Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 8.djvu/411

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i2S.vm.APKi L 23,i92i.] NOTES AND QUERIES. 337 FUNERAL CAKE (12 S. viii. 129, 207, 297). for 1522 show that the city sent sixty well- The giving of the penny manchet was very armed men to serve under the Earl of common in Lancashire &mong the richer Surrey in Scotland, the city probably came c' asses, and was provided for in the wills of within the exemption mentioned by your many people. Lt.-Col. Fishwick, in his correspondent as applying to certain ' History of Lancashire,' mentions the giving northern counties. Cheshire more than of a cake called " arval cake " to each once successfully objected to general taxa- person who was " bidden " to the funeral, tion on account of its Palatine privileges. These, cakes were usually given with ale, . R. S. B. provided at the nearest public -house. F. CROOKS. B. A. AND T. FAWCET, PRINTERS (12 S. Eccleston Park. Prefect. viii. 293). The initials ' B. A.' in this LIVERPOOL HALFPENNY (12 S. viii. inquiry doubtless stand for Bernard Alsop, 294). Probably a merchant's token, used with whom T. Fawcet was in partnership for small change. If there is nothing more many years, during their troubled period, on the coin it is probably one of the eight Spelling of Fawcet's name varies, like most late eightesnth-century tokens described at names of that time, according to the phonetic p. 70 of the Catalogue of the Liverpool fancy of the writer. It occurs as Fawcit, Historical Exhibition, 1907. Seven Liver- Forcet, Forsett, and Fawcett. pool seventeenth-century halfpennies, with Both Alsop and Fawcet are entered in the the names of the merchants, are given in ' Shakespeare Bibliography ' (see pp. 5 and a paper by N. Heywood in vol. v. of the 98 )- Their J olnt names also occur in no Transactions of the Lancashire and Cheshire fewer than fifty-five entries 'between 1626 Antiquarian Society, p. 81, which amplifies a nd 1641 in Hazhtt's 'Bibliographical Col- a list in Boyne's ' Tokens,' 1858, a standard lections.' (See Gray's Index, 1893, for fuller wolk. R. S. B. details.) Both of these reference books are found at hand in the Reading Room at TENNYSON QUERIES (12 S. viii. 269). the British Museum. (1) The south wind stands for warmth and According to Plomer's ' Dictionary of fertility as opposed to the cold, drier, Printers,' 1907 (p. 72) : cutting wind from the north. The impres- m , .ion conveyed to me by the lines quoted ^SSS^^^T^'^^^^ is that the peoples war will revive the old Fish Street, neere the upper end of Lambert earth like a thunderstorm coming with a Hill," from 1621 to 1643. Took up his freedom in south wind does after a drought. The the Stationers' Company, 7th May, 1621. Partner present state of the world gives the lie J?*? Bernard Alsop (q.v.). In Sir J Lambe's , , . . rr i , -. Notes Fawcett is described as the abler man, direct to the poet s vision. e have had be tter workman, and better governor." In 1626 ' the standards of the peoples plunging they were summoned before the High Commis- thro' the thunderstorm" of war, but we sion for printing Sir Robert Cotton's ' Short View are no nearer " the Parliament of the of the Lon 8 Life of Henry III.' On the outbreak Federation of the world" ; nor does f . civil , war the f were committed to the Fleet , ' , , , r; ; Prison for several months for printing a pamphlet the common sense of most hold a fretful ca n e d His Majesty's Propositions to Sir John realm in awe. . Hotham and the Inhabitants of Hull. . . .' (2) No special cause is meant. " Slowly Fawcett appears to have retired from the partner- dying causes " block the way and hinder the shi P m 1644< growth of " nobler modes of life with W - JAGGARD. sweeter manners, purer laws." W. H. PINCHBECK LIVERPOOL GENTLEMAN AND MANCHES- TER MAN" (12 S. viii. 250). The saying is INCOME TAX EXEMPTION: BRIGHTON generally supposed to refer to the respective vm. 293). Perhaps the reason why out l O ok and mode of life. City men of 7 1 ? Koo n Wa r? xe / n P te t fr . m , th * subsidy Liverpool largelv earn their living at the of 1523 was the fact that in 1514 it had desk and try to dress well. (Observe the been burnt clown by the French ^m^l num erous tailors' shops there.) Liverpool im- Pregent de Bidoux Knight of Rhodes. , ts vast quantities & raw produce, such as hee 10 S. ix. 387 477, 497 J, otton> &c .% nd passes it e iJ ew here, instead JOHN B. AINENYRIUHT. Q f mami f a ct ur ing, gaining only a compara- The reference is presumably to the tively small turnover percentage. subsidies of 1523. As the annals of Chester Average Manchester men have the repu-