Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 8.djvu/455

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12 s. viii. MAY 7, 1921.] NOTES AND QUERIES. 373 SIR THOMAS CHALONEB(12 S. viii. 329). ROBERT WHATLEY : JAMES STREET, In J. E. S.'s inquiry, reprinted at the above | WESTMINSTER (12 S. viii. 243, 333.) There reference, it is suggested that the Latin j is confirmation of the correctness of the verses under a portrait of Sir Thomas I suggestion of M. E. W. in the following Chaloner the elder were written by Sir extracts from the letters of Charles Lamb : Thomas himself, and that some one who In his letter to Charles and James Oilier, is in possession of his ' De illustrium quorun- dated June 18, 1818, Lamb directs that dam encomiis miscellanea, cum epigrammatis i a copy of his ' Works ' should be sent to [not -epigrammatitnis], ac epitaphiis non nullis ' might be able to supply a copy of the epigram in question. Possessing the work mentioned, which is printed, with a separate title page, at the end of the " Mr. Ayrton, James Street, Buckingham Gate." In another (undated) to Thomas Allsop he writes: " M.B.'s [Martin Burney's] direction is 26, James Street, Westminster " James, not St. James, Street. volume containing his ' De Rep. Anglorum S. BUTTERWORTH. instauranda' (London, Thomas Vautrollier. { .__ 1579), I can say that it does not offer n CHURCHES OF ST MICHAEL (12 S viii. the lines that appear under the portrait. ; i 90 ' 231 ' 298 ' .336). It seems to have Is there any direct evidence to indicate b f en customary in early times to dedicate their author ? EDWARD BENSLY. churches on the top of a hill and on the site of a pagan temple to St. Michael to ARCHBISHOP TILLOTSON AND THE LAST signify the defeat of Paganism by the angel bACRAMENTS (12 S. viii. 331). The plural hosts o f Christianity, of whom St. Michael bacraments is, presumably, a mistake was the chief. But there were other of the writer in The CornhilL Further, rea sons for building churches in his honour. Queen Mary could not- possibly have been i Thus, for instance, his name is closely ministered to on her death-bed by Arch- bishop Tillotson, as he had died on the 22nd of the previous month. connected with springs of water, the reason being that angelic agency was associated with a source, especially w r hen it had As may be seen in Burnets 'History j healing prop erties. On Sept, 6 (O.S., of his Own Times, it was from Archbishop i the Greek chu rch honours St. Michael in lemson, who had acquainted her With the j connexion with a stream at Chonae in danger she was in, that she received the ! Phrvgia. So many miracles had occurred Sacrament on the day before her death. in a church there that the pagans resolved She died not in 1692, but in 1694 (Dec. 28). to des troy it by diverting the stream into EDWARD BENSLY. ; anot her channel so that it might sweep The date 1692 must be a misprint for away the sacred building. But St. Michael 1694. From March 5 to Oct. 18, 1692, appeared, smote the rock with a bough, Mary was acting as sole sovereign ' and opened out a new bed for the torrent, in- these realms during William's absence j Hence he is asked in a special prayer to in Holland. She was taken ill of the small- j protect the faithful in the hour of danger, pox at Kensington, Dec. 21, 1694, and The church in the Via Salaria is also famous died Dec. 28, in the 33rd year of her | f or its spring. age, and the sixth of her reign. Archbishop | Again, churches were consecrated to Tillotson predeceased her, dying on Nov. 22, j him in the spirit of imitation. Thus, on 1694, at Lambeth, of paralysis, in the 65th the Bosporus, there was once a group year of his age. It is therefore impossible o f churches known as Michael churches, that he could have attended her on her Ancient Kiev, the cradle of Russian Chris - death-bed. tianity, was at one time modelled upon Dr. Thomas Tenison Was translated from Constantinople, and that no doubt is a Lincoln to Canterbury, Jan. 16, 1695. reason why the most ancient monastery in So there was no actual Archbishop of Canter- the city is consecrated to " the prince of bury during Queen Mary's illness, though an gels." In an age of war, St. Michael, Tenison was Archbishop -designate as from ; the leader of the Cherubim, the Seraphim, Dec. 9. The prelate who probably was angels and archangels, and all the ghostly present at the Queen's death-bed was the , principalities and powers was likely to. Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, as would cas t a potent spell upon the imagination of appear from John Evelyn's ' Diary ' under j the Christian convert, date March 8, 1695. T< PERCY ARMSTRONG. JOHN B. WAINEWRIGHT. The Authors' Club, 2, Whitehall Court, S.W.