Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 9.djvu/188

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150 NOTES AND QUERIES. [wart A. 20, mi. " LACTICINIA." In 4 Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic*' there is entered a commission June, 1511 for " butter and milk products (lacticinia)." What milk products are meant by lacticinia ? In December, 1511, another commission was given for " butter and all milk products." It is presumed that cheese would be one of the milk products ; what others were recognized in the early years of the six- teenth century ? R. HEDGEB WALLACE. MBS. (MABY ANN) GRANT OP CBOYDON. I have a copy of this writer's ' Sketches of Life and Manners,' &c., of which the second edition appeared, in two volumes, 12mo, in ! 1811. The work is dedicated to the Prin- cess of Wales, whose name heads a long list of subscribers, who reside in the West End of London and in many parts of Scotland. The work is in the form of letters and, in many ways, reminds one of the ' Letters from the Mountains ' of Mrs. Anne (with an e) Grant of Laggan. For instance, both have letters describing the Falls of Fyers in Inverness-shire. What, if any, is the relation between these contemporaneous writers. < ' The ascription " of Croydon " to Mrs. Mary Ann Grant appears only in Alli- bone's ' Dictionary cf English Literature.' I cannot find her works (she also wrote ' Tales founded on Facts ' ) in the British Museum Catalogue ; and only Mrs. Anne Grant of Laggan appears in the ' D.N.B.' Can any one throw any more light on the history of

  • Mrs. Grant of Croydon ' ?

H. M. CHARTERS MACPHERSON. ELIZABETH FRY. In a summary of events in a volume entitled ' Worcestershire in the Nineteeth Century,' I find the entries below : 1824. March 6, James Jones and John Brown were publicly whipped in front of the county gaol (in addition to three months' imprisonment) for stealing an old tea-kettle. 1824. March 17, Mrs. Fry attended a quarterly meeting of the Friends in Worcester and addressed a congregation who were assembled at the Meeting House. She afterwards visited the City and County prisons with Samuel Gurney and at the latter addressed the prisoners in plain and forcible language. Can anyone say if the visit of Mrs. Fry to Worcester prison had anything to do with the sentence passed on the two men, and whether Mrs. Fry addressed the " prisoners," or the " justices " in the lan- guage attributed to her. G. T. H. " DREAMTHORP."- Has this place been identified as of real existence, or was it merely a fancy picture by Alexander Smith ? If it has not been actually recognized, is there any pJace suggested as the prototype, and if so, which ? RUSTICTTS. PIAVONIUS. In the year 1879 a milestone dedicated to the Emperor Marcus Piavonius Victorimis was unearthed at Lincoln. The second name appears thereon as " Piavonio." Another spelling is " Piav- vonius." Has any English scholar explained the Latinity of this curious word ? ALFRED ANSCOMBE. ' THE TYNESIDE OBSERVER.' I have long been hunting for a copy of The Tyneside Observer, of J arrow, a paper now extinct. In 1865 (April or May), it contained an article upon Abraham Lincoln, written by the late Wm. T. Stead. I want a copy of that issue or of the article. No doubt some- one, somewhere, has one, for which I will be glad to pay a good price. All efforts through the book trade, advertising, &c., having failed, I hope success may come of this last effort. W. BURDOCK. Tarrytown, N.Y. DOWSE. The Gentleman 's Magazine says, under date 1734: April, died Thomas Dowse, Esq., at Preston, aged 106, who was Captain at Colchester in 1648. Can any reader of ' N. & Q.' give me any further information about this man, as to his parentage, &c. .? E. C. DOWSE.

HEBALDIC QTJEBY. What families bear as their crest a demi-lion holding with both I paws a rose with two leaves, one on each | side of the blossom above the dexter paw I of the lion ? LEONABD C. PBICE. Essex Lodge, Ewell. THE DANCE OF SALOME. I should be grateful for a list of representations of this in art, whether sculpture or painting, and especially for notes of the examples where Salome is depicted with the body arched backwards so that the head nearly touches the ground. E. R. RUNNYMEDE. Who and how many were i the barons who witnessed Magna Charts ? i I have heard it stated that not a single descendant of them now exists. Can this be a fact ? CURIOUS.