Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 8.djvu/644

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532 SUBJECT -INDEX. Notes and Qnories, .Tnly 30, 1921 . Proverbs and Phrases : Those that eat cherries with great persons. . 190 To curry favour, 512 We're in the same boat, 432 Pseudonyms, female, used by men, 48 " Pulse," meaning of word, 511 ' Punchinello ; or, Sharps, Flats, and Naturals,' published 1832, 465 Purefoy (George) of Wadley, Bucks, his daughters, Pushkin and Dante, 411, 496 Pye (Charles), book-plate designer, 10, 77 " Pye-house," 490 Pym (John), residence near Stevenage, 308, 398 Quotations : A Gentleman, a Scholar, and a Christian, 328 A Luncheon-party and a lie must make it very hard to die, 393 And if there be no meeting beyond the grave, And still .in the beautiful city the river of life is no duller, 231 And though her sons are scattered, and her daughters weep apart, etc., 49] Aut fer, aut feri ; ne feiare, feri, 294, 336 Come all wrong'd Orphanes, come bewaile your syre, 410 Condendaque Lexica mandat Damnatis poenam pro poenis omnibus imam, 158, 437 Cor ad cor loquitur, 393 Croon of surf on the Shore, 270 Each wave that beats against the rock, 294 For in the voice of birds the scent of flowers . . . I'll speak to you, 212, 259 Half screened by its trees. . . The church of our fathers how meekly it stands, 471 Heart of Christ ! O cup most golden, 471 If thou hast a friend go often to see him, 433 In the golden glade the chestnuts are fallen, c., 192, 239 I shall remember while the light lives yet, 192 It ain't the guns nor armaments, fcc., .491 My hold of the colonies (Burke), 139 Nescire quid antequam natus sis accident, id est semper esse puerum, 371, 415 Oh, England, at the smoking trenches dying, 99 Somewhere there waiteth in this world of ours, 179 Straight is the line of duty. . .,393 Styll am I besy bokes assemblynge, 311, 359 The Lord God planted a garden, 471 There let thy bleeding branch atone, 247 These are not dead, their spirits never die, 371 These nobly played their parts, &c., 491 To-morrow. . . verv like vesterdav . 52 Yet to the remnants of thy splendour past, 332 Rabbit in comparative religion, 269, 319 Railway travelling, early, 13, 32, 79 ' Ralph Roister Doister,' play by Udall, 281 Ranelagh in Paris, 170, 211 Rawson and ffairebanck families, 307 Rayner family of Woodham Walter, 391 " Reckling," Lincolnshire term for smallest pig of a litter, 417 Redman (Louis) = Louis de Rougemont, 508 Redvers (de), notes on, 15, 34 Reeve (Clara), her ' Fatherless Fanny,' 1819, 413 Regattas, early, 310, 355 Remond (Francois), b. 1558, 414 Rethel (Alfred), his drawing ' Der Tod also Freund,' 234 Reynolds family of Coolbeg, co. Donegal, 502 Rheumatism, cider as cure for, 267, 316 Rhine regarded as a French river, 509 Rice eating, effects of, 391, 437 Richard III., his natural children and their descendants, 169, 215, 257, 270 Richards (R.), proprietor of ' Richard's Topsham Herald and General Advertiser for South and East Devon,' 476 Richardson (William) of St. Vincent, m. 1789, 368 Ricketts (George Crawford), and Coombe House, Herefordshire, 510 Ridgeway (Cecilia de), hunger strike in XlVih century, 293 " Riggles " = species of shark, 71, 13f> Ripon school, masters of, 17 , 150, 192 Robb (Isabel Mitchel), d. 1789, 26fi Roberts (Mary), 1788-1864, 129 Robinson Crusoe's Island, 348, 415 Roger (Jacobus), epigramatist, 414 Rohan-Chabot (Cardinal de), Archbishop of Besauoon-, d. 1833, 110, 178, 277 Roman numeral alphabet, 250, 317, 353 " Romantique," origin of term, 8 Rose (John William), d. 1803, 375 Rose-coloured vestments on Mothering Sunday. 249, 296, 332 Rougemont (Louis de), d. 1921, 508 Rowe (Col. Owen), his descendants, 109, 156. 255 Rowlandson, etching by, 329 Roxburgh (Dr. William), his wife, 151. 19(5 Royal arms in churches, 1 7 Royal British Bank, 130, 175, 234 Royal Horse Guards, history, 293, 334 Royal succession by. marriage to last King's widow, 489 Royalist and Roundhead rates of pay, 411 Rudkin (Captain Mark), trial by court-martial for shooting John Philpot in duel, 381, 402, 422 ' ; Runt," name for smallest pig of a litter, 473 Russell Street, Co vent Garden, and Charles Lamb, 109 " Rutherford (Mark) " : see While (Hale) St. Agnes-le-Clere ; corruption of place name, 208 St. Albans, inscription in old house at, 468 St. Andrew's, Scotland : pre-reformation seal, 110 St. Augustine's Abbey, Bristol, heraldry of, 267, 315, 495 St. Dunstan's-in-the-West, Queen Elizabeth's statue, 294, 317 St. Ignatius of Loyola, his ' Exercitia Spiritu- alia,' 392 St. James, Duke's Place, London, registers of, 511 St. Leonard's " Priory," Hants, 34, 115 St. Michael, dedication of churches to, 190, 231, 298, 336, 373, 413