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NOTES AND QUERIES: & JWebium of Sntertommuntcation FOE LITERARY MEN, GENERAL READERS, ETC. "When found, make a note of." CAPTAIN CUTTLE. ( PRICE SIXPENCE. No. 169. E. B ] ' JULY 9, 1921. { ^ J^_ jplllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllM | OXFORD BOOKS I THE SILVICULTURE OF INDIAN TREES. By R. S. TROUP. In Three Volumes. Volume I. : Dilleniaceae to Leguminosse (Papilicnacese). With a Rainfall Map of India and 136 Illustrations and Plates in line, half-tone, and colour. Volume II. : Leguminosse-Caesalpinieaj to Verbenacese. With 161 Illustra- = tions and Plates in line, half-tone, and colour. Volume III. : Lauracese to Coniferse. = With 193 Illustrations and Plates in line, half-tone, and colour. ' 4to. 105s. net the = three volumes. THE COURT PAINTERS )F THE GRAND MOGULS. By LAURENCE BINYON. With Historical [Introduction and Notes by T. W. ARNOLD. With 40 Plates (seven in colour). Medium 8vo. 63s. net. SHORT TEXTS FROM COPTIC OSTRACA AND PAPYRI. Edited and Indexed by W. E. CRUM. Medium 4to. 16s. net. THE NORSE DISCOVERERS OF AMERICA. The Wineland Sagas. Translated and discussed by Gr. M. GATHORNE- HARDY. Medium 8vo. S THE GENIUS OF THE GREEK DRAMA. Three plays being the Antigone of Sophocles and the Medea of Euripides rendered and adapted with an == Introduction by CYRIL E. ROBINSON. Crown 8vo. Paper cover, 2s. net. ROLAND A RONCEVAUX: the Romanes Lecture delivered in the Sheldonian Theatre, June 4, 1921. By JOSEPH BEDIER. 8vo. Paper cover, = 2s. net. THE EVOLUTION OF WORLD-PEACE. Essays arranged and edited by F. S. MARVIN. Medium 8vo. 9s. 6d. net. CONTEXTS : Introductory : The Appeal to History, by F. S. Marvin ; Alexander and Hellenism, by Prof. Arnold Toynbee and F. S. Marvin : The Work of Rome, by Sir Paul Vinogradoff ; Innocent the Third and the = Medieval Church, by H. W. C. Davis : Grotius and International Law, by G. N. Clark : The French Revolution as a World Force, by G. P. Gooch ; The Congress of Vienna, by Prof. C. R. Beazley ; The Nineteenth Century, =: by F. S. Marvin ; The League of Nations in Being, by Frederick Whelan ; An Apology for a World Utopia, by = H. G. Wells ; The Teaching of History and World Peace, by Eileen Power. | THE HISTORIC NAMES OF THE STREETS AND LANES OF OXFORD, Intro, Muros. By H. E. SALTER. With a Map and a Preface by ROBERT BRIDGES. 8vo. Paper cover, 3s. 6d. net. THE WRITER'S ART. By those who have practised it. Selected and arranged by R. W. BROWN. 8vo. 10s. 6d. net. [For Harvard University Press. = " A book of prose readings made up of what writers themselves have said about writing . . . Not a source- ==

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