Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 9.djvu/670

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554 SUBJECT INDEX. Xotes and Queries, Jan. 28, 1922 . Quotations : May the right use of letters ... be guided by the tongue as well as the pen, 410 My enemy came nigh . . .', 470, 519 O for a booke and a shadie nooke, 175 Oh cast that shadow from thy brow . . .,470 Patience . . . does the work of both, 292, 339 Perhaps it was right to dissemble your love . . ., 112, 159 Petty cares and crawling interests, 112 Sausage-maker on a great scale, 112, 159,239 She, standing in the yellow morning sun . . . happy life was done, 112 Speak as you think . . . fate or fortune, 112 That the light of a sun . . . may scatter the ghosts of the past, 112 The heart, the heart is lonely still, 410 The law is a ass a idiot, 112, 159 The most dangerous thing in the world is ignorance in motion, 56, 98 The patient, mild Hindu . . . will ever reach Nirvan, 130 There is a voice from the tomb sweeter than song, 410, 455 Time with a gift of tears . . ., 470 'Tis a wrong way to mercy to come with a lie in their mouth, 311 To fawne, to crowche, to waite, to ride, to ronne, 112, 159 What to thee is shadow, to Him is day, 470 Windows richly dight, 112, 159 Would she could make of me a saint, or I of her a sinner, 170, 218 Wrap me in thy crimson robe, 130 You can't buy innocence for money, 32, 79 Railings, English, in America, 130, 197 Railways : " Mixed train," 190, 213 Rain : see under Weather Rainsford family, early settlers in America, 521 Ramsay (Kate), 211 Ramsgate, Queen Victoria's visit to West Cliff House, 290, 336 Randolph (Valentine), Westminster scholar, 90 " Reaction," use of the word, 474 Reddish (Mrs.) : see Hunn 1 Red Tassel,' school magazine, 175 Red Tassel Journal,' school magazine, 238 Reform, prophecies of, 47 " Religion of all sensible men," authorship of witticism, 52, 94, 299 Reneau d'Elicagaray (Bernard), his method of coast bombardment, 293 Resker, surname, 291 ' Reuben Manasseh,' play by " Alastor," 191 Revans (John, Stebbing and Samuel), West- minster scholars, 211 Reynolds family of Coolbeg, Co. Donegal, 5 Rhine : the " Hunger stone," 511 " Rhydwely," Welsh name for Bedford, 291, 336 Rhys (Captain Morton (? Horton)), 410, 497 Riascoli (Baron), d. 1880, 91, 154, 235 Rice, effect of eating, 177 Richard I., hitherto unpublished charter of , 481, 626 Richard Cceur de Lion, his burial-place, 353, 398, 514 Riddle : the " letter H," 469, 516 Ridge (otherwise Rudge, Rydge), Co. Herts, the early register book of, 281 Riviere (Briton), his burial-place, 211 Road Hill House Murder, 408, 452 Roberts (Mr.), solicitor, attack on Major Murray in Northumberland Street, 309, 359, 396 Roberts family, 410 Robinson (Sir Septimus), Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, 468, 513 Roche-Pichmer, origin of name wanted, 130 Rollo (Duke of Normandy) and the House of Harcourt, 453, 495 ' Roman Catholic Clergy, The Frauds of the,' 491 Roman Olympiads as alternative for the Greek Kalends, 469 Rome, English subjects resident in, 1578, 46 Roome (John), and Nelson's signal at Trafalgar, 301, 356, 464 Ross (Charles H.), dates of birth and death, 371 Ross (Colonel), horse-riding performance, 56 Rostopchine (Sophie, Comtesse de Segur), her ' Les Petites Fflles Modeles,' 291 Rougemont (Louis de), 37 Rounding : Warwickshire folk-lore, 47 Routledge (Isabella), her parents, 371 Rowe (Sir Thomas), of the " Royal Band of Gentlemen-Pensioners." 249, 294 Rowlands (Richard), 450 Royal Academicians and Associates, burial-places of, 211 Royal Charter of Richard I., 481 Royal East India Volunteers, 191, 236, 276 Royal Exchange Assurance Corporation, 129 Royalist and Roundhead rates of pay, 59 Rudall (John), vicar of Crediton, 1793-1835, 470 ' Ruddigore,' character in, 291, 357 Rudge family, 311, 395, 435 Runnymede, number and names of barons who witnessed Magna Charta, 150, 177, 195, 234, 338 Rushton (J.), vase painter, 72 Ruskin : reference wanted, 470 Ruspini (James Bladen and George),Westminster scholars, 371, 413, 475 Russian backgammon, 309 " Rutherford (Mark) " : see White (W. Hale] Sabine (General Jos.) of Tewin, Herts, 91 Sabine (William), 91 Sabine family, 213 " Sacramentum," formula of the Roman soldier, 438 St. Christopher and the Christ Child, 371, 415, 436, 452, 536 St. Colme's charm, 330, 376 St. David's Cathedral, the King as Prebendary of, 128 St. Goeznow and cheese, 335 St. Joseph of Arimathea, 469 St. Katharine's Church, London, E., burial registers of, 408, 453, 496 St. Majolus and cheese, 335 St. Nicholas, Deptford, inscriptions in church- yard, 3, 22, 58 St. Omer, inscriptions at, 391 St. Peter's Chapel-of-Ease, Westminster, date of last service, 289 St. Peter the Proud : see under London