Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 9.djvu/352

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286 NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 s.ix. OCT. 8,1921. dol'rous is dolorous, in Francis (' Horace,' c. 1740) : Why hang on the wall, in silence dolorous, The soft swelling pipe and the hautboy sonorous ? (Odes, iii. 19.) And gallant popular still in Ireland ap- pearing in Francis (iii. 15) : The daughter may better lay siege to the houses Of youthful gallants. And nineteenth- century dictionaries name them so ; only the latest allowing gallants again. In Shakespeare always a gallant as Lamond ( ' Hamlet,' IV. vii. 85). In Ben Jonson, too : To draw in gallants that wear spurs. ('Alchemist,' I. i.) W. F. P. STOCKLEY. (To be continued.) PRINCIPAL LONDON COFFEE HOUSES, TAVERNS, AND INNS IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. (See 12 S. vii. 485; ix. 85, 105, 143, 186, 226.) (An asterisk denotes that the house still exists as a tavern, inn or public-house in many cases rebuilt.) Kentish Playhouse Passage, Drury Lane Kentish Drovers . . Peckham Key . . . . Corner of Henrietta and Bedford Streets

  • King of Bohemia's High Street, Hampstead

Head King's Arms (formerly " Three Jolly Butchers ") King's Arms King's Arms

  • King's Arms

King's Arms King's Arms King's Arms King's Arms King's Arms Lamb Mayfair Holborn Bridge Cornhill Tooley Street Little James Street Great Tower Street Near the Customs House Burr Street Haughton Street, St. Clement Danes, Strand 1744 Lysons's ' Collectanea,' Brit. Mus. " Kept by the agreeable Mrs. Hubert." Thornbury, vi. 287. Plan of Covent Garden, pub. by J. T. Smith, 1809. 1765 Hampstead and Highgate Express, Oct. 9, 1920; Mitton and Besant's ' Hampstead,' p. 25. Gomme's G.M.L., part xv., p. 84. 1726 1732 1745 1780 1793 1750 1788 1744 1754 1720 1722 1751 1714 Between the " Angel " and the Bear and Harrow, St. Clement Danes Church 1725 1733 1760 1677 1745 Portland MSS. (Hist. MSS. Com.), vii. 440. ' Parish Clerks' Remarks of London,' p. 382. Bocque's ' Survey.' Judge Curwen's ' Journal,' Oct. 19. Sichel's ' Sheridan,' 1909, ii. 242. Levander, A.Q.C., vol. xxix., 1916. Levander, A.Q.C., vol. xxix., 1916. General Advertiser, April 9. Heiron's ' Ancient Freemasonry,' 1921. Daily Courant, Nov. 22. London Journal, Nov. 24. Levander, A.Q.C., vol. xxix., 1916. Portland MSS., Harley Papers, iii. 471: "July 10. This morning, about four o'clock, at the King's Arms Tavern in the Strand, Captain Blunt, in General Bock's Begiment, giving the lie to Mr. Dobbing, surgeon to the said regi- ment, was stabbed to death by the latter, who is committed to Newgate. ' ' Clockmakers' Company, p. 195. Simpson's 'London Taverns and Masonry,' p. 29. Levander, A.Q.C., vol. xxix., 1916. Midd. and Herts 'Notes and Queries, 1896, ii. 95. Shown on Ogilvy and Morgan's ' London Survey'd.' Bocque's ' Survey.'