The Oxford University Press needs no commendation, for it speaks to all through its works, which are marked by 8>und learning, scrupulous editorship, and careful typography, as well as a general alertness to the affairs and the movements of the day." SELECTED ENGLISH SHORT STORIES (XIX and XX CEN- TURIES. Second Series. Pott 8vo. Thin paper, cloth, 2s 6d. net ; paste grain, 4s. 6d. net. [ World's Classics. LATER ESSAYS, 1917-1920. By AUSTIN DOBSON. crown svo. es. Contents Edwards's Canons of Criticism; An Eighteenth-century Hippocrates; "Hermes" Harris: The Journeys of John Howard ; " The Learned Mrs. Carter" : The Abbe Edgeworth ; A Casual Causerie ; Index. MILTON'S PROSODY. With a chapter on Accentual Verse and Notea by ROBERT BRIDGES. Kevised final edition. Medium Svo. 12s. 6d. net. BOOKS AND IDEALS. An Anthology. Selected and arranged by EDMUND KEMPER BROADUS. Crown Svo. LETTERS FROM THE CAPE. By Lady DUFF GORDON. Edited by JOHN PURVES Crown 8vo. 3s. 6d. net (Oxford Library of Prose and Poetry. FRAY LUIS DE LEON. A Biographical Fragment by JAMBS FITZMAURICE-KELLY. With a Portrait from an engraving after Pacheco. Fcap. Svo. 7s. 6d. net. THE SOUNDS OF STANDARD ENGLISH. With some Notes on Accidence and Syntax. By T. NICKLIN, Crown 8vo. 3s. net A FIRST ENGLISH BOOK FOR FOREIGN PUPILS, with the Pronuncia- tion shown by Marks applied to the Ordinary Spelling. By W. A. CRAIGIE. Nederlandsche Uitgave bewerkt door J. J. van HAUWAERT. Crown Svo. 2s. 6d. net. THE HOMERIC CATALOGUE OF SHIPS. Edited with a Commentary by THOMAS W. ALLEN. Medium Svo. 16s. net. THE TRAGEDY OF GREECE. A Lecture delivered for the Professor of Greek to Candi- dates for Honours in Liters Humaniores at Oxford in May, 1920. By A. J. TOYNBEE. Crown Svo. Paper cover, 2a. net. CYPRUS UNDER THE TURKS, 1571-1878. A record based on the Archives of the English Consulate in Cyprus under the Levant Company and after. By HARRY CHARLES LUKE. Crown Svo. With a Map. 8s. 6d. net. THE PRINCIPLES OF POLITICS: An Introduction to the Study of the Evolution of Political Ideas. By A. R. LORD. Svo. 8s. 6d. net. THE RESPONSIBILITY OF WOMEN WORKERS FOR DEPEND- ANTS. By B. SEEBOHM ROWNTREE and FRANK D. STUAHT. Medium Svo. Paper cover, 4i. 6d. net. OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Humphrey Milford Amen Corner, London, E.C.4