Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 9.djvu/673

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Metes and Quires, J{.n. 28, 1922. SUBJECT INDEX. 557 Villiers (Barbara) and Charles II., 251, 337 Villiers (Hon. Francis), Lieutenant of the " Royal Band of Gentlemen-Pension' rs," 249, 294 Vincent (James Vincent), Dean of Bangor, his burial-place, 211 Vincent (John), rector of Sedgefield, c. 1644, 409 " Virement," use of word, 208, 377 Virgil, ivory gate of : English misconception, 84, 132, 153 Voltaire, saying attributed to, 309 W Walcheren expedition, epigram on, 355, 394 Waleran and Plugenet families, 489 We ies and cheese : see under Cheese Walford (Edward), items from notebook of, 463 Walkenshaw (Clementina), 17 Walsh (William), Suffn. Bishop of Dover, his burial-place, 211, 414 Wapping, notes on eighteenth-century : Free- masonry at, 485, 533 Ward (Artemus) = Charles F. Brown, 310, 375, 477 War portents : Chinese belief in the Pallas sand- grouse, 139 Warrington gang trial, 71, 156 Warwickshire folk-lore, 47 Washington family : origin and arms, 107 Waterloo, letter of Alexander Pringle on battle of, 381 Waterloo Bounty, 31, 131 Waterloo ville, origin of place-name, 31 Wateson (George), rector of Millbrook, Beds, 1684, 72, 317, 377 Watt (James), statue of, by William Scoxilar, 352 Weather : continued wet from June, 1763 to February, 1764, 127, 173, 297 ; bad season : tragic occurrence, 309, 359, 396 Weather saying : " Rain before seven," suggested substitution, 168 Weatherall (Captain), in command of H.M.S. Observatenr in 1809, 129 Webster (John) and Middleton's play, ' Anything for a Quiet Life,' 181 (corrigenda, 300), 202, 225 Welch (Saunders) as Bow Street magistrate, 87 Wellington testimonial clock tower, 230 Welsh (Louise), 190 Welshmen and cheese, 110, 196, 234, 254, 335, 498 Welsh rabbit : see under Cheese Welsh u and Greek and Latin au, 191 Wentworth (Brigadier-General) and Admiral Vernon, 321, 350, 393 Wesley (Samuel), his poem ' Neck or Nothing,' 34 Westbury (Lord) and a trial for heresy : a barrister's bo n mot, 272, 316 Westminster Hall, State trials in, 132 Weston (Sir Richard) and the introduction of the turnip into English farming, 409, 438 West Wycombe Church, Buckinghamshire, ball on the* tower of, 289 Weymouth, the royal route to. 109, 175 Wharram-le- Street, the " woe waters " of, 430 " What between," : " what from," &c., use of the words, 271. 378, 438 Wheatley's ' London Cries,' identification of buildings shown in, 251 i Whiskey : " Single " whiskey, 18, 95 I White (W. Hale), sale of his books ; 137 ! Whitley (Col. Roger), painting of. 490 I Whittenbury (Dr.), Liverpool surgeon, 371 I Whittenbury family, 354, 519 Whitwell (Carolus), 4SS Whytc-Melville and Adam Lindsay Gordon , 89 Wife sales, 47 Wife's death 140 years after husband's birth, 29, 95 " Wild-cat scheme," meaning of phrase, 11, 133 ! Wilkins (Bishop), his scheme for a universal language, 469, 512 Williams, author of ' Balaam's Ass,' executed 1618 (? 1619), 12, 93 i Williams of the Middle Temple, executed 1618. 12, 297 Williams (A. T.), illustrator of Charles Dibdiivs songs, 431 I Williams (Giiffith), Winchester scholar, 527 Williams (Rev. J. de Kewer), collector of Crom- welliana. 450, 498, 531 Williams (Lieut.-Col. W.), F.R.A., 273 ' Willow Pattern/ opera produced in 1901, 78 i Willow pattern china: see China | Wilson (Elizabeth), ancestry wanted, 310 Wilson (John), bookseller, 175 Winchester scholars and the University of Lou- vain, 446 Window tax and dairies, 39 Winstanley (William), painter, 388 Winthrop (John), admitted to Inner Temple. 1624, 55 Win ton (George Seton, 5th Earl of), his " eight wives," 355 Wireless telegraphy, music transmitted by, 248 Wither (Charles), b. 1684, 329, 376 i Witherington family of Dublin, 43 i Wollstonecraft (Mary) : see Shelley (Mary Woll- slonecraft) Woodmongers' Company, 527 Woodthrope family, arms of, 212 i Woolfe (Sir Richard), r. 1735, 52s I " Word-painting," use of the expression, 127 I Wrottesley (Lord), his burial-place, 359 i Wynkbourne (Walter), survives hanging. 18 Wynne family, armorial bearings of, 362 Yalcs (Richard), letters on a journey to Scotland in 1730, 161, 183 Yawning for a Cheshire cheese, 289 Yeames (William Frederick), his burial-place, 211 Year 1,000 A.D., belief of Christendom that world was to come to an end in, 74. 116, 450 Yi Lu, painter on porcelain. 409 York, the Merchant Adventurers of : arms of, 77 York Minster, antiquities of, 468 York Street, Westminster: see under London Petty France " Zubr " : see Lithuanian bi*( n