Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 9.djvu/667

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Notes and Queries. Jan. 28, 1922. SUBJECT INDEX. 551 Longevity : instances, 29, 95 ; among Quakers, i 289 Loraine (William), d. 1833, 189 Lord's Prayer, the fifth petition, 508 Louvain University and Winchester Scholars, 446 Lovedream as surname, 208 Lowestof t china, 1 8 Lowse faire, 108 Lycett (Thomas), Westminster scholar, 389 Lynch (Rev. T. T.), his hymn, " Heart of Christ," 19 M Maberly family, 290 Mac., variations of prefix, 112 McAlpin collection of British History and Theo- logy, 447 Macburney (James), steward to the Earl of Ash- burnham, 93 Macentinus (Raphael), epigrammatist, 178 McGill (James), founder of the McGill University, 128 McGill University, 128 Macken family, 410, 498 Madingley, Cambs, 388 Maffei (Scipione) and the ' Giornale de Letterati,' 402 Magna Charta, names and number of barons who witnessed, 150, 177, 195, 234, 338 Mailio (Thomas), Westminster scholar, 151 Malvern, local literature of, 229 ; theatre at, in 1802, 229 Manchester and Midland Railway, 35 Mangles (George), Westminster scholar, 354 Manor of Churchill, Oxon, Court Rolls of, 132 Margate grotto, 210, 257, 297 Marianus (Father), d. 1734, 128 Marney tombs at Layer Marney Church, Essex, 149 Marriage customs, revival of old English, 209, 252 Marriages, 68 Married life, instances of long, 68, 95, 138 Marshall (Rev. Charles), d. 1818, 52 Martin (David Wykeham), 370 Martin (Marten), mentioned in Pepys's ' Diary,' 98 Martyii (Rev. Charles) of South Carolina, 338 Mason (Sir John), his tomb in Winchester Cathe- dral, 289 Masonic emblems and furniture, their use at funerals, 123 " Mate Hari's " youth, 527 Matthews (Samuel), organist, d. 1832, 90, 175 Maude (Rev. John), M.A., d. 1696, 430 " Maundy coins," 33 Mayor, appointment by Abbot, 89 May saying, 19 Mead : " The stinging mead," 290 Mead (Grantham), Westminster scholar, 491 Medals : dated 1837, 290 ; of Pope Paul II., 447 Mellon (Harriet), epigram on her marriage with Thomas Coutts, 228 Menken (Adah), her husbands, 519 Menson (Meyer), Ph.D., 273, 394 Meredith (Thomas Parratt), b. 1782, 90 Merest (Rev. Charles), vicar of Chertsey, d. 1786, 29 Mermann (Thomas), 1547-1612, 212, 274 Mermannus : Palma, 212, 274 Merry (John and Robert), Westminster scholars, 29' Metcalfe (Philip and Thomas), Westminster scholars, 151 Middleton (Thomas), Webster's hand in his play ' Anything for a Quiet Life,' 181 (corrigenda, 300), 202, 225 Milborne (Christopher and Clayton), Westminster scholars, 90 Milk, Butter and Cheese Streets, 169, 214, 259, 413, 498 Milk syphons, 31 Miller (Sir Thomas) of Chichester, 92, 173, 217, 255, 296 Milles (Christopher) of the Middle Temple, 38 Milton and Elzevier, 28, 116, 158 ' Mimnermos in Church,' verses wanted, 311 Mings (Vice-Admiral Sir C.), d. 1666, ancestry of, 461,513 Misaubin (Dr. John), pictures of, 35 ; murder of his son, 90 ; his family, 154 " Mixed train " : see Train " Mobs Hole," meaning of word " mob," 17 " Moderations " : an Oxford school story, 231 Molesworth (George, H. and James), West- minster scholars, 491 Moncrieff (W.), dramatist, 368 Moneacht, 191 Moneacht (David Edie of), his arms, 191 Money, iron bars used as, 449, 535 Monke (James and William), Westminster scholars 50 Monmouth (James, Duke of), his burial-place, 169, 216 Monson (George, Henry and Philip), Westminster scholars, 51 Montalt (Robert de) and Robert de Morley, 133 Montfort (Mountfort) family, 449, 536 ' Monthly Miscellany, The,' 229 Moorish battle-axe as crest, 168, 239 Morden (or Mordaunt), Sir John, his family, 212, 257 More (Edward), 1479-1541, Warden of Winchester College, 406 Morgan (Colonel H. R. L.), Royal Artillery, 271 Morley (Robert de) and Robert de Montalt, 133 Morrell (John and William), Westminster scholars, 151 Morris (Philip Richard), his burial-place, 211 Morris family, early settlers in America, 462 Morrison (George), Westminster scholar, 90 Moselyn as Christian name, 71 Mostyn (Tom), artist, 369, 413 Mothe (Antoine de la), m. 1687, 68 Mottoes : Alterum alterius auxilio egit, 331, 397 Crux mihi grata quies, 191 Deus mihi lux et salus, 310 Dolor est medicina doloris, 251, 295 Family, 17 I beare in minde, 111, 176 Iniusti iusta querela, 251 Mea sic mihi, 251 Nee elatus, nee dejectus, 231 Mulberry trees in England, 308, 337, 377, 519 Mules and climbing at high altitudes, 354, 395, Mullen (Samuel), poet, 331 Mundell (R. C.), Westminster scholar, 470 Murray (Alexander, Charles and John), West- minster scholars, 70