Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 9.djvu/515

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12 s. ix. NOV. 26, 1921.] NOTES AND QUERIES. 421 LONDON. NOVEMBER 26. 1921. CONTENTS. No. 189. NOTES : John Cooke, Winchester Scholar : An Eliza- bethan Catholic Necrology, 421 English Army Slang as used in the Great War, 423 Hero and Leander : A Japanese Variant, 425 Principal London Coffee-houses of the Eighteenth Century. 426 Eskdale Churchyard Campbell at Boulogne Site of the Chur.h of St. Thomas, Queen Street, E.G.. 428. QUERIES : Robert Dinwiddie of Virg'nia : Portrait wanted Thomas Tyndall, " the Honest Lawyer " Nigger Song or English Folk Song ? Verlaine at Stick- ney, 429 John Evelyn : Reference for Two Sayings required Rev. John Maude, M.A. Thomas Holland of Amesbury The " Woe Waters " of Wharram-le- Street Azin Jourt : Collection of Relics John Patrick Eden " Buckheen " Misquotation of Shakespeare The Palac of Placentia, 430 A Sixteenth- entury Prayer Illicit Distilling in Scottish Highlands Celeritous Brewers' Company Corporation of Hoastmen Charles Dibdin's Songs. 431. REPLIES : Mules on Mountains Grave to be turfed and " bryered, "431 Verbalized Surnames. 432 Captain G. Jones's ' Battle of Waterloo ' Hatchments. 433 Epigram on the Walcheren Expedition Rubbing down Coins Heraldic : the Helmet" Shall " and " Will " in A.V.. 434 Tudor Trevor Rudge Family ' The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft ' English Writers : Dates of Birth and Death Principal London Coffee-houses in the Eighteenth Century Signora Sarto is Culcheth Hall, 435 Brothers of the Same Christian Name Baths o Salting- tanks The Maccabees : The Spartans and the Jews Seventeenth- entury Military Service : Drax Family St. Christopher and the Christ Child Dante's Beard, 436 Surnames as Christian Names Unidenti- fied Arms T.R.E.O. " Making bricks without straw " Admiral Vernon, 437 Cardinal Newman and Wales Sac- r amentum The Gove nor of N. Carolina and the Gove nor of S. Carolina Welsh Rabbit" Flurdeglaiur " " What between " : " What from " Damant Family (Turnips) 438 Irish, Scotch and Welsh Heraldry Reference wanted (Tennyson), 439. NOTES ON BOOKS : ' A History of the Douglas Family of Morton' 'On Hyphens and "Shall" and "Will." " Should " and " Would," in the Newspapers of To-day ' ' The Year's Work in English Studies ' Cobbett's ' History of the Last Hundred Days of English Freedom.' Notices to Correspondents. THE Twelfth Series of ' N. & Q.' has been dislocated by the war, and the number of its volumes cannot now be made to correspond to the number of its years in the same way as in former Series. If a period of six years is to be reckoned its proper term, it will come to an end with the number for Dec. 31 of this year, and will consist of nine volumes. If it is thought better that it 'should run to the usual twelve volumes it will terminate in June, 1923, covering seven years and a half ; and henceforth, if the old scheme is adhered to, a new Series will begin in July instead of in January. It is desired to follow whichever plan our Correspondents prefer, and the Editor would be glad to receive any opinions on the subject. These should reach the office not later than Monday, Dec. 12. J^ote*. JOHN COOKE, WINCHESTER SCHOLAR. AN ELIZABETHAN CATHOLIC NECROLOGY. AT p. 122 of his * Winchester Scholars,* the late T. F. Kirby, under the date 1539, has this entry : Cook, John (12), Heyford. Sch. C.C. Coll. Oxon. This gave rise to the erroneous note which I contributed to 11 S. ix. 369. In September, 1919, the Bursar of Win- chester College wrote to me : Kirby was wrong in making John Cookc (1539) of Heyford. The place is given as Twyford both in the Register of Scholars and in Register " O " (under date Aug. 10, 1542, the date when J. C. took the Scholar's Oath). The entry of admission runs thus : " Johannes Cooke de twyforde, xii annorum in festo septem dor- mientium preterite [i.e., July 27] Winton D[iocesis]. [Marginal note : ] re. ad Coll. corporis xpi." He is evidently identical with the John Cooke of Hampshire, who became "discipulus" at C.C.C. on May 9, 1544 (see Fowler's History of that College, Oxf. Hist. Soc., 1893, p. 385). A man of this name was Rector of Cliddes- den, near Basingstoke, and was succeeded after deprivation in 1562. The following letter, brought to my notice by Father J. H. Pollen, S.J., was printed in The Academy for April 15, 1876, at p. 360. I have identified, within square brackets, some of the names mentioned. A CATHOLIC NECROLOGY UNDER ELIZABETH. Exeter Coll., Oxford. April 10. In the library of Exeter College, Oxford, there is a service book of which I have never seen another copy. The Colophon runs thus : " Psalterium cum hymnis secundum morem et consuetudinem nigrorum monachorum Aber- donensis monasterii explicit. Anno salutiferae nativitatis domini M.D. vicesimo octavo pridie idus septembris." The female saints mentioned at the commence- ment are Margareta, Severa, Wenefrida, Batildis, Ethelreda, Fredeswyda. In the calendar at the commencement are a number of MS. entries partly relating to the Cooke family, but chiefly to Roman Catholic priests, who died in Eliza- beth's reign, including one who was executed. As several of these entries are interesting a list of them is here given : Jan. 1. Obitus Marie Wylkinson, 1573. Obitus Thome Audely. Jan. 2. Obitus Robert Cooke, presbyteri, 1579. [One " R. Cookus " arrived at the English College at Douay, May 8, 1576 (Knox,