Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 8.djvu/64

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48 NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 s. vm. JAN. 15, 1021. POOR RELIEF BADGE. A curiosity of its kind, this may be worth reproducing^though it may not be without parallel. A handbill, of which this is a verbation copy, reads as follows : At a Vestry held in the Parish Church of Llanbeblig in the County of Carnarvon, on Monday the 4th day of May, J818 It is ordered, That all the Paupers who shall in future apply for and insist upon having Weekly Relief, shall be Badged with Red Letters LI. P., to be fixed by the Overseers in the Front of the Hat of each Pauper to be worn daily, and if any of the Paupers shall be found at any time in the Town of Carnarvon or in any part of the Parish of Llanbeblig without a Badge upon his or her hat such Pauper shall forfeit one Week s allowance. That it is the opinion of the Parishioners present at this Vestry, that it is improper to permit persons, that are not settled in this Parish to wander and beg therein, and in order to ascertain who are settled in the Parish, It is ordered that the Overseers do without delay, procure printed Tickets in which the paying Overseer of the Poor is to write the name, age, and description of each Pauper wiehing to apply for Voluntary relief about the Parish. lhat these orders be translated into the Welsh language, and printed in English and Wel&h and distributed throughout the Parish. (Signed) Thomas Roberts, Vicar. William Griffith ) w , Robert Williams / Wardens. Rioe Jones ^ William Tannar 1 David Jones J And the Parishioners present. the Poor. of L. E. Jones, Printer, Carnarvon. ANEUBTN WILLIAMS. LORETTO. There is a curious note on p. 436 of a short edition of ' Quentin Durward' edited by H. W. Ord and published by A. and C. Black. It runs as follows : "Loretto. There are three Lorettos, possessing images or relics of the Virgin Mary : the most celebrated is in Styria in Austria, where miraculous cures are reputed to be effected. Two pilgrimages are made annually to it." There appear to be eleven Lorettos in the Old and in the New world, and far and away the nost important of them is the Loretto, near Ancona, famed as it is for being the place, to which thfe house inhabited by the Holy Family was transported by angels from Palestine. This Loretto is a centre of pilgrimages. If there is a Loretto in Styria it is not mentioned in Meyer's 'German Encyclopaedia,' and in Hitter's ' Geographisch - Statistisches Lexicon ' no mention is made of any Loretto in Austria. T. PERCY ARMSTRONG. The Author's Club, Whitehall Court. S.W. FEMALE PSEUDONYMS USED BY MEN. In 1811 Shelley with T. J. Hogg composed ' Posthumous Fragments of Margaret Nichol- son.' Grant Allen (1848-1899) published two novels, 'The Typewriter. Girl T and ' Rosalba ' under the name of " Olive Pratt Rayner." The greater part of the Lest work of William Sharp (1856-1905), appeared under the name of "Fiona Macleod," and I believe that the name of "Agnes larrell ' r as author of the novel 'Lady Loran,' con- cealed the identity of Francis William Lauderdale Adams (1862-1893). This list can probably be extended JOHN B. WAINEWRIGHT. ANN VANE. Johnson in his 'Vanity o Human Wishes ' wrote : The teeming mother, anxious for her race, Begs for each birth, the fortune of a face, Yet Vane could tell what ills from beauty spring. Lord Hailes pointed out to Bo swell that the example was unfortunate as Van could lay no claim to the compliment^ Croker charges Lord Hailes with being hypercritical, remarking that Vane was handsome; or, what was mo re to the purpose, appeared so to her royal lover. An entry under date Mar. 13, 1731/2 in the recently published ' Diary of Viscount Percival t reviewed at length at 12 S. vii. 161 suggests that Lord Hailes 's criticism was sober : Col. Schutz told me that he had been with M" Vane, that he avoided it as long as he could till Prince [Frederick] took notice of his not going. This fat and ill shaped dwarf has nothing good to recomend her, neither sense nor wit. Mrs. Vane died in 1736 before Johnson- reached London, and is a different person from Frances Lady Vane whose career ,. is deployed in Smollett's 'Peregrine Pickle.' J. P. DE C. STORIES OF WHISTLER. Mr. A. B. Pidding- ton, K.C., of Melbourne, author of ' Spanish, Sketches ' (Oxford University Press) tells- his friends the following Whistler stories.. Is the second one new ? " When I was in Toledo I met the famous- etcher, Mr. Strarig, who was travelling through, Spain with his son. One afternoon we were talking of Velasquez and Whistler, and naturally the anecdote cropped up of the young idolater who told Whistler that he and Velasquez were the only artists who knew how to paint light and? air, and, was rebuked by Whistler's comment, ' But why drag in Velasquez ? ' Mr. Strang told? me that he had known Whistler well and that during the famous trial when Whistler obtained^ one farthing damages from Ruskin (who had said! 'nier alia, that one of Whistler's pictures was