Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 9.djvu/15

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12 s. DC. JULY 2. mi.] NOTES AND QUERIES. IRISH FAMILY HISTORY. (See 12 S..iii. 500; vi. 208, 308; vii. 2, 25, 65, 105, 163, 223, 306, 432; viii. 443, 502.) REYNOLDS OF COOLBEG, CO. DONEGAL. VI. Ellinor Reynolds, mentioned in the will of Michael Hewetson, 1753, married ante 1753 to M. H.'s will). Dundas (Dundasse in burying-place in Mulliiiashee ( Bally - shannon). He was married (his wife's surname I cannot trace, but her Christian name was Margaret, as appears from a deed of lease and release dated May 23 and 24, 1780,* executed subsequent to the marriage to VII. Frances Reynolds, married ante 1753 Dyson, mentioned in the will of my freehold in Ballyshannon and Farm in Finner all in Donegal in trust for my son Hewetson Reynolds to take and receive the Rents and profits of said lands, the lands Killcar, Strabeel and Salmon Fisheries of Teelan excepted accord- ing to a Marriage Article and Settlement, made on my son Hewetson previous to his intermarriage with Miss Mary Ann Smith dated 25th May 1780. His issue failing then to my son Robert Reynolds, and his issue failing then to my son Michael Reynolds, and his issue failing then to my son Francis Reynolds, and failing issue to my sons then Michael Hewetson, 1753; who says," to my niece Frances Dyson and her four children." VIII. Rebecca Reynolds. In her will dated April 13, 1760, proved Aug. 19, 1760,* she is described as of Letterkenny, Co. I to my dau. Margaret Reynolds, and failing issue Donegal. Mentioned in the will of Michael then to F 1 / dau - Mar 7 McConnell otherwise Rey- He wet son 1753 wh o sa v<? " t o m v n i ftpo R i nolds - I leave and Bequeath to my son John 2, to Dn, 1 /Od, wn 5 says, to my niece Ke- my dau Margare t 500, to my son Michael 300, becca Reynolds. to my son Francis 300, to my dau. Mary IX. John Reynolds, b. 1704. He and McConnell 6, and I order that my Farmfof his brother Francis were the only two Firmer which I hold from John Folliott Esq. be brothers living on Sept. 27, 1753, on which! sol : H mentioned that his property was ,-,! i TT subiect to the jointure of 50 per annum to his date their uncle Michael He uet son made | ^ f and 100 , be paid her at p Ms deathj settled his will, wherein he gave and devised to on her at their marriage. He bequeathed to his nephew, Col. Francis Reynolds, and his her his two wheeled chaise, two of his best horses, brother John Reynolds, his freehold called two best Milch cows, and furniture at choice. I Farsetmore, as also his farm of Coolbeg, M^^ J^^ ^JJ^^JgP 8 ^*^^ *^ &c. He died April 15, 1788, aged 84 years, j Margarett Lipsett, 5. Mary's husband wa^ and was bur. April 17, 1788 (Kilbarron j named George McConnell. I desire my Corps Par. Reg.). In his will, dated June 19,! may be carried to the graveyard by twelve of 1786, probate of which was granted to his * ^?* ^ r r 861 ^ nt^ne^ev RobSt p>lrlA<af nn TTTtrofcnv> "RoTm^lrla Ton 97 ' ana naDDana. i appoint the tev. ivoueru Reynold.*, Jan. Zl, Caldwell of Tullybrook, the Rev. John Harris 1789,t he desired to be buried m his family j O f Garnish and my son Hewetson Reynolds ! exors. Dated 19th June 1786.

  • Extract from WiU : (Signed) JOHN REYNOLDS.

I, Rebecca Reynolds of Letterkenny in Co. of Probate granted to Hewetson Reynolds one of Donegal give and bequeath to my dear sister the exors. 27th January 1789. ^ y Gr^.?L^ii e sr 1 ^: .vsrSff v u v " flld in theKe * istry I ordain and appoint my said sister to be sole? ^ ' _ ._ i .. _ ^^^ f T Q executrix of this my ,ast Will dated 13th April ^B^d^SdlSi 24th May 17 80. Between John Reynolds (Senior) and Hewet- son Reynolds both of Coolbegg Proved 19th August 1760 by Mary 1760. Chambers, widow, sole executrix. t I, John Reynolds of Coolbeg, Co. Donegal, Esq., desire my body may be bur. in my family burying place in Mullinashee (Ballyshannon) in a private manner. I give and devise to my good 3 41_22 227375. Reynolds v. 16 May 1781. i n c o . of DonegafEsqs. of the first part, Anna Coyne, widow, and Mary Smyth both of Ballyshannon in said friends John Hamilton of Broomhall, Esq., the I co. of the second part, and Daniel Eccles of Revd Josiah Marshall of Fahan, Laurance O'Hara j Ecclesville in Co. Tyrone, Esq., and John Camp- of Greggstown Esq. and the Rev. John Harris; bell of Ballyshannon aforesaid gent, of the third of Garnish all in Co. Donegal, all my freehold j part. lands of Drummore commonly called the middle Release between John Reynolds (Senior) and third of Fersitmore, also the lands of Behee in Hewetson Reynolds his son of the one part, the Lordship of Ballyshannon, also my lease Culrinnen and Keeren which I hold from the Provost and Fellows of Trin. Coll. Dublin, also my lease in the See of Raphoe held from the Lord Bishop and Daniel Eccles and John Campbell of the other part. Reciting that in consideration of the Marriage, since been solemnized between his son the said Hewetson Revnolds and the said thereof, that is to say the lease of Killcar and Mary Smyth, and a further consideration of Killrean, Strabeel with the Salmon Fisheries of Teelan, Inver, Loughead and Gubarra, also my lease of Killbarron commonly called Corker, 1200 paid to him by the said Anna Coyne, being the marriage portion of the said Mary Ann Smyth, granted to the said Daniel Eccles and John