Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 9.djvu/663

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 28, 1922. SUBJECT INDEX. 547 Dominoes, origin of, 447 Donald (James), agricultural writer, 52, 96 Donowell (John), architect and draughtsman, 330, 359 ' Don Quixote,' story of person learning Spanish in order to read original, 469, 512 Doxiglass (Clementina Johannes Sobiesky), 17, 56 Down (Marquess of), c. 1700, 210, 258 Downe (Viscount), 258 Dowse (Thomas), centenarian, d. 1734, 150 Dowson (Miss Margery), ' Michael Fairless/ her burial-place, 289 Doyle (Martin), agricultural writer, 52 Drax family, their military records, 408, 436, 453, 517 Drayton's ' Poly-Olbion,' lines quoted, 292 " Dreamthorp " = Linlithgow, 150, 197 " Drug in the market," origin of phrase, 529 Drummond (James), artist, d. 1877, 491, 534, 535 Duatyeff, Russian writer domiciled in Paris in 1875, 71 " Ducasse," meaning of word, 401 Dudley (Richard), b. 1562, 9 Duelling at Chalk Farm, 149, 196, 239 Du Maurier and " Lady Madge Plunket," 371, 518 Duthie (William) and Dickens, 249 Duval (Sir John) and the Hartlepool canal, 71 Dye, mentioned in Bede ; s ' Ecclesiastical History,' '491, 531 East (Sir Alfred), his burial-place, 211 Ecclesiastics, burial-places of, 211, 414 Echo (The) and contents bills, 58 Eden (John Patrick), Rector of Sedgefield, 1864- 85, 430, 478 Edwards (Jonathan), his ' Doctrine of Original Sin,' 354 Edwards (Thomas), LL.D., 511 Egg folk-lore, 489 Elephant and Castle, origin of sign, 95 Elizabeth (Princess), " refined intrigante," 51, 134 Elizabeth (Queen) and the French ambassador, 11, 66 Elshalfoon (Joseph), 201, 278 Elzevier and Milton, 28, 116, 158 Emerson (Ralph Waldo), elucidation of passages in his ' English Traits,' 134, 196, 275 Emmerich Joseph von Breitbach-Burresheim : see Joseph English army slang : see Slang English dictionaries, 11, 54 English language, Porsoii on, 407 English railings in America, 130 English writers : dates of birth and death, 371, 435 " Enslaved," earliest use of word, 196 Epigrammatists, 178 Epigrams : on Harriet Mellon's marriage with Thomas Coutts, 228 ; on the Walcheren expedi- tion, 355, 394, 434 ' Episcopal Betlenian. College in Transylvania, 1716, A Short History of the,' missing church brief, 511 Epitaphs : Day of week on which death took place mentioned, 47 He dismissed Hell with costs, 272, 316 He swore all's true, yet here he lies, 90 " Honest," 76 Epitaphs in Benson Church, Oxfordshire, 175 Bolsover Churchyard, Derbyshire, 139 Glen- corse Churchyard, Midlothian, 10 Lydford Churchyard, Devon, 59 New Alresford Church, 369 Paignton Parish Church, 350 Wath Parish Church, 350 Epitaphs on Billinge (William), 194 Collins (William), 210 Holland (Rev. Thomas), 430 Jones (Capt.), traveller, 90, 171 Pierce (Thomas), 194 Routleigh (George), 59 Watchmakers, 59, 139, 194 W T estbury (Lord), 272, 316 Ericson (Leif), Danish mariner, his voyage to America, 50, 177 Eskdale churchyard, inscriptions in, 407, 428 Essex (Earl of), his expedition to Holland in 1585, 370 Etherege (George), name of wife and date of his death wanted, 506 Eugenie (Empress) and Miss Kirkpatrick, 12 Evans (Andrew F., John, Thomas and Yeoman), Westminster scholars, 170 Evelyn (John) and " Paradisian Clapham," 430, 532 Eyre and Norris families, 212 F. B. B., initials on vases, 72 Fairless (Michael) : see Doicson Fairs : old cheese fairs and others, 28 ; " Lowse faire," 108 Family mottoes, 17 Fanshawe (Catherine Maria) and " the letter H.," 516 Farington (George), historical painter, 230 Fenning's ' Royal English Dictionary,' 11, 54 Fenny Compton terrar : explanation of words sought, 352 " Fire " as a disyllable, 507 Flag flown on Armistice Day, 37, 77 Fleetwood (Sir Gerrard Dutton), 336 Fleetwood (Sir Gervasse) of the ' Royal Band of Gentlemen-Pensioners," 249, 294 Flight Barr and Barr, 72 Flood (Jocelyn), christening of, 1746, 79 " Floreat Etona," battle-cry at battle of Laing's Nek, 111, 153, 234, 277, 313 Flowers, rustic names for, 29, 78 " Flurdeglaiur," 369, 438 Folk-lore : Eggs laid on Good Friday, 489 Hanging in effigy. tT Hangman's stories, 446, 493, 536 " Remember the grotto," 109 Rounding, 47 Smokers', 528 Warwickshire, 47 Wife sales, 47 Fontenelle's allegory in Bayle's ' Nouvelles de la Republique des Lettres,' 10, 54 Food, fancy names for, 110, 148, 198, 278, 438 " Fop," origin of term, 331 Ford^s MSS., Suffolk collections, 230, 279, 333 Forlong (Maj.-Gen. J. G. B.), author, 169 Fownes (Thomas) and foxhuntiqg, 18 Fox (Charles), M.P. for Co. Longford, d. 1862, 231, 296 Foxes and lambs, 59