Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 9.djvu/441

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NOTES AND QUEEIES: & JJlebtum of Sntercommumcatton FOR LITERARY MEN, GENERAL READERS, ETC. " When found, make a note of." CAPTAIN CUTTLE. No. 186. ['fig?] NOVEMBER 5, 1921. PRICE SIXPENCE. Post free 7d. Registered as a Newspaper. Crown 4to. 31s. Containing 96 PICTURES by the author Sir WILLIAM ORPEN, R.A. AN 1917 1919. " Orpen was a Pepys on the Western Front, and his book will have the same value to readers of the future as Pepys's Diary has for us to-day. Such writing and such pictures were surely never before contained within the covers of one book. It is a mixture of laughter and tears : it is life itself." Daily Graphic. " Packed with keen observation, drama, clear-cut portraits of men of all types, and plentifully sprinkled with audacities that must make the reader rock with laughter at their gay irresponsibility or chuckle with satisfaction at a grim thrust sent truly home." Daily Mail. WILLIAMS & NORGATE, ONLOOKER IN FRANCE