Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 8.djvu/358

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292 NOTES AND QUERIES. [i2s.vm.APBiL9,io2i, English bride, Marianne Elisa Birch. Louis de Vignet after leaving ' England became successively Sardinian Ambassador at Berne and Xaples. He died cf the cholera in 1837. The appendix of Louis Seche's volume, which is dedicated to the Marquis de Vignet de Vendeuil, contains the ' Poesies Inedits de Louis de Vignet.' ANDREW DE TERNANT. 36 Somerleyton Eoad, Brixton, S.W. SOME ULSTER RHYMES. The following are, or were, current in this province (1) and (2) in Antrim, and (3) in Donegal : 1. Barley bread will do you good. Rye bread will do you no harm, Wheaten bread will sweeten your blood, Oaten bread will strengthen your arm. 2. March borrowed from April Three days and they were ill The first was wun an' weet The second snaw an' sleet The third was a freeze That would ha' freezed the birds' nebs to the trees. 3. March said unto April I spy three hogs on yonder hill Gin' ye'll gie me days three I'll find a way to mak' 'em dee. The first day it was wun an' weet, The second it was hail an' sleet, The third day it was siccan' freeze It froze the birds' nebs to the trees. When the three days were past and gane, The silly puir hogs came hirplin hame. J. ARDAGH. " SPILT HIMSELF." This is a Cumber- land expression and is applied to those who commit suicide. It is an old expression, for it appears in the parish registers of Grey- stoke in that county under date, " Satterday the third day [of January, ,1561-2] was buried.... of Graistoke who spilt himself." Suicides were buried on the north side of the churches, and the ground on the north side of Grey stoke church, is locally called " The Spillers " [ground]. J. W. FAWCETT. Consett, co. Durham. ALSTONFIELD, co. STAFFS. The follow- ing notes from the Parish Register are of some little interest : 1575, June 15. Thurstan Gybbe slayne in falling out of a wayne by a blow of a piece of woodde called a somer, buried. 1614, Jan. 20. The great snow began to fall and so continued increasing the moste dayes until the 12th of March. 1642, July 23. [blank] Miller of Wessyd being dawpt in a groane at Eckton. Burd. 1658, Dec. 27. Widow Baylie a poore woman of Sheen who coming from Lee Hall on Christmas Day in the forenoon was drowned in Dove i the foard at the Load end shee ryding behind her daughter the waiter being verie bigge her head sweed and fell. J. HARVEY BLOOM. (giwrus. WE must request correspondents desiring in- formation on family matters of only private interest to affix their names and addresses to their queries,, in order that answers may be sent to them direct. JULIE BONAPARTE'S LETTERS. In the- issue of U Intermediaire for Jan. 20-30 r vol. Ixxxiii. col. 43, there is an appeal to ' N. & Q.' on the part of M. Camille Pitollet r under the heading ' Ou se cachent, a Lonclres, les lettres de Julie Bonaparte ? ' for information as to the present where- abouts of the letters written to Joseph, King of Spain, by his wife which are said to have- been captured with the royal carriage by the English at the battle of Vitoria. M. Pitollet mentions that some of these- letters were* printed in The Edinburgh Review for October, 1855, in an article by Greville on King Joseph's Memoirs, and that the British Miiseum has one, dated Feb. r 1809. We are told that Bon W r enceslao Ramirez de Villa -Urrutia made unsuccessful inquiries after these letters in 1908, when residing in London as Spanish Ambassador. M. Pitollet concludes his letter with these- words : "Nous adressons, par V Intermediaire, la ques- tion a notre collegue de Londres, Notes and Queries, auquel vient d'etre infus^e une vie- nouvelle, et qui serait peut etre, s'il voulait la reprendre, a meme de lui donner une solution." EDWARD BENSLY. MARBURY. A pedigree of this family is given in Ormerod's ' Cheshire.' Are the Marburys of Lincolnshire of the same family ? C. B. A. ANDERSON, GAMEKEEPER TO MARQUESS OF TWEEDDALE. I shoiild be glad if any eader could give me any information regarding a Joseph Anderson who was: gamekeeper to the Marquess of Tweeddale r at Yester, in July, 1789. I am particularly anxious to ascertain the names of his wife r and of his children. JAMES SETON-ANDERSON. 39 Carlisle Koad, Hove, Sussex.