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12 S. IX. JULY 2, 1921.] NOTES AND QUERIES. TTN1VEESITY OF LONDON. APPLt CATIONS are invited for the following POSTS in the LIBRARY : 1. SUB-LIBRARIAN. Salary 335, rising by annual increments of 20 to 375. Practical experience in library work is essential, and candidates must be of gradu- ate standing. 2. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN. Salary 220, rising by 5 annual increments of 10 and one of 5 to 275. Caeteris paribus pre- ference will be given to those who have had experience in library work. Open to men and women. If possible duties should be entered upon on Sept. 1, 1921. Appointments are subject to passing the necessary medical examination and to the provisions of the University Pension Scheme. Apply for particulars before July 12, enclosing stamped addressed envelope. Applications should be marked " Sub-Librarian " or " Assistant Librarian." E. C. PERRY, Principal Officer. University of London, South Kensington. S.W.7. ! THE HISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA Announce for early publication SOUTH AMERICANS of TO-DAY A series of amplified and illustrated Who's Whos. CASUAL LETTERS from SOUTH AMERICA A volume of vivid personal description and comment. Circulars will be sent on request to THE HISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA, 67, Great Russell Street, W.C.I. PROFESSIONAL GENEALOGISTS, WOULD-BE TRACERS OF PEDIGREES, ADVANCED SEARCHERS ! Write, GEORGE SHERWOOD. 210. STRAND, LONDOX, W.C.2. OOKS. ALL OUT - OF - PRINT BOOKS supplied, no matter on what subject. Please state wants. Topography, Archaeology, _ Genealogy, Biography. Court 14-16, Memoirs, etc. List free. BAKER'S Great B Memoirs, etc. List tree. UAK.J: John Bright Street. Birmingham. T HE AUTHOR'S HAIRLESS PAPER-PAD. The LEADENBALL PRESS. Ltd.. Publishers and Printers. 9-47 GARDEN ROW. ST. GEORGE'S ROAD. SOUTHWARK. S.E.I. Contains hairless paper, over which the pen slips with perfect freedom. Ninepence each. 8s. per dozen, ruled or plain ; postage extra, Is. 3d. Pocket size, 5s. per dozen, ruled or plain: postage Is. STICKPHAST is a clean white Paste and not a messy liquid. mYPEWRITING AND DUPLICATING of L every description carefully and promptly executed. 1*. per 1.000 words: carbon copy 3d. per 1,000 words. Cam- bridge local. Miss NANCY, McFARLANE. 11, Palmeira Avenue, Westcliff. Essex. Wyt Ctmes; EDUCATIONAL SUPPLEMENT A Weekly Record of Educational Progress at Home and Abroad. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY. PRICE 2d. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. 12 months 13s. 6 months 6s. 6d. 3 months 3s. 3d. Tost free from the "Publisher, Printing House Square. London, E.C.4,