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12 s. ix. JULY 2, 1921.] NOTES AND QUERIES. 15 THE SMALLEST PIG OF A LITTER (12; It is the Table of Contents I think so S. viii. 331, 376, 417, 435, 453, 497). In useful : 3. Table of Distance from Town to Town. 4. Inspection Table. 5. An Itinerary, &c. Ceylon the smallest or last -born pig of a litter is called by the Sinhalese badapissd, which literally means " womb-sweeper " or "the womb-cleaner." This term is also applied to the last -born child of a family, 10. List of Fairs. p. 9. End of Itinerary. 11. General Description, Situation, Boundaries, Extent, Soil, Climate, Name, History, Population, Rivers. as when there is perhaps a long interval between its birth and that of the preceding lg> Civil and - Ecc iesiastical Divisions. child, and the parents are getting on in 19> Topographical Description. vears, it is supposed to be the most puny 81. Agriculture. and feeblest of the family. On one occasion when a Sinhalese native appeared before the civilian in charge of the province to be questioned about his grievances and was 95. Table of 'Contents. Ancient 88. Population Table. 89. List of Rare Plants. 90-94. List of Topographical Countv. Works of the asked his name, he said it was "Badapissa.' The official, who knew what the ordinary 96. Index to the Names of Places. I have also the cheaper edit on, which in- application of the word was, asked him eludes Rutland. The Huntingdonshire portion what he meant. " Had he no other name ?" has the 96 pages as above, and the Rut- His reply was that that was what everybody land portion consists of 46 pages each with in his village called him, and he knew of no the plain maps. I have been told that this other name. The headman explained that edition is Part xxxii. of the series and bears this was quite true, and that it was some- the date 1802. times the case that a man was known by no i I have given the contents above as at this other appellation than a nickname of this j period books of this class were not so kind. PENRY LEWIS, i clearly divided by subjects, and I was | greatly interested in the useful biblio- of five pages. It is very given by Brayley in his the When a boy, I remember pig of a litter was called a Huntingdonshire (see the same name in Shropshire, p. 376), and I have known it called a "runt," Many years ago I found a titlark's nest in the Great Meadow, St. Ives, containing five eggs, four of the usual size and one very diminutive. I can recall no name for the smallest egg in a clutch. HERBERT E. NORRIS. Cirencester. , graphical list smallest gjg^ to ft in ' Beauties of England and Wales,' vol. viii., 'Huntingdonshire' (1808). I wonder whether Brayley knew of Cooke's list or vice versa, or whether they each derived their lists from a common source, or, again, whether each list is quite original. I have consulted my friend Mr. A. L. Humphrey's valuable book on ' County Bibliographies' (1919) for help, but have failed to find either Brayley or Cooke under Huntingdonshire. ' The Book of British Topography' (1881, G. A. COOKE AND HIS COUNTY ITINER- PP- 131), by Mr. John Anderson, mentions ARIES (12 S. viii. 393,436, 456, 498). MR. | ' The Modern British Traveller ; or, Tourists' FRED. R. GALE, at p. 436, says : " This Pocket Directory,' by G. A. Cooke (1802-10), superior edition I have not seen." I have i 12mo, vol. viii., containing Huntingdonshire. a copy of the best edition with coloured map ! This seems to be another work mentioned for Huntingdonshire, which is similar to by H. A. H. at ante, p. 456, and quoting the Middlesex one mentioned by MR. WILLIAM ! Sir Herbert George Fordham. GILBERT (p. 457). These small volumes are very interesting, and I should like to make a few remarks about my copy which be- HERBERT E. NORRIS. Cirencester. ,--./ --i.-./ - COCO-NUT CUP (12 S. viii. 330, 395, 436). d to Edward Bradley (Cuthbert Bede). T have severa i o f thes e cups in my possession. I One is carved in excellent relief and is an Topographical and Statistical Description of interesting specimen. It represents two the County of Huntingdon. . . . [Here follows ships in fu n sail . ^th two inscriptions, a sub- title too long to give.] By George Alexander h f h linn lia i . " n. rl snftftd the shin " Cooke .... London: Printed for C. Cooke, No. | wn j C V< S P ee < sn ,P T 17, Paternoster Row, by Brimmer and Co., j and bteam Ship City of London. Water Lane, Fleet Street. *. . . [No date.] ! have been told this vessel was wrecked