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NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 s.ix. DEC. 10,1921. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS The Collected Historical Works of Sir Francis Palgrave, K.H. Edited by his son, Sir R. H. INGLIS PALGRAVE, F.R.S. In ten volumes. Volumes (The His- tory of the Anglo-Saxons), VI and VH (The Rise and Progress of the English Commonwealth, Anglo-Saxon Period) are now ready. Royal 8vo. 42s net each. " If ever a man's reputation was submerged by the results of his own labours, Francis Palgrave was the man. His work lies at the base of any accurate knowledge of the constitutional history of medieval England, and no one has done more to make possible its critical study. A complete edition of Palgrave' s works will be not only a worthy monument to his memory, but a valuable addition to the library of the historical student." The Saturday Retietv on Vols I- IV. On Some Antiquities in the Neigh- bourhood of Dunecht House, Aberdeenshire. By the Bight Rev. G. F. BROWNE, D.D. With 60 plates. Demy 4to. 63s net. 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