Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 9.djvu/643

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12 S. IX. DEC. 31, 1921.] NOTES AND QUERIES. 529 officer of the French Royal Stud. He married at Abbeville, on June 22, 1836, Cecilia Cobham, youngest daughter of Joseph Martin, Esq., of Greenwich. Another son, Frank Robert, married at St. George's, Bloomsbury, June 11, 1844, Amelia Eliza- beth, daughter of J. Sanson, Esq., of Derby. Anthony Bertolacci seems to have ; married an Englishwoman. Who was she, j and what were the date and place of their j marriage PENRY LEWIS. TITLE OF " K.H." Were Knights of | the Hanoverian Order called " Sir " ? PENRY LEWIS. STOMP, THE MINIATURIST. Is there a record, dated, of those whom Stomp, the miniaturist, painted ? Did he ever " reduce " a larger portrait to the size of a miniature ? E. G. H. CHRISTMAS TREES. The editors of the French journal Evangile et Libert e have raised a discussion on the subject of Christ- mas trees, and several correspondents have written that they were originated at Strasburg early in the sixteenth century. Do our English authorities agree with this ? A. D. T. [See 11 S. x. 486 10 S. ix. 4. 7 S. vi. 484; vii. 247, 311 ; x. 504 ; xi. 93 ; xii. 492 3 S. viii. 489, 4912 S. i. 191 ; iv. 505 ; x. 363 ; iii. 148 1 S. viii. 619.] BLESSED OLIVER PLUNKET. Archbishop Plunket was executed at Tyburn, July 1, 1681. Dr. Richard Challoner, in his 'Mem- oirs of Missionary Priests,' says that the archbishop was " suffered to hang till he ex- pired," and gives as his authority, " his- torians of those times." I can find many who give an account of the execution without entering into details, but I cannot discover the authority for Challoner's statement, which implies that the death sentence in its usual horrible form disembowelling alive, &c. was not carried out in the case of Arch- bishop Plunket. I should be very grateful for a reference to a contemporary historian. ETHELBERT HORNE. Downside Abbey, Bath. VILLEBOIS, PICTURE PAINTER. Was there ever an artist of this name, and, if so, when and where did he flourish ? I have seen an oil painting attributed to him in a catalogue, and priced at 200 ; but I am unable to dis- cover such a painter in the numerous works I have consulted and doubt if such ever existed. T. .CEREMONIAL VESTMENTS OF THE JUDI- CIARY. Is any detailed publication upon this interesting subject available to the general body of citizens ? Allusion, was made in the Press to the special robe worn by the Right Hon. Mr. Justice Darling on St. Andrew's day J. LANDFEAR LUCAS. -101, Piccadilly. STEPHEN CAESAR LEMAISTRE, Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of Bengal, appears to have matriculated at Oxford from Christ Church, April 1, 1758, aged 20. When and where was he called to the bar ? His father, Caesar Lemeistre, who died Feb. 21, 1758, is described as of Bow Street. Who was his mother ? G. F. 1 R. B. HENRY JAMES VINCENT KEMBLE, the younger son of Charles Kemble, the actor. When and where did he die ? W^as he ever married ? G. F. R. B. G. E. J. POWELL. Along with Eirikr Magnusson he brought out, in 1864, a trans- lation of Icelandic^ legends collected by John Arneson. Any ana concerning Mr. Powell would be esteemed. ANEURIN WILLIAMS. Menai View, Xortli Road, Carnarvon. " DRUG IN THE MARKET." Has any fresh light been thrown on the origin of this phrase ? The ' N.E.D.' gives the earliest in- stance of the expression in Fuller's ' Worthies.' It is unnecessary to suppose any connexion with the ' Pharmacopoeia.' H. W. DICKINSON. AUTHOR WANTED. Can anyone tell me where the words " Not lost, but gone before " occur ? I have traced something of the kind to Seneca, and " not dead but gone before " occurs, I fancy, somewhere in Lodge. , C. J. MAGBATH. [See 8 S. v. 208, 351 5 S. iv. 499, 527 ; v. 60 ; x. 1624 S. ii. 404; v. 185, 351, 458; viii. 34, 426; ix. 103, 373, 476, 522; xi. 27, 46, 330 3 S. x:. 345, 404, 460 ; xi. 163 2 S. iii. 12, 56. The passage in Seneca is referred to more than once. Perhaps the most interesting reference is that afc 4 S. v. 351, to a fragment of Antiphanes (ix) : nv yap redvacriv aa. r)jv avrfjv 55oi/ Many epitaphs and poerns are quoted in the course of the correspondence.] AUTHOR OP POEM WANTED. Who was the author of a poem entitled ' Harry,' published in 1877 (Macmillan) ; the title page states it is " by the author of ' Mrs. Jerningham's Journal. V By the same author, ; The Runaway,' "a story for the young." ' Harry ' was dedicated to Menella Smedley. R. M.